
Fomenting Rebellion


Oliver had been back a couple of weeks from the first foray into the outside Galaxy when he, Marco, Misha, and Cida landed two grav cycles in the Rose Garden of the White House. It took a few minutes to peel out of the EVA suits, but Gramm waited patiently.

“Good morning Mr. President. I would like to present Misha Serov recently of Atlantis,” Oliver introduced Misha formally to the President of the United States.

“Pleased to meet you. I trust Earth is treating you well. We will be a small group today. This way please.” he directed the group directly into the Oval Office. General Frank and the President’s Chief of Staff were waiting inside. After a tray of pastries and coffee were placed on the table everyone settled into the two couches and two easy chairs.

Oliver began without preamble, “You know by now we had our first direct contact in the wider Galaxy. What we found was both disturbing and encouraging. Immediately upon arriving, we encountered humans working at manual labor. The reason for the manual labor was extremely disturbing, to say the least. They were considered old, so the manual labor was to bulk them up before slaughtering for food.”

The President and his Chief of Staff’s faces twisted up with this appalling fact.

“That was the worst of our findings, for humans anyway.” Oliver continued, “We did learn some things which may be of good use. The indigent species of this planet, Dragons, are being exploited by another reptilian species called Shaitans. The Shaitans have been conducting a slow genocide of the Dragons who are ready to rebel. We intend to supply a rebellion via a barge of small arms and technical assistance. The Israelis have taken on this project.”

“You are going to land humans there again? In a war? What if they are caught and it leads back to Earth? The Chief of Staff asked aghast at the idea.

“It will be virtual. No physical presence. Our good friend Al can spoof Klingons on the hologram to give them small arms and small unit instruction, so no humans involved,” Oliver explained.

“Klingons?” Gramm could barely suppress his mirth remembering Al’s spoofing of the Hindu god Shiva and the Indian PM’s reaction.

“Yeah, Al likes Star Trek, what can I say? In a couple of months, we should know how well it worked. While there, we bought an Earthling. Peter had been abducted in 1781. Ironically, he was an American slave at the time. My point is we now have direct intelligence that humans are periodically being harvested from Earth. Israel now has further proof about the kidnapping during the second world war and they are pissed. Their agent Daniel’s report has given credibility to everything Yacapo told us. Alien abduction for slavery is reality and not just nutcase crazy,” Oliver said.

“How much did Peter cost?” President Gramm wanting to know in a relative way.

“Five copper pennies which brings up another point. Copper has the value of gold and vice versa.”

“If gold crashed it would not completely kill our economy. What would happen to them if copper crashed?” the Chief of Staff asked.

“Probably a lot since, as I understand it, copper is their money. Like our old gold standard days. Everything is milligrams of copper. Granted the electronic form of credits of copper is also used.”

“That will be an important tool,” Gen. Frank added.

“Tell them why Daka wanted those pennies,” Cida prompted.

“Yes. It is not only money but also an integral part of the Dragon’s and other species’ reproductive process. The Dragon genocide is being done by withholding copper. We gave five pennies and a pair of Dragons immediately used it to lay eggs,” Misha said. “Remember we were on the Dragon’s homeworld.”

“If we help them rebel, can we make it stick?” Gramm asked.

“Maybe,” Marco spoke up for the first time, “While Oliver was dirtside, we got into a space battle.”

“What!!!” General Frank almost came out of his chair.

“Calm down. We won easily although that was not a given at the time. Besides, we had no choice. A small customs cutter coasted up on us unawares and demanded inspection. We launched Gabriela and Jerry in our new fighter to even the odds.” Marco said.

“You have space fighters?” Gen Frank asked a little hurt.

“Yes, we have three, but only one was with us at the time. It is armed with lasers and kinetic missiles. Jerry hit the cutter with the lowest laser power he could and almost killed it. In Jerry’s words, ‘they took off like a scalded dog’.”

“A customs cutter does not make much of a space battle,” Gen Frank commented.

“Wait. After the cutter left, we dropped to low orbit to pick up Oliver’s party. While down there, two flights of three warships jumped us from opposite directions.”

“Which group did you engage first?” Gen. Frank asked warming back to the maneuvers.

“Good. You’re thinking tactically sir. We engaged the flight in retrograde orbit first. The closing speed was much higher. I ordered Jerry to hit one with the laser, full power. It peeled like a grape. I hit the next one with Winchester’s grav focus rod and detonated it. Then I ordered Jerry to hit the last one with a kinetic missile. Before the missile could get there, they hit Winchester with an energy beam of some sort. The kinetic missile bounced off. Apparently, they have similar grav bubbles as we do. It hit the Winchester again with the beam but at a lower power. I killed it with the grav focus before they could have another chance. Then we ran. That class of warship maxed out at fifteen G.” Marco concluded.

