Chapter 18 - Chapter IV of Venice Bloodworth's "Key To Yourself" (1952) The Subconscious Mind
THE subconscious mind presides over all the involuntary processes of your body, such as digestion, assimilation, elimination, the beating of your heart, the circulation of your blood, the manufacture of various glandular secretions. It builds, sustains, repairs and operates the body. Under its direction new cells are born every minute.
So accustomed are we to these operations of the subconscious mind that for a long time science failed to recognize any distinction between our two phases of mind. Finally, however, positive proof of cell renewal directed by a central intelligence presented itself, and it was learned that while the subconscious mind faithfully and tirelessly keeps up its work of building and operating the body whether we are awake, asleep, or under the influence of an anesthetic, it works under the control of the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind is the storehouse of memory, the seat of habit and instinct; it is also the center of emotion, and its action is automatic. The subconscious is that marvelous phase of your mind that brings things into existence by the sheer power of thought. It is the spiritual part of us and through it we are connected with the Divine and brought into relation with Infinite constructive forces of the universe.
The subconscious mind not only possesses the power and knowledge to build and repair your body; it is a part of the Universal Mind and has Infinite resources at its command. Dr. Jung tells us that the subconscious mind not only contains all the classified data gathered during all the past life of the individual, but that it contains also all the wisdom of all the immeasurable ages past, and that by drawing upon its wisdom and power the individual may possess the good things of life in great abundance.
Dr. Jung also makes clear the fact that so long as the individual remains in ignorance of his subconscious power just so long does it remain a great unused force that can prove dangerous to our welfare. Ignorance of the existence and power of the subconscious mind is the cause of all the failures and near failures in the world.
On the other hand we can draw on the subconscious mind for all the wisdom and power necessary in the management of all our business and personal affairs. In fact, anything we leave absolutely to the subconscious mind to handle we will see accomplished.
The subconscious mind does not think, reason, balance, judge, or reject. It simply accepts all suggestions furnished by the conscious mind whether they be good or evil, constructive or destructive. Herein lies the mighty power of the conscious mind. The subconscious mind receives any idea or belief as a pattern to work by and proceeds to bring such ideas and beliefs into manifestation.
Prior to the development of our conscious reasoning power the subconscious mind works by a hereditary pattern, or race instinct. During childhood these subconscious activities are the result of heredity and environment demands and continue to be such unless we are fortunate enough to learn the unlimited power of our subconscious mind, though some people unconsciously draw on this power with most splendid results.
Thus we find the secret of good or bad results in child training is due to the fact that whatever training children get leaves its impression on the subconscious mind and makes the habits formed in our tender years the basis for all future actions unless we consciously and systematically set about to change them.
Every thought that enters the conscious mind is subjected to our reasoning power. If we accept an idea or thought as true, it is then carried to the subconscious mind to act on and is brought forth into the visible expression as part of our physical condition and immediate surroundings.
Thus we find that in its last analysis the conscious mind decides our fate. So to control our health and environment we must control our thought.