Chapter 20
Michael fumed as Karli packed her luggage. He couldn’t believe the gall of her boss, or her at this point. Sure, their relationship had been strained lately, to say the least, but never in a million years could he have anticipated that she’d pack up and leave for the holidays. During the five years they’d been together, this sort of thing had never happened, and Michael wasn’t pleased at all.
“Why in the world would your boss want you to go out of town two days before Christmas, Karli? It’s the damn holidays!”
Karli shrugged. “Oh, I don’t know . . . Because I’m the new senior executive marketing director, and it’s my job?”
“You’re being sarcastic, but this is our time. We were both supposed to be on vacation and spending time together. What about our traditional gift wrapping and drinking eggnog while watching Christmas movies?”
She was so happy her back was to him so he didn’t have to see her rolling her eyes. Why he chose to act as if they were the perfect couple anymore was beyond her comprehension. Sex with Michael had become a mundane and mind-numbing chore. Did she still love him? Yes, and she was sure he still loved her, but she could no longer ignore the fact that everything that had transpired had taken a toll on their relationship.
The biggest issue was that he wanted his old thing back, but the old thing was tired, boring, and unfulfilling. Honestly, even though they’d supposedly moved on from the baby issue, it was still an issue. He’d only moved from trying to control her body through a baby to trying to control her body through sex. At the end of the day, control was still control.
Karli stuffed her toiletries into a plastic bag. “We can still drink eggnog and watch Christmas movies on Christmas Day. I’ll be back that morning, and I’ve already gift wrapped my presents. I placed them under the tree this morning.”
Michael huffed. “You know what I mean.”
“So what do you suppose I do, Michael? Tell my boss no and run the risk of being written up or demoted? I’m sure that’s what you want.” Her anger caused her to let that last part slip out.
Throwing up his hands, Michael seethed, “So we’re back to this again. Just when I thought you’d forgiven me. Thanks for that, Karli. Good way for us to move on.”
She wanted to yell, “If the shoe fits,” but she refrained and walked up to him, looked at him with apologetic eyes. “I’m sorry. I was wrong.” She held his face in her hands. “Michael, I don’t want to argue with you. My position requires me to do things a bit differently now. It may make us uncomfortable at first, but I’m trying to keep a balance. I just can’t have you battling every little thing because it makes you uncomfortable. If you want to work on us, you have to work on being more understanding.”
Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Michael took in what Karli had said. He realized she was right. She didn’t own her own business like he did, and like it or not, she had that senior position now, so when she was called upon, she was required to spring into action.
After pulling her close, he leaned his forehead against hers. “You’re right, Karli. Absolutely. I promise you, I will try harder, if you promise me that before you leave, I’ll get an early Christmas gift.”
Forcing a smile, Karli nodded. She knew this was the only way that Michael would ease up, and she was tired of the constant tug-of-war. It was making it harder for her to hold on to their marriage, especially while having someone like Hudson on the side.
“Just let me finish up my packing.” She gazed into his eyes as they wrapped their arms around each other.
Holding her a little closer, Michael breathed deeply and kissed her lips so passionately that Karli swooned. “You do know that I love you, right?”
Unable to answer, she gave a slight nod, still enveloped in the afterglow of the kiss.
“I know I’m to blame for all that’s happened, and I promise I’m trying to get it right,” Michael told her. “Just please don’t give up on me, Karli. Please.”
Tears glossed over Karli’s eyes, and she sniffed and wiped them away. This was probably the most sincere moment they’d shared in a long time, and it touched Karli in a way she hadn’t felt in forever. They stood in the embrace for a few minutes longer before they pulled apart so that she could finish packing her clothes.
Once she was finished, she stripped down and put on her robe, then sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Michael to come out of the shower for their lovemaking session. Even though it was going to be old missionary, she actually looked forward to the connection with her husband for the first time in such a long time.
“Karli!” Michael called from the bathroom.
