Chapter Seven

A week before the big unveiling at Eden, Daniel packed his things, locked up his house, got into his SUV, and made the drive out to Vegas. He wished he weren’t going alone. Sure, his friends would be meeting him before the actual event, but that left almost a full week with him on his own in Sin City.

Of course, he’d be working a lot of that time. The reason he was going early was that he had to supervise the installation of his piece. The ceiling fixture had a lot of parts that had to be joined together in a very specific way. He didn’t trust anyone else to do it right. He had to be there.

Daniel usually didn’t feel lonely. He was an independent guy who enjoyed his solitude, enjoyed being able to hear his own thoughts. But being at home or at work alone was one thing. Being alone in Las Vegas, capital of hedonism and impromptu marriage, was entirely another.

Of course, it was always possible that he could hook up with someone during the trip, someone he might meet at the bar or the pool. But that sort of thing had lost its allure as Daniel had grown older. While he used to see impulsive hookup sex as harmless fun, these days it just seemed kind of sad. He didn’t really want anonymous sex. He wanted someone he could talk to. He wanted the kind of connection that came with mutual affection and respect.

Might as well start shopping for a walker, Reed, he told himself as he maneuvered his SUV through the light traffic of Interstate 5 as it passed through Kern County. You’re getting old.

But even as he thought that, he realized it was bullshit. He wasn’t getting old. He was growing up.

The day was hot and bright, even though it was late October. That was one thing he missed about Colorado, where he’d grown up: the seasons. In this part of California, it was just as likely to be seventy degrees in February as it was in June. It just didn’t make sense. It defied the natural order of things. He’d moved to the state years ago, and yet he’d still never really adjusted.

He drove, blasting Vampire Weekend and Givers on the sound system as he tried not to think about Lacy Jordan.


She was coming to Vegas for the unveiling, and that was good. But that asshole fiancé of hers had refused the room he’d offered, and that was stupid. Daniel asked himself, not for the first time, why she was marrying that guy.

His interest wasn’t personal. Of course not. It was more … curiosity. Why would a lovely, kind, smart, funny woman like her decide to spend a lifetime with an uptight, boring, fashion-challenged prick like Brandon Lewis? It didn’t make sense, and Daniel liked for things to make sense.

Still, he figured it was her business, not his. And maybe Brandon had some fine qualities Daniel didn’t know about. Maybe he was kind to animals. Maybe he was better socially one-on-one, with Lacy, than he was in group situations. Maybe he wrote sensitive poetry. Women liked sensitive poetry.

Whatever it was, Daniel envied the hell out of it, because it had gotten him Lacy. A woman like Lacy, he amended. Because this wasn’t about Lacy specifically. Of course it wasn’t.

Daniel made the rest of the drive, stopping once in Barstow for a Big Mac and fries. When he got to Eden, a couple of blocks off the Vegas Strip, he gave the valet his car, got checked into his room, and dropped his bag on one of the two queen-size beds.

He peeked into the bathroom and saw that he had a Jacuzzi tub in there.

He sighed.

A queen-size bed and a Jacuzzi tub weren’t nearly as much fun alone.


Lacy and Brandon fought again on the way to Vegas. The fight wasn’t just about the hotel room, though that was part of it.

It started when Lacy told Brandon that Kate and Jackson had invited them to see a Cirque du Soleil show the following night, but from there, it spread in many directions, like a particularly virulent virus.

I don’t want to see Cirque du Soleil,” Brandon said. “Or, actually, I do. But I don’t want to see that particular production. I want to see the aquatic one. You know, the one at the Bellagio.”

Oh. But everyone’s going to the one at the Mirage. We were all going to go together, and—”

Nah.” Brandon wrinkled his nose as though he were smelling something unpleasant, like dirty sweat socks or French cheese. “Let’s skip it and do our own thing.”

Lacy began to feel uneasy, because one of the most attractive things about this trip was the fact that she would be doing it with her best friends, sharing the experience, doing a little girl bonding at the same time as she was enjoying a weekend with Brandon. But now, his nose wrinkles were calling the entire plan into question.

Well … I guess we don’t have to see that particular show,” Lacy allowed. “But … I do want to spend some time with Kate and Gen and Rose.”

Brandon let out a weary sigh, the same weary sigh he used whenever he wanted to belittle something Lacy was saying.

I would think you spend enough time with them at home. More than enough.”

What’s that supposed to mean?” Lacy said. “They’re my friends.

