Thank you so much for reading The Last Dance. I honestly hope you loved it as much as I do. As an author we constantly hear the phrase ‘write the book you want to read’ and this is mine. I did a lot of research to write this book and capture the emotion that comes with losing someone important in your life. Death is not always an easy subject to work into a story and I hope I succeeded with this storyline. If, like Henry, you’re someone who is struggling with life, please know that you aren’t alone. There is help out there so please don’t hesitate to reach out (I’ll listen) and I’ll make sure you know where to find the support that you need.
As always, if you loved the book I’d like to ask you to please leave your review on Amazon. Amazon book reviews are almost as important as book sales themselves. Reviews are how Amazon decides if our books make the bestseller lists or not. Each review helps Amazon show my book to other potential readers and helps me rank up the charts. It doesn’t have to be much, just a line or two. Thank you in advance. I appreciate your review more than words could say.
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