“At that point, I ordered a withdrawal to the moon base to evaluate. I wasn’t keen to take on a bigger ship just yet. Also, we don’t want them to think Klingons are wonton killers. Al had spoofed Lt. Worf to the cutter.” Oliver finished.

“Battle damage?” Gen. Frank asked.

“Negligible. Zan’s hillbilly armor worked. Those last ships fit his descriptions of local system warships.” Marco replied.

“Amazing we did so well with improvised ships and weapons against fit for purpose warships.” General Frank had made a very important observation.

Everyone sat quietly for a minute.

“Now I wonder what their bigger ships can do,” he added.

“Us too. Gabriela and Jerry are rigging a punching bag right now. Big volume and low density. We will try and lure a capital ship into a fight with our remote-controlled ghost ship. It’s a junk A380.” Marco said.

“Excellent idea.” President Gramm said.

“Jerry’s idea. He is much smarter than his education would make you believe.” Marco pointed out.

“Let’s not pick the fight next to the Dragon’s homeworld. We can wait a bit to find a good opportunity,” Gramm said.

“Agreed but the sooner we understand their military abilities, the sooner we can build Earth’s fleet to counter it.” Oliver pointed out. “Which is a big part of why I asked for this meeting. Earth. Must. Unify. ASS has withheld technology not to get rich, but to force this issue. With the Mars Accord done, it is time for Earth’s governments to start moving.”

“We have come to the same conclusion. No need to worry about the US government trying to steal your tech anymore. Can Al put together a film like the Atlantis one? I need tools to take this wide,” President Gramm said.

“Of course, I can,” Al said out of the President’s speakerphone.

“I wondered when you were going to show up,” Gen. Frank said with a smile.

“Sorry, I was on the other line with Marg. Daka is chewing them up single handed with one pistol and two hundred rounds. Dragons are natural born fighter when you give them a reason. And they get along very well with humans.” Al said.

“Al, when can you provide us with a video we can share with other heads of state? We can’t just release this unfiltered to the public. There would be rioting. It needs wide credibility and released in broad strokes first.” Gramm requested.

“It is on your phone. You really need to delete a bunch of those cat videos.”

“You hacked my phone?”


“Damn,” Gramm muttered.

“Al, are there other any Artificial Intelligences out there like you?” the Chief of Staff asked.

“Surprisingly, there do not seem to be even decent non-sentient A.I. at least on this world. We will see when we get to an industrialized world.”

“Keep your powder dry,” President Gramm said.

“While we are talking about it, when can we exploit Atlantis and the Red system in between?” the Chief of Staff asked.

“When Earth truly unites, there are even more worlds out there. They will NOT be made available while Earth is splintered. This is mankind’s big opportunity. If we can unite as nations, we can unite as a world. One thing you may not be factoring in is the fact there will be millions who want to leave the place of their servitude even if they have been freed. Just keep that in mind. They will probably be mixing with Earthlings on these new worlds,” Oliver pointed out.

“You are right, and I had not been thinking about it. In ten years’ time, it will be a major issue we will need to resolve. Even if we are militarily triumphant, the social questions are huge. But we do have a long road ahead and some time. Anyway, I will start building a unity coalition, but you will need to support me in front of the public eventually.” President Gramm pointed out.

“I dread that day. Maybe I can con someone else to do it in my place.” Oliver said.

“Don’t even think of looking at me,” Marco said quickly.

“Problem for another day. I am ready to wrap up. I promised Misha a real date today,” Oliver said in his finalizing voice.

“You will send us details?” the Chief of Staff asked.

“Yes, of course. Especially the space battle. Space Force needs to start compiling tactical data for the future.”

Al whispered in Oliver’s ear, “Almost no one sees live speeches. Anyone can be shown to the public. You or Cida.” Oliver just nodded. He had already thought of that.

“Marco, you and Cida going to Brazil?” General Frank asked.

“Yes, Cida needs to get some mud between her toes,” he replied.

“Can I tag along? I need some drinking and fishing time.”

“Sure, but you will have to ride in a rescue bag.”

“For less than an hour, no problem.”

“Y’all go have fun. Us workaholics will keep after it,” President Gramm exclaimed with a smile.

Everyone got up and walked out to the Rose Garden. The grav cycles descended from the sky.

“Where are we going?” Misha asked Oliver as she donned her EVA suit.

“Barcelona. We will walk down the Ramblas to Christopher Columbus’ statute where I will explain the story of an Old World going to the New World.” he said. “Al can you get us a hotel room and have Tamaroa meet us there with a couple of the lads?”

“Ok Boss. You know the area around the statue has dangerous types hanging around?” Al replied.

“That is why I brought Misha along,” Oliver joked.

“And I thought you were going to take me shopping,” she said.

“There are shops along the Ramblas. We can look in the windows as we walk and go into any shop when you see something you like.”

“Sounds wonderful,” Misha said as she closed her visor and wrapped her arms around the richest man in the Galaxy.

Oliver could feel himself swelling with the touch of a new woman. Well, new to him.