
Project Orion Technical Reports .


Due to restrictions imposed under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, the following list is complete.

Taylor, T.B. Note on the Possibility of Nuclear Propulsion of a Very Large Vehicle at Greater than Earth Escape Velocities. GAMD-250, 3 November 1957.

Taylor, T.B., and Rosenbluth, M.N. GA-292. Title, date unknown.

GA-464. Author, title, date unknown.

GACP-340. Author, title, date unknown (proposal sent to ABPA ca. May 1958).

Feasibility Study of a Nuclear Bomb Propelled Space Vehicle. Contract AF 18(600)-1812, 30 June 1958, between United States Air Force Research and Development Command and General Atomic, a Division of General Dynamics Corporation.

Dyson, F.J. Stability and Control of Space Vehicle. GAMD-424, 8 July 1958.

Dyson, F.J. A Note on Maximum Opacity. GAMD-469, 8 July 1958.

Christy, B.F. The Absorption of X-Rays by Cold Materials. GAMD-470, 31 July 1958.

Ver Planck, D.W. Flexural Vibrations and Stresses in a Flat Pusher. GAMD-463, 6 August 1958.

Lewis, H.W. Low-temperature Opacity by the Method of Moments. GAMD-460, 7 August 1958.

Lewis, H.W. Helmholtz Instability Over a Shallow Layer of Fluid. GAMD-478, 11 August 1958.

Dyson, F.J. IBM 650 Calculation of Equation-of-State and Opacity for (Poly)methylene (CH2). GAMD-483, 11 August 1958.

Ver Planck, D.W. Compression Stress Waves and Energy Loss in the Pusher. GAMD-472, 12 August 1958.

Dyson, F.J., and Noyes, H.P. Free Expansion of a Gas. GAMD-476, 14 August 1958.

Boss, F.W. Stability of Motion Induced by Blast. GAMD 937, 18 August 1958

Dyson, F.J. Trips to Satellites of the Outer Planets. GAMD-490, 20 August 1958.

Noyes, H.P. Separable One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Solution with Rigid Wall Boundary. GAMD-484, 22 August 1958.

Thornton, R.L. A Survey of the Shock Absorber Problem. GAMD-486, 25 August 1958.

Searcy, A.W. The Vapor-Pressures of Refractories and Their Fugacities Under Very High External Pressures. GAMD-498, 4 September 1958..

Dyson, F.J. Free Expansion of a Gas (II). Gaussian Model. GAMD-507, 5 September 1958.

Brueckner, K.A. Random Walk of Trajectory Due to Bomb Misplacement. GAMD-521, 9 September 1958.

Treshow, M. Trajectories of a Rocket with Eccentric Thrust. GAMD-541, 19 September 1958.

Brueckner, K.A. (with work by H. W. Lewis). Collective Oscillations in an Atom. .GAMD-517, date unknown.

Dyson, F.J. Supersonic Flow Past an Edge. GAMD-565, 6 October 1958.

Dyson, F.J. Free Expansion of a Gas, III. GAMD-566, 17 October 1958.

Noyes, H.P. Method for Calculating the Equation of State for AB2. GAMD-572, 21 October 1958.

Freeman, B.E. (with work by M. N. Rosenbluth). Shock Structure in a Medium of Finite Radiation Opacity. Part 2 (Part 1 classified). GAMD-578, 27 October 1958.

Rosenbluth, M.N. The Two-Medium Radiative Diffusion Problem. GAMD-583, 31 October 1958.

Dyson, F.J. The Bolo and the Squid. GAMD-599, 14 November 1958

David, C.V. Rocket Characteristics Determination. GAMD-601, 24 November 1958.

Dyson, F.J. Optimal Programming for Vertical Ascent in Atmosphere. GAMD-619, 11 December 1958.

Treshow, M. Project Orion: 4,000-Ton Vehicle, Mark 1. (title uncertain). GAMD-616, 12 December 1958.

