
Abbreviations are followed by the full Latin title in Kühn or in the standard modern edition, the English title used in this book, and reference to the most reliable modern critical edition of the text, if this is not Kühn’s edition. For all other works, the most recent edition is C. G. Kühn, Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia, 20 vols. (Leipzig: Cnobloch, 1821–33); reprinted in 22 vols. (Hildesheim: Olms, 1964–65). Modern English translations are also noted.

For the sake of simplicity I have referred to volume and page numbers in Kühn’s edition throughout this book.

Adhort. Art. = Adhortatio ad artes addiscendas. Edition, with French translation: Véronique Boudon, Galien, Vol. 2, Exhortation à l’étude de la médecine; Art medical (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2000). English translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).

Adv. Jul. = Adversus ea quae a Juliano in Hippocratis aphorismos enuntiata sunt (Against Julian’s Criticisms of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates). Edition: Ernst Wenkebach, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.10.3 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1951).

Adv. Lyc. = Adversus Lycum (Against Lycus). Edition: Ernst Wenkebach, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.10.3 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1951).

Aliment. Fac. = De alimentorum facultatibus. Edition: Konrad Koch et al., Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.4.2 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1923). Translations: O. W. Powell and John Wilkins, On the Properties of Foodstuffs (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003). Mark Grant, Galen on Food and Diet (London: Routledge, 2000).

An. Arter. Sang. = An in arteriis natura sanguis contineatur (Whether the Arteries Naturally Contain Blood). Translation: David J. Furley and J. S. Wilkie, Galen on Respiration and the Arteries (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984).

Anat. Admin. = De anatomicis administrationibus (On Anatomical Procedures). Edition of books surviving in Greek: Ivan Garofalo, Galenus: Anatomicarum administrationum libri quae supersunt novem, 2 vols. (Naples: Brill, 1986). Edition of books surviving in Arabic, with German translation: Max Simon, Sieben Bücher Anatomie des Galen (Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, 1906). Translation of books surviving in Greek: Charles Singer, On Anatomical Procedures (London: Oxford University Press for the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 1956). Translation of books surviving in Arabic: Malcolm Lyons and B. Towers, eds., and W. L. H. Duckworth, tran., On Anatomical Procedures: The Later Books (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962).

Anim. Affect. Dign., Anim. Peccat. Dign. = De animi cuiuslibet affectuum et peccatorum dignotione et curatione (On Diagnosing and Curing the Affections and Errors of the Soul). Edition: Wilko de Boer, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum (Leipzig: Teubner, 1937). Translations: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997); Paul W. Harkins and Walther Riese, Galen on the Passions and Errors of the Soul (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1963).

Anim. Mor. Corp. = Quod animi mores corporis temperamenta sequantur (That the Soul Follows the Mixtures of the Body). Edition: Johann Marquardt, Iwan von Müller, and Georg Helmreich, eds., Claudii Galeni Pergameni Scripta Minora, 3 vols. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1884–93), Vol. 2 (repr. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1967). Translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).

Antid. = De antidotis (On Antidotes).

Ars Med. = Ars medica (The Art of Medicine). Edition, with French translation: Véronique Boudon, Galien, Vol. 2, Exhortation à l’étude de la médecine; Art médical (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2000). English translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).

Atra Bile = De atra bile. Edition: Wilko de Boer, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum (Leipzig: Teubner, 1937). Translation: Mark Grant, Galen on Food and Diet (London: Routledge, 2000).

Bon. Hab. = De bono habitu. Translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).

Bon. Mal. Suc. = De bonis malisque sucis (On Good and Bad Humors). Edition: Konrad Koch et al., Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.4.2 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1923). Edition, with Italian translation: Anna Maria Ieraci Bio, De bonis malisque sucis (Naples: M. D’Auria, 1987).

Caus. morb. = De causis morborum (On the Causes of Diseases). Translation: Ian Johnston, Galen on Diseases and Symptoms (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006).

Caus. Puls. = De causis pulsuum (On the Causes of Pulses).

Caus. Resp. = De causis respirationis (On the Causes of Respiration). Translation: David J. Furley and J. S. Wilkie, Galen on Respiration and the Arteries (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984).

Comp. Med. Gen. = De compositione medicamentorum per genera (On the Composition of Drugs by Type).

Comp. Med. Loc. = De compositione medicamentorum secundum locos (On the Composition of Drugs by Part).

Cris. = De crisibus (On Crises). Edition, with German translation: Bengt Alexanderson, IIEPI KPIΣEΩN: Überlieferung und Text, Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia 23 (Stockholm, 1967).

Cur. Ven. Sect. = De curandiratione pervenae sectionem (On Treatment by Venesection). Translation: Peter Brain, Galen on Bloodletting (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986).

