Four years ago . . .
Karli examined herself in the mirror. The bustier and thigh-high panty hose she wore, which she had received at her bachelorette party, were a nice compliment to her curvaceous figure. She turned slightly, glimpsed her rotund backside, which she had tried to hide for years as a teen, then had finally accepted and embraced as an adult. Old feelings of embarrassment resurfaced at the realization that for the first time, someone other than her mother and her best friend, Catrina, would see her naked truth. She placed her hands on the bathroom sink and swallowed the lump in her throat. As she slowly raised her head, her hazel-brown eyes showed a fear that she was finally coming face-to- face with.
“You can do this, girl. Pull yourself together,” she coaxed herself just before picking up her champagne flute and downing another glass of liquid courage.
After placing the flute down, she stared at her three-carat diamond wedding band and smiled. What was she afraid of? The man who’d chosen her and given his all to her was waiting on the other side of that door. If anyone deserved all of her, it was him. She bit her lip and squared up. It was time.
She opened the door and sexily waltzed out into the plush honeymoon suite, her eyes fixed on her new husband, Michael. Inside she trembled, but she managed to display a confident exterior. As she crossed the room, Michael turned around on the bed. Instantly, his eyes bulged. Karli slowed her stride, afraid that he might not like what he was seeing.
“Oh. My. Dear. God,” Michael gasped, eyeing his beautiful bride. He stood, and instantly his manhood began to rise to the occasion.
He’d dutifully and diligently waited for this moment with his new wife. Since he had turned his life over to God a year before he met her, the struggle to remain celibate had been real for him, especially after meeting Karli. It was love at first sight, and he had known deep down that one day she’d be his wife. He was so happy that she’d agreed to marry him after only six months of dating. While he had desperately wanted to make her his wife as soon as possible, he’d be lying if he said the only reason had been love. No, some of it had definitely been lust. Before their marriage, his wife’s caramel complexion, smooth skin, hazel eyes, thin waist, and extremely rotund derriere had had him ready to plead to God for forgiveness and go ahead and jump into that pool of sinful delight. However, once he’d found out she was a virgin, Michael had known this was God’s test for him, and His way of letting him know He’d saved the best just for him. He hadn’t even touched her, and he’d known without a doubt that she’d be the best lover he’d ever had.
Michael slowly glided over to his wife and stood in front of her, admiring her sexy ensemble.
She stared at him with a lost and somewhat confused look on her face, hoping she didn’t turn off her new husband. “Is something wrong, baby?” Karli asked.
Michael flashed his gorgeous smile at her and caressed her face between the palms of his hands. “Absolutely not. Everything is perfect. You . . . are perfect. You are gorgeous, beautiful, magnificent, and glorious. The most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen in my life.” He took her hand and slowly twirled her around. “I love you. Every little bit of you. And I can’t wait to make love to you . . . my wife.”
She lovingly wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. The attraction and intensity ignited between them.
“I love you, Michael,” Karli whispered with bated breaths between passionate kisses.
Soft and sensual music by Miguel played in the background as Michael led her to the bed and sat her down. After he took a seat next to her, slowly he unhooked the clasps holding up her thigh highs and eased them off her legs. Then he unbuttoned her bustier, revealing all her glory. What a sight she was to behold. Her shyness caused her to cover herself. Michael recognized this was new to her, and rather than rush her, he kissed her hands and allowed her to remove them herself. He wanted her to be completely comfortable in their first moment, her first time.
With one arm around her back, he gave her the softest, sweetest kiss and lay her down on the bed. With their eyes locked, he stood and removed his pajama pants and boxer briefs, revealing a hard-on unlike any Karli had ever seen—which was really none. She’d actually seen a man’s package only once, and that was in the one porn movie she’d forced herself to watch with Catrina in college, cringing the entire time. The apprehension must’ve shown on her face as Michael slid in bed beside her, because he held her and caressed her in his arms.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he whispered. “We’ll go as slow as needed. We’ll take our time—”
“Do it right,” she sang, repeating the words to a song, and giggled nervously.
