Select Bibliography

Beast and Man in India. J. G. Kipling (Macmillan: 1891).

Mother India. Katherine Mayo (Cape: 1927).

Father India. C. S. Ranga Jyer (Selwyn & Blount: 1927).

An Indian Journey. Waldemar Bonsels (Allen & Unwin: 1929).

The Myth of the Mystic East. R. H. Elliot (Blackwoods: 1934).

The Legacy of India. G. T. Garratt (O.U.P.: 1937).

India of the Princes. Rosita Forbes (The Book Club: 1939).

The Discovery of India. Jawaharlal Nehru (London: 1946).

Religion and Society Among the Coorgs of South India. M. N. Srinivas (O.U.P.: 1952).

The Other Mind: A Study of Dance in South India. Beryl de Zoete (Gollancz: 1953).

Just Half a World Away. Jean Lyon (Hutchinson: 1955).

A History of South India. Nilakanta Sastri (O.U.P.: 1955).

India. Madeleine Biardeau (Vista Books: 1960).

Hinduism. K. M. Sen (Penguin Books: 1961).

Caste in India. J. H. Hutton (O.U.P.: 1963).

Marriage and Family in India. K. M. Kapadia (O.U.P.: 1963).

India. Taya Zinkin (Thames & Hudson: 1965).

The Continent of Circe. N. C. Chaudhuri (Chatto & Windus: 1965).

The Crisis of India. Ronald Segal (Cape: 1965).

Purity and Danger. Mary Douglas (Routledge & Kegan Paul: 1966).

A History of India (2 vols.). Romila Thapar and Percival Spear (Pelican Books: 1966).

The Kodavas. B. D. Ganapathy (Privately published, Mangalore 1967).

A Special India. James Halliday (Chatto & Windus: 1968).

India from Curzon to Nehru and After. Durga Das (Collins: 1969).

The British Image of India. Allen Greenberger (O.U.P.: 1969).

Life Without Birth. Stanley Johnson (Heinemann: 1970).

Basic Writings of S. Radhakrishnan (E. P. Dutton: 1970).

Portrait of India. Ved Mehta (Weidenfeld & Nicolson: 1970).

The Speaking Tree. Richard Lannoy (O.U.P.: 1971).

Delusions and Discoveries. Benita Parry (Allen Lane: 1972).

Witness to an Era. Frank Moraes (Weidenfeld & Nicolson: 1973).

Journey to Gorakhpur. John Moffit (Sheldon Press: 1973).

Into India. John Keay (John Murray: 1973).

India 1973 (Published by Ministry of Information, Government of India).

Murray’s Handbook to India, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon (21st Edition).

The Penguin Bhagavad Gita, translated by Juan Mascaro.