Shaking her head, Karli couldn’t help but grin. Michael always forgot his soap when he showered, and usually called her and asked her to bring it to him so he didn’t have to step out of the warm water. She entered the bathroom, went to his sink drawer, and removed a fresh bar. She walked over to the shower and gently tapped on the door.
“Here’s your soap,” she said softly.
He opened the door, and instead of taking the soap, he gently grabbed Karli’s hand and pulled her into the shower with him. Karli jumped as he shut the door, and then he held her close as her hair and robe got soaked with water.
“Michael, what are you doing?” she asked. “I’m getting—”
He interrupted her with a deep, passionate kiss. In one swoop, Michael untied her robe, let it fall, and slid his fingers inside her honey pot. “Wet. You’re getting wet,” he said huskily against her lips as he teased her clit with his powerful fingers.
Karli took labored breaths as she held on to him, and got lost in the moment, which felt so good. “Ooh, Michael,” she whimpered.
He hardened against her at the emotion in her tone. “I love it when you say my name like that. I haven’t heard that in so long.”
Karli let out a sexy moan, and it was music to Michael’s ears. After easing Karli’s back against the wall, he kneeled down, gently lifted her leg over his shoulder, and sensually licked her succulent juices. Holding on to Michael for dear life, Karli panted and writhed under his masterful licks. Their moans grew as Karli’s climax neared, and when her sugary syrup was released into his mouth, Michael could no longer hold back. An animalistic nature took over him as he stood and turned Karli so that she faced the shower wall. Bracing himself and her, he entered her wetness from behind and held her tight as they wound and pumped together methodically. Her body felt like home. The familiarity they’d both known was back, and the mounting pleasure was greater than at any moment he’d ever shared with her.
“Mmm. Shit, Karli,” he groaned, unafraid of his emotions. “Ooh, this shit feels . . . feels . . . good.”
This routine was out of the norm for Michael, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He didn’t want to treat her like a jump-off or like some ho he used to deal with, but he figured he’d try to incorporate some things that he was comfortable with, and hopefully, he would please his wife. To his surprise, he was really pleased himself.
All this time, this was what she’d been begging Michael for, and he was finally giving it to her. Lost in the moment, nothing else and no one else mattered to Karli, only Michael and her. The feeling of him inside her grew, and she bent down, braced herself against his thrusts on the shower seat. The moment she did, she began throwing her back into him, and Michael let out a roar, gripping her about the waist.
As her luscious backside jiggled against him, Michael groaned deeper and began to deliver long strokes, going as deep as he could.
“Fuck! Work that shit. Just like that, baby. Fuck Daddy,” he yelled before he knew it.
Karli matched his speed as she arched her back and gave him her all. Months of pain and aggression oozed from both of them as they surrendered to the powerful love swirling between them. Grunts and moans could be heard throughout the house as their desire kicked into overdrive.
“Yes, Daddy. Fuck, yes,” Karli wailed as she reached her climax.
As soon as she did, Michael shot his hot load deep inside her. “Ahh! Argh!” he yelled.
He paused before removing himself, and then, without any energy left, he sat on the floor of the shower. Karli eased herself down and sat on top of him. Basking in the glory of their moment, Karli had a million thoughts running through her mind. The first one was that after tonight she’d have to end things with Hudson. Her husband had finally come around, and she truly had to devote herself to rebuilding and restoring what was lost, and embracing what was new. She was so happy, and she was actually relieved that Michael had finally seen the light. This was the man she’d vowed her life to, and she was happy that the old and the new him had finally merged and brought back her old thing.
“You good?” Michael grinned and slid his hand up and down her back.
“Better than good. I’m great.” She kissed his neck, nuzzling close to him. “Mmm, baby. You were so amazing. We can think of so many ways to—”
Michael kissed her forehead. “That was so great, baby, but it was a one-time deal. We both needed this, but I can’t be around here putting ho moves on you. Let’s just enjoy the moment for what it is now.”
