Valkyrie was curled up on the couch with Xena, watching Saturday evening TV, when she saw Skulduggery drop slowly from the sky and land outside the window.

She moved the dog to one side and got up, padded on bare feet to the hall and opened the door.

Skulduggery’s jacket had bullet holes in it.

“You look like you’ve had fun,” she said, leaning against the doorjamb.

“I punched many bandits,” Skulduggery responded. “Temper did, too, but I punched more. Not that it was a competition. But, if it had been, I’d have won.”

“Well, I’m proud of you for winning what wasn’t a competition. Have all the refugees passed through the portal?”

“Not even close. By the time we were returning, there were perhaps two thousand waiting to go through, with plenty more arriving every few minutes. China finally sent in a battalion of Cleavers to offer protection.”

“Well, that was nice of her,” said Valkyrie. “Any sign of Mevolent’s army?”

“Not so far.”

“Well, you know, be grateful for small mercies, or whatever it is that people say. Also, have you seen your jacket?”

“Ah,” he said, “yes. Most unfortunate.”

“Do you even have anyone to fix it any more?”

“Of course. Ghastly wasn’t the only tailor in town – just the best. I see, by the way, that the Bentley is in one piece.”

“Naturally,” said Valkyrie, taking the car keys from the side table and handing them over. “When I borrow something, I return it in pristine condition, and I am shocked that you would ever doubt me.”

“I never doubt you,” he replied, and handed her a key in return.

She raised an eyebrow. “What’s this?”

“A spare,” he said, “for the Bentley. In case I ever lose my own.”

“You’re giving me a key to your car?”

“Just to mind.”

“Does this mean we’re now sharing the Bentley?”

Skulduggery stiffened. “Dear me, no. Not in the slightest.”

She clutched the key to her chest. “You mean I now own the Bentley? You’re giving her to me?”

“OK, I’m changing my mind about this whole thing,” he said, and reached for the key.

“No take backsies,” said Valkyrie, and shut the door.