Dieb. Decret. = De diebus decretoriis (On Critical Days).

Diff. Puls. = De differentia pulsuum (On the Differences in Pulses).

Diff. Resp. = De difficultate respirationis.

Dign. Insomn. = De dignotione ex insomniis (On Diagnosis from Dreams). Translation: Steven M. Oberhelman, “Galen, On Diagnosis from Dreams,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 38 (1983): 36–47.

Dign. puls. = De dignoscendis pulsibus (On the Diagnosis of Pulses).

Elem. Hipp. = De elementis ex Hippocratis sententia (On the Elements According to Hippocrates). Edition, with English translation: Phillip de Lacy, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.1.2 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1996).

Exp. Med. = De experientia medica (On Medical Experience). Arabic. Edition, with English translation: R. Walzer, Galen on Medical Experience (London and New York: Oxford University Press for the Trustees of Sir Henry Wellcome, 1944). Translation reprinted in M. Frede and R. Walzer, Three Treatises on the Nature of Science (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1985).

Febr. Diff. = De febrium differentiis (On the Differences in Fevers).

Foet. Form. = De foetuum formatione (On the Formation of the Fetus). Translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).

Hipp. 1 Epid. = In Hippocratis Epidemiarum librum primum commentarius. Edition: Ernst Wenkebach and Franz Pfaff, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.10.1 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1934).

Hipp. 1 Prorrh. = In Hippocratis librum primum Prorrheticum commentarius. Edition: Hermann Diels, Johannes Mewaldt, and Joseph Heeg, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.9.2 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1915).

Hipp. 2 Epid. = In Hippocratis Epidemiarum librum secundum commentarius. Arabic. Edition, with German translation: Ernst Wenkebach and Franz Pfaff, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.10.1 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1934).

Hipp. 3 Epid. = In Hippocratis Epidemiarum librum tertium commentarius. Edition: Ernst Wenkebach, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum (Leipzig: Teubner, 1936).

Hipp. 6 Epid. = In Hippocratis Epidemiarum librum sextum commentarius. Edition, with German translation of parts surviving in Arabic: Ernst Wenkebach and Franz Pfaff, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, 2d ed. (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1956).

Hipp. Acut. Vict. = In Hippocratis De victu acutorum commentarius. Edition: Georg Helmreich, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.9.1 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1914).

Hipp. Aph. = In Hippocratis Aphorismos commentarius.

Hipp. Artic. = In Hippocratis librum De articulis commentarius.

Hipp. Fract. = In Hippocratis librum De fracturis commentarius.

Hipp. Nat. Hom. = In Hippocratis De natura hominis librum commentarius (On Hippocrates’ The Nature of Man). Edition: Johannes Mewaldt, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.9.1 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1914).

Hipp. Off. = In Hippocratis librum De officina medici commentarius. Greek and Arabic. Edition of Arabic text, with English translation: Malcolm Lyons, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, Supplementum Orientale 1 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1963).

Hipp. Prog. = In Hippocratis Prognostica commentarius. Edition: Hermann Diels, Johannes Mewaldt, and Joseph Heeg, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.9.2 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1915).

Ind. = De indolentia (Avoiding Distress). Editions, with French translations: Véronique Boudon-Millot, “Un traité perdu de Galien miraculeusement retrouvé, le Sur l’inutilité de se chagriner: Texte grec et traduction française,” in La Science médicale antique: Nouveaux regards, ed. V. Boudon-Millot, A. Guardasole, and C. Magdelaine (Paris: Beauchesne, 2007), 67–118; Véronique Boudon-Millot and Jacques Jouanna, Galien, Vol. 4, Ne pas se chagriner (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2010).

Instr. oder. = De instrumento oderatus (On the Organ of Smelling). Edition, with German translation: Jutta Kollesch, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum Supplementum 5 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1964).

Libr. Propr. = De libris propiis (On My Own Books). Edition, with French translation: Véronique Boudon-Millot, Galien, Vol. 1, Introduction générale; Sur l’ordre de ses propres livres; Sur ses propres livres; Que l’excellent médecin est aussi philosophe (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007). English translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997). Note: Singer’s translation was made before the discovery of a new manuscript of this treatise, with a long passage that did not survive in the single manuscript previously known.

Loc. Affect. = De locis affectis (On the Affected Parts). Translation: Rudolph E. Siegel, Galen on the Affected Parts (Basel: S. Karger, 1976).

Meth. Med. = De methodo medendi (On the Method of Healing). Edition, with English translation: Ian Johnston and G. H. R. Horsley, Galen: Method of Medicine, 3 vols. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011).

Meth. Med. Glauc. = De methodo medendi ad Glauconem (On the Method of Healing to Glaucon).