Karli was so distraught she couldn’t even open her mouth to protest. She sat there for few minutes, stuck between satisfaction and sheer pisstivity. Just when she thought they’d taken two steps forward, they took ten steps back.
“Let’s finish the shower,” she said. She wanted nothing more than to shower and go straight to bed—and to forget this moment had ever happened.
* * *
Karli rushed in and greeted Hudson with a deep kiss of longing.
“Well, Happy pre–Christmas Eve to you too,” he greeted with a laugh. “I must say, I love it.”
Karli dropped her bags at the door and tossed her keys on a nearby table as Hudson closed the door. She headed directly to her favorite spot in the penthouse and peered out.
Eyeing her closely, he could tell something was off with her. He picked up her bags, carried them into the master bedroom, and walked back into the living room, stopping only to turn on some soft music. For a moment, he stood back and just drank in her features. Then he slowly came up behind her and kissed her neck. Holding her close, he swayed with her to the music, and Karli closed her eyes, loving the feeling of him on her.
“What’s on your mind?” he whispered.
Karli let out a weighty sigh.
“Tell me. You know you can talk to me about anything.”
“Michael and I made love last night, and I almost called things off with us,” she blurted out before she lost the nerve to say it. Confused and dazed, Hudson went to pull back, but Karli gripped his arm and held it in place. She needed him near. “It was just a front. He was trying to lure me in. I held on to my love for him and my devotion to my marriage because it was the only way in my mind that I could justify being with you. Ya know? I was telling myself, ‘Well, I’m technically not cheating if I’m still willing to be there, and I can stop being with Hudson whenever my marriage gets on track.’ But last night showed me that the only person who has been holding on and waiting for something to ignite is me. I swear to God, Hudson, he almost had me. I was so close to giving in.”
This was a pivotal moment to Hudson. He was pissed because she had said this as if he meant absolutely nothing to her, whereas she meant everything to him. Yet he had to consider the fact that she was married and had never given up her devotion to her husband. If they were married, wouldn’t he want her to reserve her best for him? Of course, the answer was yes, but that didn’t make her words hurt any less.
“I’ve hurt your feelings, and I’m sorry,” Karli said.
Exhaling, Hudson decided to take the high road. “It does hurt, but I can’t blame you for trying to love your husband. I just need to know if I need to be holding on anymore.”
Karli turned to face him for the first time and brushed his face with the back side of her hand. Staring into his intense crystal blues, she smiled. “Please hold on to me. I need you, Hudson. You’re the only thing that’s real to me.”
Her pleas were so sincere that he rested his forehead against hers, and before he knew it, he finally revealed how he felt. “I can’t let go of you. I’m so all in, it’s not even funny. Forget the sneaking around and making up work-related excuses. Leave him, Karli. Leave him and be with me.”
She bit her lip, unsure of herself and of him. He was speaking about her terminating her relationship with the man whom she’d vowed to spend the rest of her life with. On top of that, she wasn’t quite sure of Hudson’s actual feelings toward her.
Noticing her inner turbulence, he placed a soft kiss on her lips and said, “Just think about it.”
She ran her fingers through his short blond curls and pulled him to her for a passionate kiss. As their tongues tasted and teased each other, Hudson unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to his ankles. He felt nothing but bare skin as he trailed his hands up the backs of her thighs and underneath her dress. He couldn’t hold back. He lifted Karli up on his waist and slid into her moistness. Bouncing her up and down on his shaft, he gave all of himself to her. The lovemaking was wild and uninhibited as he softly slammed her against the windowpane, filling her up to the max.
“Hudson,” she moaned, her eyes closed, consumed with unwavering desire.
She opened her eyes to find him staring directly at her, as if willing her to look into his eyes and see his very soul. Everything that he’d kept hidden from Karli was suddenly clear. In that moment, no words were needed. She understood with complete clarity that he wanted her for himself.
