The Second Epistle of John and The Third Epistle of John

Why these two brief, personal epistles?

Their doctrinal content and historical recitations are, of course, minimal. But they do add a unique contribution to the revealed word which well pays for their preservation. Their purpose seems to be to give us a glimpse of the private life and problems of the Disciple whom Jesus loved.

We see in them his love for his family, and observe how their acceptance of and conformity to the law of his Lord is his chief concern. We see his intense interest in the spread of gospel truth, his support of those who bring it to pass, and his refusal to fellowship those who oppose the rolling forth of the Cause of Righteousness. And, sadly, we see the vigor of the opposition found in some quarters in the Church itself toward the apostolic witnesses who walked with Christ and were the living oracles for their day and dispensation.

Brief, less significant than some portions of Holy Writ, these two lesser epistles of the Beloved John are yet of eternal worth, and the saints rejoice in the added perspective they give to the Bible as a whole.