“Not only was I fascinated and moved by Dr. Judith Orloff's struggles and experiences as a psychic, her encouragement to develop our own abilities to nurture and heal completely inspired me.”

—Dawn Steel, producer

“Judith Orloff is an M.D. and a psychic. She would be risking a great deal simply by making that admission, but in SECOND SIGHT she offers a great deal more by sharing with us her incredible and some times confusing journey in search of her true self.”

—Robin Quivers, cohost of the Howard Stern Show

“A liberating, intelligent, powerful book…. It's sort of ‘everything you always wanted to know about your spiritual destiny, but were too skeptical to ask.' Dr. Orloff has given us a fascinating, sane manifesto for the Millennium.”

—Brett Butler, actress, Grace Under Fire, ABC Television

“Fascinating…. Dr. Orloff writes with wisdom and humility about her emergence as a physician with extraordinary abilities. Highly recommended.”

—Dean Ornish, M.D., president & director, Preventive Medicine Research Center, author of Dr. Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease

“Dr. Judith Orloff walks the high wire between the truth of her psychic experiences and the rational, scientific world. SECOND SIGHT is a beautiful, inspired—and inspiring—balancing act.”

—McCall's magazine

“Frank, well-written…raises provocative questions.”

Elle magazine

“You must open this book and your mind. It is a book full of courage and enlightenment. I speak from experience when I say SECOND SIGHT is a ‘wise teacher.'”

—Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine & Miracles

“Truly special….[Orloff] is a psychic—a physician to the heart, mind, and soul.”

—Philadelphia Daily News

“Judith Orloff is the first of her kind. She is a clairvoyant psychiatrist whose mission in life is to help unify opposing worlds of metaphysics and modern medicine.”

M—Venice Magazine

“This story has a ring of integrity…. Anyone who is interested in intuitive development will be enriched by reading this book.”

—Alternative Therapies

“A book to re-read…a story to give one pause…. Orloff tells her story with conviction and a gentle, literate style that wins the reader to her narrative.”

—Napra Review (WA)

“A stunning look beyond the apparent limits of science and medicine into the larger sphere of mind and spirit.”

—Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

“An intensely personal, spiritual odyssey. Dr. Orloff's self-portrait as a psychic and psychiatrist is filled with love and a truth born of her extraordinary gift.”

—Norman Lear, writer-producer

“We are far more than we have allowed ourselves to be. Judith Orloff is to be commended for helping us to understand this simple truth.”

—Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life

“One of those rare books that has the potential to create shock waves and revolutions within a profession. An inspiring, lofty statement from a very courageous physician.”

—Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Word.

“Poignant…courageous and refreshing. Must-reading for all.”

—Edgar Mitchell, author of Way of the Explorer and Apollo 14 astronaut

“A valuable contribution to the understanding of what healing really encompasses.”

—Ralph Blum, author of The Book of Runes