


Quarnar’s renewal time was arriving. This physical body was nearly sixty years old and he could feel the egg sac of the next generation swelling. The various couplings he had while still young had fertilized the eggs long ago, but they were no longer dormant. He had a good supply of royal jelly hidden away but he needed to secrete more to have a buffer for his next self to grow quickly. This was the reason he had allowed twenty of his Human slaves to age the last ten years. Old brains were the best.

“Bind two of the chosen slaves and place them in my dining room,” he ordered his overseer. “And gag their mouth. I hate hearing that high-pitched noise when I feed.”

“Two? Yes, master,” the eunuch replied. Eunuchs made the best servants, much less twitchy than ones with full balls. He had eaten this one’s balls when they were at their prime. The hormones helped him in the orgy of copulation that afternoon.  He managed to acquire eight squirts from others instead of the three most get. His eggs were more diverse from that adding to the probability of a superior next manifestation. One had to use all the edges when there was only one copulation session in a lifetime.

Half an hour later Quarnar entered his dining room to find two old humans bound up in a cocoon. He glided over them and held the first one’s head firmly. Jerking could ruin the operation. His proboscis punched a hole in the forehead but not so deep as to rupture the medulla in back. That would instantly kill the body and ruin the effects of active neurons being ingested. Those active neurons were the key to regeneration. The royal jelly produced from them would enable the hatchling that first reached his brain stem to retain all his memories. Five hundred years of memory.