Mor. = De moribus (On Characters). Arabic. Edition: Paul Kraus, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Egypt 5.1 (1939): 1–51. English translation: J. N. Mattock, “A Translation of the Arabic Epitome of Galen’s Book Пɛρί ɵων,” in Islamic Philosophy and the Classical Tradition, ed. S. M. Stern, Albert Hourani, and Vivian Brown. Festschrift Richard Walzer (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1972).

Morb. Diff. = De morborum differentiis (On the Differences in Diseases). Translation: Ian Johnston, Galen on Diseases and Symptoms (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006).

Morb. Temp. = De morborum temporibus.

Motu Musc. = De motu musculorum. Edition, with Italian translation: Pietro Rosa (Pisa: Serra, 2009).

Musc. Dissect. = De musculorum dissectione ad tirones (On the Anatomy of the Muscles). Edition, with French translation: Ivan Garofalo and Armelle Debru, Galien, Vol. 7, Les Os pour les debutants; L’Anatomie des muscles (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2005). English translation: Charles Mayo Goss, “On the Anatomy of Muscles for Beginners,” Anatomical Record 145 (1963): 477–501.

Nat. Fac. = De naturalibus facultatibus (On the Natural Faculties). Edition: Johann Marquardt, Iwan von Müller, and Georg Helmreich, eds., Claudii Galeni Pergameni Scripta Minora, 3 vols. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1884–93), Vol. 3 (repr. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1967). Edition, with English translation: Arthur John Brock, On the Natural Faculties (London: Heinemann and Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1916).

Nerv. Dissect. = De nervorum dissectione (On the Anatomy of the Nerves). Edition of Greek, with French translation: Ivan Garofalo and Armelle Debru, Galien, Vol. 8, L’Anatomie des nerfs; L’Anatomie des veines et des artères (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2008). English translation of Greek version: Charles Mayo Goss, “On the Anatomy of the Nerves,” American Journal of Anatomy 18 (1966): 327–36. Edition of Arabic version, with German translation: Ahmad M. Al-Dubayan, Über die Anatomie der Nerven (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2000).

Nomin. Med. = De nominibus medicis. Arabic. Edition, with German translation: Max Meyerhof and Joseph Schacht, “Galen über die medizinischen Namen,” Abhandlungen der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 3 (1931).

Opt. Doct. = De optima doctrina. Edition: Johann Marquardt, Iwan von Müller, and Georg Helmreich, eds., Claudii Galeni Pergameni Scripta Minora, 3 vols. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1884–93), Vol. 1 (repr. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1967).

Opt. Med. Cogn. = De optimo medico cognoscendo (On the Examinations by which the Best Physicians are Recognized). Arabic. Edition, with English translation: Albert Z. Iskandar, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, Supplementum Orientale 4 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1988).

Opt. Med. Philosoph. = Quod optimus medicus sit quoque philosophus (That the Best Physician is Also a Philosopher). Edition, with French translation: Véronique Boudon-Millot, Galien, Vol. 1, Introduction générale; Sur l’ordre de ses propres livres; Sur ses propres livres; Que l’excellent médecin est aussi philosophe (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007). Edition of Arabic version, with German translation: Peter Bachmann, Galens Abhandlung darüber, dass der vorzügliche Arzt Philosoph sein muss (Göttingen: Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1966). English translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).

Ord. Libr. Propr. = De ordine librorum suorum ad Eugenianum (On the Order of My Own Books). Edition: Véronique Boudon-Millot, Galien, Vol. 1, Introduction générale; Sur l’ordre de ses propres livres; Sur ses propres livres; Que l’excellent médecin est aussi philosophe (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007).

Oss. Tir. = De ossibus ad tirones (On the Bones for Beginners). Edition, with French translation: Ivan Garofalo and Armelle Debru, Galien, Vol. 7, Les Os pour les debutants; L’Anatomie des muscles (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2005).

Part. Med. = De partibus artis medicativae. Arabic and Latin. Edition, with English translation: Malcolm Lyons, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, Supplementum Orientale 2 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1969).

Plac. Hipp. Plat. = De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis (On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato). Edition, with English translation: Phillip de Lacy, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, 2 vols., 3d ed. (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1984).

Plac. Propr. = De placitis propriis (On My Own Opinions). Edition, with French translation, of the Greek text: Véronique Boudon-Millot and A. Pietrobelli, “Galien ressuscité: Édition princeps du texte grecque du De propriis placitis,” Revue des Études Grecques 118 (2005): 168–213. Edition of the Latin translation from Arabic, with English translation: Vivian Nutton, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.3.2 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1999). Note: No Greek manuscript of this treatise was known until recently; Nutton’s edition pre-dates the discovery of the Greek text.

Plat. Tim. = In Platonis Timaeum commentarii fragmenta. Edition: H. O. Schröder, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum Supplementum 1 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1934).

