As always, I am forever thankful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All that I am is because of you. There will never be a day that I am unappreciative for this gift you’ve given to me. #MyShepherd #HisFlock
To my hubby, Chris, thank you for being everything to me and supporting my dreams. It all comes down to love, and our love is never unsure. I love you. To my kiddos, you push me to go harder for my dreams, and I do so, so that you’ll have an example to push harder for yours. I love you.
To Black of BlackEncryption Designs, your talent is heaven sent! You always bring your A-game and deliver above and beyond what’s asked. Thank you for encrypting this novel with your stroke of genius.
To poets Kiana Donae and Tammie T. Bell Davis, thank you ladies for allowing me to share your gift of writing with mine. I absolutely admire your scribes, and it’s my honor to share them with the world.
To Diane Rembert, I know that God sent you into my life for a whole lifetime. I can’t ever thank you enough for everything from the initial phone calls to the late night emails and the hours-long conversations, lol! You are the best.
To N’Tyse, when predestined moments meets prayer and mixes with preparation, it’s a win! You are anointed, appointed, and assigned to do this, and I am blessed that you have been assigned to me! I am forever thankful to you, and I look forward to our climb together.
To Carl Weber and the Urban Books/Kensington family, thank you for the opportunity to allow readers across all platforms to read and fall in love with The View. I saw this moment in my head for years before it actually happened, and believe me, I am savoring the moment.
To the readers, thank you for supporting me, and I have one question: Are you #TeamMichael or #TeamHudson? Ha! Let’s get into it after you read The View.