As Karli stared back at him, she felt herself slicking his muscle with her climactic juices, and a gut-wrenching moan escaped her lips. Gripping her tightly about the waist, Hudson let out a yelp from the pit of his soul. He gave way to his climatic urges and released himself deep inside her love nest before he collapsed on the window seat, taking her with him.
“Karli! I love you!”
Karli eased herself off him and sat on the window seat. Slowly she took him into her mouth and worked him until another explosion erupted. She swallowed his full load and polished him clean.
Suddenly, they both became aware of the constant knocking at the door. Without bothering to fix himself, Hudson stalked to the door and opened it. There stood his ex, Tya.
“Damn, Hud. Yous guys getting started without me? I could hear you clear out in the hallway. Good thing you have the penthouse,” she joked as he moved to the side, allowing her in.
As soon as Tya stepped inside, she spotted Karli, and her mouth instantly watered. She wanted every drop of Karli. She could fully see why he’d just professed his love to her. Hell, she was practically in love with her at first sight. Karli was a goddess of perfection. Even though Tya and her girlfriend, Ximena, were on shaky ground, Tya had still allowed Hudson to pay her for this impromptu tryst. He was a multimillionaire, and she was a girl who loved money, but looking at Karli, she definitely would’ve done this for free.
Hudson leaned over and whispered in Tya’s ear, “Don’t get any ideas. She’s not up for grabs.”
Tya eyed him and shrugged. “Doesn’t mean we won’t have plenty of fun. I know I will.” She sashayed over to a nervous Karli, who kept looking downward. She ran her fingers through Karli’s hair and lifted her chin so that they were eye to eye. “I’m Tya, sweetie. Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you.”
Hudson walked over to the two ladies, stepped in between them, and faced Karli. “And I’m going to make sure she does. Remember, you don’t have to go through with this. Anytime you want to stop, say the word and she’s gone. My only concern is for you,” he said sincerely, staring lovingly into her eyes.
Tya was impressed. One of the reasons she had decided to pursue Ximena solely, despite her obvious obsession with women, was because Ximena loved her. Even though Hudson had money, which was one of the perks of being with him, no amount of money in the world could get her to stay with him when he was incapable of loving her. At some point, a girl just had to feel loved, and Tya could never get those emotions from him. Hudson was nice, caring, and honest, but love her, he did not. For Karli, he wore his emotions on the sleeve of his arm. He was completely smitten with her, and for the first time, she saw love in his eyes. She couldn’t deny that it gave her a twinge of jealousy, but it wasn’t enough to make her truly care or not want to enjoy this moment.
Karli cupped his face in her hands. “You’re so sweet. Remember, this is your gift, and I freely give it to you. No holds barred, no regrets. Merry Christmas, Hudson.”
Tya smiled inside. Now she could see how he had fallen for her. She loved him too. Tya didn’t know if Karli had admitted that to him or not, but it underpinned every word she spoke. Hudson loved Karli, and Karli, in turn, loved him.
With that, Karli lifted her dress above her head and let it fall to the floor, exposing all her naked glory. With determination and lust in her eyes, she turned her focus to Tya. Karli gently took Tya by her hand and led her into the master bedroom, with Hudson fresh on their heels.
Tya removed her coat, heels, and dress as Karli lay back on the bed. Hudson sat on his knees above her head. He lovingly ran his fingers through her hair, and she glided her fingertips up and down his thighs.
Tya slid her body between Karli’s legs and traced soft kisses from her thighs, up her stomach, to her nipples. Their moans began to mix as Hudson grew, and he began massaging his muscle as he watched the connection grow between the women. Tya moved up to Karli’s neck and suckled her earlobes as she eased her hand between Karli’s folds and strummed her love button. Karli’s moans reverberated in Hudson’s ears, and he bent down and lovingly kissed her as he watched Tya masterfully give Karli hand action.
Tya leaned forward and whispered in Karli’s ear, “Your pussy is so pretty.”
