On the main approach to the city
as the sun sinks low.
Traffic backs up, crawls along.
It’s a torpid dragon, glittering.
I am one of the dragon’s scales.
All of a sudden the red sun
hits the middle of my windshield
and comes streaming in.
I am seen-through
and some writing shows up
inside of me
words in invisible ink
that appear
when the paper is held over fire!
I know that I must go far away
straight through the city and then
further, until it’s time to get out
and wander a long time in the woods.
Walk in the tracks of the badger.
It’s getting dark, hard to see.
There, on the moss, are some stones.
One of the stones is precious.
It can change everything,
it can make the darkness shine.
It’s a light-switch for the whole country.
Everything depends on it.
Look at it, touch it . . .