How to Give Alms in Righteousness

Matthew 6:1-4; "Almsgiving is the contribution of free gifts to relieve the poor; the spirit that attends such a course is of God and finds its highest manifestation in the organized charitable enterprises of his earthly kingdom. . . . In modern times the major portion of the almsgiving of the saints is administered through the great Church Welfare Plan." (Mormon Doctrine, pp. 29-30.)

Matthew 6:1-4; In every gospel dispensation the Lord has required his saints to care for the temporal well-being of the poor among them. Organized almsgathering was one of the accepted features of Jewish life in the days of Jesus. Much of the giving, however, was done in a spirit of ostentatious display, with the expectancy of gaining popularity and honor from men. Modern almsgivers often follow the same pattern, trumpeting their donations and contributions through the columns of the press, no doubt expecting to gain business or political rewards which will outweigh the cost of the contribution. Verily, they have their reward.

3 Nephi 13:1. Jesus expressly commands almsgiving. Indeed, it is so vital a part of true religion that the Lord will not give heed to the prayers of his saints who turn away the needy and refuse to impart of their substance to the poor. (Alma 34:28.)