Positioning herself sideways between Karli’s legs, she placed her honey pot close to Karli’s and slid back and forth, connecting their clits. The wetness and intensity of their love buttons touching caused their moans to get louder, and Karli rubbed and gripped Tya’s butt, engulfed in pleasure.
Hudson couldn’t deny that seeing the woman he loved pleasured in this way was truly turning him on. He leaned over and began sucking Karli’s nipples as Tya pulled on his manhood.
Tya was so worked up at that point that she could no longer resist. She eased down between Karli’s legs and slipped her fingers inside her creamy folds. The pleasure Karli was feeling from both Hudson’s and Tya’s treatment of her body was almost overwhelming. Realizing that her hand work might bring Karli to completion, Tya slipped her face between her legs and swirled her tongue around, tasting Karli’s delectable juices.
Karli instantly grabbed Tya’s head and pushed her farther inside, forcing her to suckle deeper and harder. Hudson couldn’t take it and rose up, then placed his muscle inside Karli’s mouth. Karli pulled and slurped on him with vigor as Tya continued to unleash a fury of sensational licks on her clit.
“Suck it. Ooh, like that. Karli,” Hudson choked out, his head tilted back in delight, as he massaged her breasts.
Hudson’s moans sent both women over the edge, and Tya slipped her fingers to her own clit and rubbed while licking Karli to a completion. Karli stopped sucking on Hudson as she exploded in Tya’s mouth. Tya rose up, licking her lips, and Karli immediately flipped on all fours, took Hudson in her hand, and slipped him inside her mouth. Hudson lovingly rubbed her hair as he guided himself in and out of her mouth. Looking over at Tya, who was massaging her breasts and clit as she watched them, Hudson motioned for her to lick Karli from behind. She obliged and planted her tongue on Karli’s clit while rubbing on her juicy derriere. They all moaned simultaneously at the pleasure being unleashed.
Hudson could no longer hold on as he held Karli’s face between his hands and slid in and out. He released deep into her throat. A beastlike roar escaped from Hudson as he held her in place until all the remnants had been swallowed. After pulling out, he gently pulled Karli up and kissed her deeply on the mouth.
Fully into the moment, Karli slid her tongue around Hudson’s lips as they held each other in an embrace. “I want to taste her,” she whispered as they both looked back at Tya, who was sexily eyeing them both.
Hudson nodded and pointed to Tya. “Lie down on your back.”
Tya lay down, and Karli slipped between her legs. Hudson eased behind Karli, and she looked back at him. Touching her shoulder softly, he whispered to her, “This is a judgment-free zone. I want you whether you do or don’t. My fantasy is complete.”
Karli smiled devilishly at him and then back at Tya, who gave her the same look. Karli looked back at Hudson and smiled wickedly.
“Eat her real good, baby,” he instructed.
Karli lifted Tya’s legs and placed her face between her folds. There was no turning back now. As Karli tasted of the forbidden fruit, Tya let out a pleasure-filled groan, and that urged Karli on full force. She began swirling her tongue around and tasting Tya’s sweet nectar. Hudson had thought the sight of Karli being pleasured turned him on, but watching Karli give the pleasure released the beast in him. He buried his muscle inside Karli’s dripping wet spot and pumped harder than he’d ever had. Her ass bounced back to meet him, causing it to jiggle, with strong ripples. Tya screamed and moaned as Karli devoured her creamy center.
“Oh my God! Karli,” Tya screamed.
“Mmm, Hudson,” Karli moaned.
“Karli,” Hudson groaned as they all three climaxed together.
Tya fell back, spent, but Karli turned to Hudson, and they kissed fervently. The lust in their eyes was still evident, and Karli wrapped her legs around Hudson’s waist as he lifted her and eased himself inside her wetness again. The connection caused them to whimper in passion, and Karli held on to Hudson as he bounced her up and down on his shaft.
Tya smiled, realizing that this moment was theirs, and moved off the bed to the chair. She located her bullet in her coat pocket, turned it on, and settled for pleasuring herself as she watched Hudson and Karli make love to each other.
