Chapter 50

The Dark Star

He Who Remains Classified clandestinely obtained a copy of Mary’s latest psychotherapy records, with no one the wiser. As with Ward, the content caused anguish and resentment. At least she had not revealed any names—the ungrateful, self-serving cunt!

He Who Remains Classified spat on the Wangert file folder. He destroyed the snapshot in his wallet. How he could have been so dense? Her accusation that he was a double agent was preposterous, of course, and that piece of fantasy could be shrugged off as typical civilian idiocy.

He banged his forehead against the office window, scaring away the birds from his feeder. What irked him most was her lopsided description of their affair, making him out to be some kind of predatory animal, as if he had taken advantage of an innocent fawn. Nothing could be further from the vixenish truth. He resented her betrayal more deeply than any of the departmental backstabbing or coup attempts he’d survived. How could she not acknowledge the reality of his passion?

Her fraudulence added insult to another fresh injury—the discovery of his son’s homosexuality. The reports on Anthony’s political activism had been hard enough. Homosexuality was the last straw. The Wangert family was providing him with an education, all right—a crash course in all that was wrong with the pansy, privileged elite. Maybe James Jesus Angleton was right—may the old sot rest in peace—a Mole of Decay was burrowing deeper into this country than anyone suspected.

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