Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Matthew 13:44; By seeming accident a man sometimes discovers the gospel treasure. Unaware of the saving grace of our Lord, devoid of true religious understanding, overburdened with the cares of the world, hardened by sin, walking in an ungodly and carnal course—he suddenly stumbles onto Christ and the pure Christianity found in his true Church. Immediately all else seems as dross. Temporal wealth becomes but glittering tinsel as compared to the eternal riches of Christ. Then worldly things are forsaken; then no sacrifice is too great for the new convert, as he seeks a valid title to the treasures of the kingdom.

Matthew 13:44; In addition to showing the comparative worth of temporal and eternal treasures, this parable has an allusion to the gathering of Israel in the last days. "The saints work after this pattern," the Prophet said, after quoting the parable. "See the Church of the Latter-day Saints, selling all that they have, and gathering themselves together unto a place that they may purchase for an inheritance, that they may be together and bear each other's afflictions in the day of calamity." (Teachings, p. 101.)

Matthew 13:44. Kingdom of heaven] The Church of Jesus Christ with all its saving powers and graces. Treasure] Gospel of salvation. Selleth all that he hath] No set price tag is attached to the gospel; men cannot buy it for a fixed amount; it is not for sale on the bargain counter. Instead, it is available to all, rich and poor alike, all who are willing to sacrifice everything they have to gain it.

I. V. Matthew 13:46. Treasure which is hid] Though the formally organized Church and kingdom operates openly among men, and though the gifts of the Spirit and the fruits of the gospel are seen on every hand, all these things are hidden treasures to the spiritually illiterate. "The things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." (1 Corinthians 2:11.)