Hudson laid Karli on her back and lifted her legs high on his waist as he swirled and ground lovingly inside her sweet succulence. She held Hudson’s face as she looked into his eyes. She knew that Hudson was making love to her, and she gave in to it. She accepted the love he was giving to her. His crystal blue eyes stared so intently and so lovingly at her, it was as if he was willing her to see past the moment into his heart, into his soul. For the first time, she saw it and truly believed it. His love.
“Hudson, baby,” she whimpered, noticing his eyes mist. He knew that his feelings had been truly exposed, and the only thing in the world he wanted was Karli.
“Karli, I love you. I love you so much,” he whispered huskily, staring into her hazel eyes.
He released inside her, and she climaxed with him as their eyes remained locked on each other. They shared sweet pecks as they lovingly smiled at each other, completely oblivious to Tya, who had finished up and gotten dressed.
“Hey, you two lovebirds. I think I’m going to go now and let you have your moment.”
They both looked up at her and smiled.
“Thanks for a great evening,” she added. “Don’t worry. I’ll see myself out.”
“Thanks, Tya,” they said together as they continued to caress each other and snuggle.
Once she left, Hudson kissed Karli and caressed her cheek. “Thank you for my Christmas gift. It was beautiful, and so are you. Inside and out. I have a gift for you.”
Grinning, Karli sat up as Hudson got up and went to retrieve her gift and make sure that Tya had locked up. When he returned, Karli was sitting up with her back against the headboard, wrapped in the sheets.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” she said sweetly as Hudson climbed in bed beside her.
Hudson tapped her nose. “You know you want it,” he joked. “I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to, just like you wanted to give me my fantasy.” He gave her a velvet box. “Open it.”
Smiling, Karli opened the box and gasped, then covered her mouth with her hand. It was the most stunning diamond ring she’d ever seen. “Oh my God.”
Hudson bit his lip. “This,” he said, taking the ring out of the box, “is a promise ring. I promise to be here for you, solely and completely.” He placed the ring on the ring finger of her right hand. “I know that you have a lot to deal with and some tough decisions to get through. I realize I might not be on the winning end of this. Knowing that is hard on me, because my feelings are out there live, in color, but I accept that. I won’t pressure you, but this is just to let you know that I’ll wait. I’ll be there for you anytime and in every way. I’m yours, Karli. I’ll wait for you, even if you’re never mine.”
Tears sprang to Karli’s eyes as she leaned in to share a sweet kiss with Hudson. In that moment, she hated her selfishness toward him, but she had a lot to sort out. Then and there, she made a promise to herself that she would figure out what she wanted just for him. He deserved more than her indecisiveness.
“I . . . I don’t . . . know what to say. I wish I could promise you that I will leave my husband. I don’t know how that situation will pan out, but, Hudson, I thank you for being everything to me that I have needed and all that I have wanted.” She looked at him, capturing his gaze, so he could see that she meant what she was saying. “I am smitten,” she whispered, then closed her eyes before continuing the poem.
“Mmm this man, this man . . . opened me up to levels of pleasures I never knew existed . . . has my mind, body, and fantasies twisted . . . Craving every inch of him, touch, smell, completely free in his presence . . . Embers of lust rage, lavish in my belly effervescent . . . What he does to me is so sinfully sweet . . . Sexually opened my aura free and complete . . . Swirled into a whirlwind of reality and matrix . . . Unbearable bliss leaves my soul beautifully naked.”
She opened her eyes and met Hudson’s loving gaze. She could see the faint trace of tears in his eyes.
“Hudson, that’s how you make me feel.” She exhaled and smiled demurely at him. “I’ll figure this thing out, but regardless of what happens, I . . . I love you.”
Excitedly, Hudson pulled Karli to him and nuzzled the nape of her neck. “Now, that’s the best Christmas gift I’ve ever received.”
Karli had no idea what she was going to do about her marriage, and for now, she refused to think about it. For now, she was going to enjoy her time with her man.