Michael laughed. “Yep, just like that. I’d wait an eternity to be with you.” He turned her face to his and gently kissed her pouty lips.
“Aw, baby,” she cooed, interlocking his hand with hers. “I thought I’d be ready, you know? I don’t want to disappoint you. I want to make love to you. I’m just so nervous.”
Gliding his finger along her jaw, he smiled at her. She was so delicate, so precious. He knew then he’d protect her and love her with all his might for all the days of his life. Indeed, she was the greatest gift God had ever given to him. Nothing could compare to the gift of her love.
“You’re not a disappointment to me, Karli. I admire you. I admire your strength and courage to hold on to your precious flower, and I thank you for wanting me to be the one to allow it to bloom. I will always cherish you and our love. I will always take care of your needs first. I will always be here for you. Whenever you’re ready, come to me. This moment may be ours, but this is all about you. From this day forward, it is all about you.”
Karli gazed at him, and for the first time, she felt completely free. She knew he loved her, and even the vows he had spoken at their wedding paled in comparison to his willingness to put her first and foremost. After leaning forward, she planted the most passionate kiss on his lips. The fire in her eyes was evident. With a slight nod, Karli gave Michael the permission that he’d been waiting on.
Michael eased on top of her and planted slow kisses against the nape of her neck, then trailed his tongue along her earlobes. The softness of his touch began to send her body into a frenzy. His massive hands found her voluptuous breasts, and he gently rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, creating just the right amount of pleasant pressure she could stand. Her breathing increased as he took his time enjoying every inch of her body, trailing kisses from her breasts down her stomach, making love with his tongue from her belly button all the way down to her thighs.
“Michael,” she moaned breathlessly.
After parting her thighs, Michael admired the nicely shaven treasure that lay between. His mouth watered as he prepared for his feast. Anticipation surged through him as he relished the fact that he would be the first to pleasure his wife in this manner and the first to taste her honeysuckle. His head game had always been on point. Although he hadn’t used it in nearly two years, it was just like riding a bike. Once you learned how, you didn’t forget.
After easing his face down to her crevice, he parted her already moistening folds until he saw the throbbing flower bud. His tongue encircled it slowly as he licked her sweetness in delight.
“Oh . . . my . . . oh my God,” Karli moaned as her body betrayed her attempts to keep calm. The amount of ecstasy surging through her was nearly unbearable. “Baby. Oh, baby!”
“Yes, baby. You taste so good.” He continued his feast.
Tremors rumbled from the base of Karli’s stomach through her legs as she clenched her thighs around Michael’s neck and held his head, screaming out in sheer delight, “Oh, Michael! Oh, Michael! Yes, Christ! Jesus! God Almighty!”
She showered his mouth and lips with her essence, and he didn’t stop until he had retrieved every drip drop. Peering up at Karli, he saw that she was lost in a euphoric high, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes. He was ready for her. Panting and at full staff, he sat up, positioned himself between her legs, and stared down into her beautiful eyes.
“Trust me,” he whispered to her.
She nodded, too lost in the wonderful feelings he’d given her to turn back now.
As he gently positioned her legs and pushed, he noticed her tense slightly and wince from the discomfort. Lovingly, he caressed her face and whispered, “I love you,” to her as he continued to push against her, and a few moments later, they both felt her hymen give way. He paused briefly to allow them both to cherish the moment of her deflowering. Then, gently he guided himself inside her, and they began to rock together easily as he took them both to unimaginable heights. When he released, she released with him again, and then he lay there for a moment, pulsating and trying to calm his beastly urges.
“How was it for you?” she asked, rubbing her hand across his head.
“It was everything I’ve ever wanted.”
Karli’s eyes clouded with tears, and she kissed him. “This is the most beautiful memory of my life. It was better than I ever dreamed it would be. You are more than I ever dreamed. I love you, Michael.”
“Mrs. Karli Fitzgerald-Sanders, I love you too.”
She smiled at him. “Just Sanders, baby. I changed my mind, and Daddy will just have to get over it and understand. He gave me away to the best hands ever. I am forever and always Mrs. Karli Sanders.”