John Testifies Jesus Is Lamb of God
John 1:29. Lamb of God] How fitting for John whose mission was to close the door on the past glory and worship of Israel, and to open it for the coming gospel and worship which was to be made available for all men of all races—to testify that Jesus was the Lamb of God! For four thousand years righteous men had sacrificed the firstlings of their flocks, lambs and other animals without spot or blemish, in similitude of the coming sacrifice of the Son of God. (Moses 5:5-8.) Now Deity's own Son, born of woman, grown to maturity and commencing his ministry, was soon to be slain as a Paschal Lamb to atone for the sins of the world.
I. V. John 1:30-32. John is bearing record of what he saw and learned on the occasion of Jesus' baptism. Hence, he says "I knew him," rather than, "I knew him not," as the King James Version erroneously has it.
32. He who sent me] As with all true prophets, John was sent of God; he was a legal administrator. Angels had ministered to him; he had seen visions, received revelations, and now he was doing what he had been told to do.
34. Bethabara] Many manuscripts say Bethany. From the Book of Mormon account we learn that Bethabara is correct. (1 Nephi 10:9.) Also, by placing this verse at the end of John's testimony about the baptism of Jesus, rather than at the end of the conversation concerning Elias, the Inspired Version shows that the entire account took place at Bethabara.