Jesus Sendeth the Seventy Forth

Luke 10:16; Luke 10:1-11; This call and commission to the seventies parallels the prior selection and sending forth of the Twelve; and well it should, for seventies also are especial witnesses of the Lord's name, chosen elders charged with the obligation to carry the message of salvation to the world. Like the Twelve, they hold the Melchizedek Priesthood and are ordained to be "traveling ministers," who "preach the gospel, ... in all the world." (D&C 107:25, 97.)

Luke 10:16; Luke 10:1-11; "The seventies are called to be assistants to the Twelve Apostles," President Joseph F. Smith said. "Indeed, they are apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, subject to the direction of the Twelve, and it is their duty to respond to the call of the Twelve, under the direction of the First Presidency of the Church, to preach the gospel to every creature, to every tongue and people under the heavens, to whom they may be sent." (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., p. 183.)

Luke 10:16; Luke 10:1-11; "They are called to an apostolic calling," President Smith also said. "They are required to be special witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is expected of this body of men that they will have burning in their souls the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the spirit of prophecy; that they will be full of light and of the knowledge of the truth; that they will be enthusiastic in their calling, and in the cause of Zion, and that they will be ready at any moment, when required, to go out into the world, or anywhere throughout the Church and bear testimony of the truth, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and set examples before the world of purity, love, honesty, uprightness, and integrity to the truth." (Conf. Rep., Oct., 1904, p. 3.)

Luke 10:16; Luke 10:1-11; "It appears from the Old Testament account that at least from the days of Moses the elders of Israel have been ordained seventies and given special priesthood blessings and obligations. It was 'seventy of the elders of Israel' who went up with Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu and 'saw the God of Israel,' thus certainly becoming especial witnesses of his name. (Exodus 24:1-11.) And when the Lord gave Moses additional administrative help to aid in bearing the burdens of the multitudes of Israel, it was the seventy whom he chose. 'I will come down and talk with thee,' the Lord said to Moses, 'and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone.' Those seventy became mighty prophets in Israel. (Num. 11.)" (Mormon Doctrine, pp. 637-638.)

Luke 10:16; Luke 10:1-11; It is worthy of particular note that the presence of living apostles and living seventies in a church is one of the great evidences of the divinity of that organization. Where these officers are found serving as actual legal administrators, with power and authority from on high, there the kingdom of God on earth is found; where they are absent, there the kingdom of God is not. As is well known, the generality of professing Christian churches do not so much as claim to have modern apostles and seventies.

Luke 10:1-11. See Matthew 9:35-38; 10:1, 5-15.

Luke 10:1; 1. Other seventy also] There is no scriptural account of the organization of the first quorum of seventy in the meridian dispensation, but it is clear that Jesus was here organizing an additional quorum. The language is the same as that used by the Lord in directing the organization of quorums subsequent to the first in this dispensation. (D&C 107:96.)

Luke 10:2; 2. See Matthew 9:38.

Luke 10:4; 4. Neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes] See Matthew 10:9-10. Salute no man by the way] 'Do not stop by the way to make or renew personal friendships; your message is urgent; be about your Father's business.'

Luke 10:5-6; 5-6. That is: 'Pray that the spirit of peace, light, and discernment may rest upon those who hear your message. If they are receptive to the gospel of peace, then peace will well up in their hearts; otherwise, you will feel that your invocation on their behalf was void.' Son of peace] A Hebrew idiom meaning, one inclined to peace.

Luke 10:7; 7. The labourer is worthy of his hire] Those who give their full time to the ministry, who spend all their time serving the Church and their fellow men, must still eat, wear clothing, and find shelter from the elements. Such are entitled to be supported by those they serve. Similarly, when missionaries serve without purse or scrip, they are entitled to receive assistance from those among whom they minister. "Behold, I send you out to prove the world," the Lord says of them, "and the laborer is worthy of his hire. . . . Whoso receiveth you receiveth me; and the same will feed you, and clothe you, and give you money. And he who feeds you, or clothes you, or gives you money, shall in nowise lose his reward." (D&C 84:79, 89-90.)

Luke 10:7; Go not from house to house] There is nothing mechanical or routine about proselyting procedures; it is not a matter of knocking on every door, but of seeking out the honest in heart; missionaries must have the Spirit to guide them in where they go so that receptive vessels may be found and filled with living water.

Luke 10:8; 8. Further, those traveling without purse or scrip are seeking souls to save, not houses where they may be banqueted and coddled. They are to join with the family in partaking of whatever sustenance is commonly available.

Luke 10:9; 9. Heal the sick] See Luke 9:1. The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you] See Matthew 10:7.

10-11. See Matthew 10:11-15.

16. See Matthew 10:38-42; 11:1.