John the Baptist Bears Witness of Christ

John 1:7 A witness] Deity works through witnesses; he does not personally teach each person. This mortal sphere is one in which men are privileged to walk by faith rather than by sight. The gospel is always preached by witnesses who know by personal revelation of the divinity of the message they bear. Acceptance or rejection of the Lord's witnesses brings salvation or damnation to men.

I. V. John 1:7. To bear record of the gospel through the Son] John's appointed mission was, not only to bear record that Jesus was the Son of God, but to testify that the gospel, through which salvation comes, would be revealed by the Son.

John 1:9. Lighteth every man that cometh into the world] Every person born into the world automatically and instinctively knows right from wrong because of the universally bestowed divine endowment called conscience. In other words, "the Spirit of Jesus Christ" or the light of Christ, "giveth light to every man that cometh into the world." (D&C 84:44-47.) "The Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil." (Moroni 7:12-19.)

D&C 93:10. Men were made by him] It was the Father, not the Son, who created man both in the spirit and in the flesh. The Lord Jesus was one of the created persons, both in the spirit in pre-existence and in the flesh in mortality. This statement of John the Baptist speaks of our Lord as the Creator of man on the basis of divine investiture of authority. On this principle our Lord sometimes speaks in the first person as though he were the Father because the Father has put his name upon the Son; and similarly, scriptures speak of the works of the Father as being those of the Son, because the Son represents the Father and the two exalted Personages are so perfectly and completely united as one in all things. (Mormon Doctrine, p. 122.)