
Are you a doubter? A believer? Or just confused? Not to worry because . . .

“There is a God.” In a cold and lonely universe, how often do we utter this phrase at life’s true miracles? Feeling your heart swell as you watch your little girl struggle with an ice cream cone that’s bigger than she is. The blessing of a loving spouse. You had the courage to say no to an aggressive telemarketer and a controlling mother on the same day. And is it not wondrous that customs merely smiled at the cheese, wine, sausage, bread, corkscrew, knife and several hotel towels in your carry-on?

There Is a God is a humble (but meticulously researched) compilation of the many things that make life wonderful and hopeful. Coming home to the sound of little feet running and hearing “Daddy!” Those suspicious little teeth marks on the cookies left out for Santa. Leaving the restaurant on a freezing night and discovering coat check gave you a warmer coat. And is it not marvelous that at seventy, you still ski with your original hips?

We hope you will think of these pages as little security blankets, gentle reminders of an entity, a Divine Presence, if you will, who soothes, watches over us, gives us hope and reassures us when things are not entirely bright.