Oh, I know.” Brandon chuckled bitterly. “Believe me, I know.”

Lacy shifted in her seat so she could face him more directly as he drove the I-15 toward the Nevada state line. “Brandon? Do you have a problem with my friends?”

He didn’t say anything at first, but she saw his knuckles whiten as his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

Brandon?” she prompted him.

It’s just … do you have to see them every day? Every day, Lacy? You don’t even see me every day.”

Lacy threw her hands into the air in frustration. “Of course I see them more often than I see you! They live in Cambria! They all work on Main Street! They come into Jitters every day, and I serve them their coffee! You’re all the way down in Morro Bay with your … your office and your chiropractic patients and your … your golf!”

He threw her a weary look before returning his gaze to the road. “Now you have a problem with me playing golf?”

No! It’s none of my business if you play golf, just like it’s none of yours if I like to spend time with my friends!”

He was silent for a few moments, but now his jaw was flexing along with his clenched knuckles.

You know I’m looking for a place in Cambria,” he said, his voice tight.

I know. That’s not—”

And I would think that it will all be my business once you’re my wife.”

Lacy recoiled as though she’d been slapped. Not because what he’d said was so shocking or horrible, but because he was simply telling the truth about how he saw the world—a truth she hadn’t understood until now.

He did think it would all be his business once they were married. He really did believe he should have a significant say in how she would spend her time. And he didn’t approve of her spending time with her friends.

What would that mean once they were married? What would her life look like? She would have the house in Cambria and the kids, sure. But would she be expected to retreat into a world centered on Brandon? Did he expect to become the sun around which she, a minor planet, would orbit?

Lacy?” he said when she hadn’t spoken for more than five minutes.

Yeah?” Her voice sounded vague, distracted.

All I’m saying is that—”

I know what you’re saying.”

And?” he prompted her.

If he wanted to get into it, well, then, they would get into it.

My friends are a big part of my life, Brandon. That’s not going to change once we’re married. I’ll be seeing them every day, just like I do now, so you need to get used to that. They’re my family. And you wouldn’t expect me to just … cut off my family.”

Now that you mention it …” A wry smile tugged at his lips.

Lacy glared at him. “Now that I mention it, what?”

Well. You do spend a lot of time with your mother. And your sisters. I really think they’re a bad influence.”

A bad influence?”

You wouldn’t still be working at a coffeehouse if your parents had insisted that you go to college. You wouldn’t be living in a … a tin can in the backyard.” His voice picked up force as he warmed to his topic. “You know, Lacy, you need someone like me to guide you. To help you get your priorities in order.”

My priorities? My priorities?”

Yes! Yes! Your priorities!”

I think friendship and family and … and honest work are good priorities, Brandon!”

And wasting your time reading those idiot novels you love so much?” He was taunting her now, playing with her, coming in for the kill.

Lacy waved her hands in front of her face as if to clear away the noxious fumes that were his words.

Now you have a problem with the books I read?”

Yes. Yes. Now that you’re bringing it up, I do.”

You brought it up, Brandon! Not me!”

Well, now that it’s out there, I think it’s time we talked about it.”

Brandon’s car shot down the I-15 at 70 miles per hour amid sparse traffic, the great expanse of barren desert stretching out around them. A flock of birds flew overhead, and a wiry brown rabbit took cover under a scrubby bush.

What the hell is wrong with my books?” Lacy demanded.

Like this one?” Brandon snatched up a paperback that had been sitting on the center console between them. A historical romance, it featured a shirtless man embracing a woman whose breasts were perilously close to spilling out of her dress. “This is garbage, Lacy. It’s … it’s the worst kind of trash. You need to be reading quality books. The classics.”

The classics? This is my life, Brandon. This isn’t senior English.”

No, although when you were in high school, you probably cut class every day, or you might have a real job.”

Lacy felt stunned and sickened. Was this how he felt about her? Was this how he’d felt all along?

Give me the book,” she said, her voice low and even.


Give me the book, Brandon.”


She reached for it, and he yanked his arm away. He hit the button for the automatic window, and when the glass had rolled down, he dodged her reaching hand and hurled the book out the window, where if flapped and fluttered to the roadside like a dying bird.

There wasn’t much to say after that. Lacy turned away from him to look out her window at the passing desert landscape. She crossed her legs and folded her arms over her chest. If she could just make herself very small, maybe she could pretend that she wasn’t here, beside this man.