Do Not Aid and Assist False Teachers
2 John 1:7; 7. The promised day of darkness was already descending upon mankind; the great apostasy had its beginning even in that day when the original apostles walked among men. Is it any wonder that the destined darkness would cover the earth after those living lights ceased to minister among men?
2 John 1:8; 8. 'Keep the faith and endure to the end, lest we lose the hope of salvation.'
2 John 1:9; 9. 'Those who do not live the gospel lose the promised blessings, while those who are faithful have fellowship with the Father and the Son and shall be saved.'
2 John 1:10-11; 10-11. It is a sin to assist and uphold those who preach false doctrine and who run counter to the divine will; by so doing the saints become partakers of their evil deeds and shall be condemned accordingly. See Commentary II, pp. 456-460.
2 John 1:12-13; 12-13. Is John writing to his family—giving them love, blessings, and counsel—while he is dwelling somewhere else with another family, perhaps that of Gaius, to whom his Third Epistle is addressed?