Modern Need to Search the Scriptures
In the world today there is an appalling ignorance of the true teachings of the scriptures. There has never been a time before when so many have known so little about Deity and his laws. Nor has there been a time when the opportunity to learn the basic principles of salvation has been available to so many. But instead, "darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people" (D&C 112:23); it is "as with the people, so with the priest" (Isaiah 24:2); apostasy is universal, except among the Latter-day Saints.
But even in the true Church there are few sound scriptorians and theologians who have a comprehensive knowledge of revealed truth. So far this dispensation has not been noted for the diffusion of real gospel scholarship among the elders and saints generally. There are few modern experts on the gospel. Few have paid the price of intense study, of determined self-discipline, and of righteous living necessary to gain a broad knowledge of the truths of salvation. Nearly all members of the Church need to study the revealed word far more than they now do. Even a brief daily study period works miracles in adding to one's knowledge of the doctrines of the gospel.
This Doctrinal New Testament Commentary is designed as a tool to aid the saints to gain a knowledge of the Lord's dealings with his people in the meridian of time. Needless to say, the many New Testament commentaries prepared by the scholars of the world are of slight value to the saints. Such books are all written without reference to the great flood of gospel truth now available through latter-day revelation; their authors speak from the perspective of an apostate Christendom, without having a comprehensive knowledge of the whole plan of salvation. In many instances their evident purposes are to minimize, question, or out-and-out deny the divinity of our Lord. In almost every instance they reach false doctrinal conclusions, and such value as they may have is confined to their presentation of historical and social conditions among ancient peoples. The saints need Bible commentaries and doctrinal presentations which are prepared from the standpoint of the restored gospel.