
Epilogue: Bringing the Dream Back to American Small Business


This book is not just a prescription for success, but also a call to learning – how to feel, think, and act differently, more effectively, and more humanly than our existing skills.

Geographic, political, social, and emotional boundaries that once served us no longer exist. The world is constantly changing, which results in chaos, disorder, and trouble.

We don’t have to change the world out there. We can’t. If we’re to succeed, we must change here. In reality, we are the ones who are in chaos, not the world. The chaos that we perceive is only a reflection of our inner turmoil. If we want to change the world, that change must begin within our lives.

Bridging the Gap

THIS BOOK AIMS TO BRIDGE the gap between the world out there and the one in here. Your business can serve as that bridge between the world and you in such a way that makes both more human, more productive, and both worlds work.

A small business, like yours, is a place where we can execute ideas that can change lives. It is a place where rules must be adhered to and order upheld. It is a place that is practical and not idealistic. It is a world small enough to be manageable and responsive but big enough to examine everything we have. A small business is a world of our own.

A World of Our Own

THE DREAM FOR MANY American small businesses is to build a world of their own. Millions are going into business to flee the world of chaos. It is a means to create structure, form, control, and a relationship with ourselves and the world, which are impossible to experience in a job.

Unfortunately, this dream is rarely realized because we carry chaos with us. We try to change the world, but we resist change within ourselves, so the small business turns into the worst job in the world.

To change our lives and build a world of our own, we must understand how such a world is built, how it functions, and the rules of the game. We must study the small business that we have, and we can do it effectively with a Business Development Program. The Franchise Prototype can give our study the order it requires to succeed.

An Idea for Action

DOES THE MODEL OF THE Franchise Prototype work for you?

Your model works because it demands the complete engagement of the people working it. It can’t be done in any other way. The Process of Business Development generates immediate change in the people who participate in it.

In order to continue the process, those who engage in it must not forget their aim. By remembering, their aim becomes fastened to their business where aims can be tested in a concrete way. The business becomes a manifestation of the life they wish to live.

Stop thinking about it. It’s time for you to act. Unless you do so, your idea will be nothing but a creative thought. Turn it into an innovation and Bring the Dream Back to American Small Business.