Plen. = De plenitudine (On Plenitude). Edition, with German translation: Chrostoph Otte, De plenitudine, Serta Graeca: Beiträge zur Erforschung griechischer Texte 9 (Weisbaden: Reichert, 2001).

Praecog. = De praecognitione (On Prognosis). Edition, with English translation: Vivian Nutton, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.8.1 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1979).

Praes. Puls. = De praesagitione ex pulsibus (On Prognosis from Pulses).

Puls. Tir. = De pulsibus ad tirones (On the Pulse for Beginners). Translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).

Purg. Med. Fac. = De purgantium medicamentorum facultate.

San. Tuend. = De sanitate tuenda (On Healthfulness). Edition: Konrad Koch et al., Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.4.2 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1923). Translation: Robert Montraville Green, A Translation of Galen’s Hygiene (Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1951).

Sect. Intro. = De sectis, ad eos qui introducuntur (On the Sects for Beginners). Edition: Johann Marquardt, Iwan von Müller, and Georg Helmreich, eds., Claudii Galeni Pergameni Scripta Minora, 3 vols. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1884–93), Vol. 3 (repr. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1967). Translation: M. Frede and R. Walzer, Three Treatises on the Nature of Science (Indianapolis: Hakkert, 1985).

Sem. = De semine. Edition, with English translation: Phillip de Lacy, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.3.1 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1992).

Simp. Med. = De simplicium medicamentorum temperamentis et facultatibus (On the Mixtures and Powers of Simple Drugs).

Subfig. Emp. = Subfiguratio empirica (Outline of Empiricism). Edition: Karl Deichgräber, Die griechische Empirikerschule: Sammlung der Fragmente und Darstellung der Lehre (Berlin and Zurich: Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1965). Translation: M. Frede and R. Walzer, Three Treatises on the Nature of Science (Indianapolis: Hakkert, 1985).

Sympt. Caus. = De symptomatum causis (On the Causes of Symptoms). Translation: Ian Johnston, Galen on Diseases and Symptoms (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006).

Sympt. Diff. = De symptomatum differentiis (On the Differences in Symptoms). Translation: Ian Johnston, Galen on Diseases and Symptoms (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006).

Syn. Puls. = Synopsis librorum de pulsibus (Synopsis of the Books on Pulses).

Temp. = De temperamentis (On Mixtures). Edition: Georg Helmreich, Galeni De temperamentis libri III (Leipzig: Teubner, 1904). Translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).

Ther. Pis. = De theriaca ad Pisonem (On Theriac to Piso).

Thras. Med. Gymn. = Ad Thrasybulum utrum medicinae sit an gymnastices hygenie (To Thrasybulus on Whether Health belongs to Medicine or Gymnastics). Edition: Johann Marquardt, Iwan von Müller, and Georg Helmreich, eds., Claudii Galeni Pergameni Scripta Minora, 3 vols. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1884–93), Vol. 3 (repr. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1967). Translation: P. N. Singer, Galen: Selected Works (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).

Trem. Palp. = De tremore, palpitatione, convulsione et rigore.

Typ. = De typis (On Types [of Fevers]).

Usu Part. = De usu partium (On the Usefulness of the Parts). Edition: Georg Helmreich, Galeni De usu partium libri XVII, 2 vols. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1907–9) (repr. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1968). Translation: Margaret Tallmadge May, Galen: On the Usefulness of the Parts of the Body, 2 vols. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1968).

Usu Puls. = De usu pulsuum. Translation: David J. Furley and J. S. Wilkie, Galen on Respiration and the Arteries (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984).

Usu Resp. = De usu respirationis (On the Usefulness of Respiration). Translation: David J. Furley and J. S. Wilkie, Galen on Respiration and the Arteries (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984).

Uter. Dissect. = De uteri dissectione (On the Anatomy of the Uterus). Edition, with German translation: Diethard Nickel, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum 5.2.1 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1971). English translation: Charles Mayo Goss, “On the Anatomy of the Uterus,” Anatomical Record 144 (1962): 77–84.

Ven. Art. Dissect. = De venarum arteriarumque dissectione (On the Anatomy of the Veins and Arteries). Edition, with French translation: Ivan Garofalo and Armelle Debru, Galien, Vol. 8, L’Anatomie des nerfs; L’anatomie des veines et des artères (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2008). English translation: Charles Mayo Goss, “On the Anatomy of Veins and Arteries,” Anatomical Record 141 (1961): 355–66.

Ven. Sect. Eras. = De venae sectione adversus Erasistratum (On Venesection Against Erasistratus). Translation: Peter Brain, Galen on Bloodletting (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986).

Ven. Sect. Eras. Rom. = De venae sectione adversus Erasistrateos Romae degentes (On Venesection against the Erasistrateans at Rome). Translation: Peter Brain, Galen on Bloodletting (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986).