Freeman, B.E. Flight Characteristics During Takeoff Through the Atmosphere. GAMD-622, 15 December 1958.

David, C.V. Rocket-Assisted Takeoff and Landing on Planets and Satellites. GAMD-625, 18 December 1958.

Bernstein, J. Late Stage Ablation. GAMD-630, 22 December 1958.

Brueckner, K.A. Perturbation of Rocket Flight Through Wake. GAMD-631, 22 December 1958.

Taylor, T.B. Feasibility of a Nuclear Pulse Propelled Space Vehicle. Preliminary progress report, GA number, date unknown.

Freeman, B.E. Regular Gas Reflection Obliquely Incident on a Wall. GAMD-668, 2 February 1959.

Freeman, B.E. Minimum Energy Round Trips to Mars and Venus.. GAMD-672, 5 February 1959. Includes Appendix: Landings on Mars' Satellites.

Treshow, M. Improved Stability of a Flexible Tore Shock Absorber. GAMD-707, 10 March 1959.

Dyson, F.J. Preliminary Study of Convective Ablation. GAMD-710, 17 March 1959.

Dunne, B.B. Diffracted Shock Wave Pressures. GAMD-715, date unknown.

Dyson, F.J. (title classified). GAMD-752, April 1959.

Bell, C.W. (with work by J.H. Alexander, C.V. David, and C.F. Sprague). Computer Program, Differential Equations, IBM 704, Fortran. GAMD-794, 8 April 1959.

Treshow, M. Project Orion, 4,000-Ton Vehicle, Mark 2. GAMD-808, 18 April 1959.

Dyson, F.J. Dimensional Study of Orion-type Spaceships. GAMD-784, 23 April 1959.

Freeman, B.E. (with work by C.C. Loomis). Properties of the Interaction of a Particle Stream with a Circular Disc. GAMD-761, 24 April 1959.

Dunne, B.B., Dyson, F.J., Treshow, M., edited by T.B. Taylor. Project Orion: Feasibility Study of a Nuclear-Bomb-Propelled Space Vehicle, Interim Annual Report, 1 July 1958-1 June 1959. GAMD-837, April 1959.

Riparbelli, C. Propagation of a Strain Wave in a Bar Across a Section Change. GAMD-912, 1 May 1959

Noyes, H.P. Approximate Equation of State for CH2 (0.1-2. 0 ev 1 – l06 atm). GAMD-800, 19 May 1959

David, C.V. Nylon Rope Cycling Test. GAMD-810, 25 May 1959.

Nowak, M.J. Elementary Synopsis of Shock Absorber Problem. GAMD-823, 1 June 1959

Dyson, F.J. Radioactive Fall-out from Bomb-Propelled Spaceships. GAMD-835, 2 June 1959.

Dyson, E.J. Effect of Bomb-Test Moratorium on Spaceship Development. GAMD-851, 5 June 1959.

Treshow, M. Toroidal Air Tubes for Two-Directional Shock Absorbers. GAMD-839, 10 June 1959.

Dunne, B.B. Project Orion Experimental Program. GAMD-845, 16 June 1959.

Feasibility Study of a Nuclear-Bomb-Propelled Space Vehicle. Project Orion, Status Report 12. GAMD-864, 3 July 1959

Bernstein, J. (with work by F.J. Dyson). The Opacities and Equations of State of Some Mixtures of Light Elements. GAMD-865, 6 July 1959.

Bernstein, J., and Dyson, F.J. The Continuous Opacity and Equations of State of light Elements at Low Densities. GA-848, 13 July 1959.

Dunne, B.B. Safety Procedures at Point Loma Experimental Site. GAMD-915, 17 July 1959.

Dunne, B.B. Measurement of High-Velocity Gases from an Explosive Cylinder. GAMD-922, 24 July 1959

Ross, F.W. A Measure for Feasibility. GAMD-897, 30 July 1959.

David, C.V. A Study of Chemically Boosted Bomb-Propelled Vehicles. GAMD-898, 31 July 1959

Feasibility Study of a Nuclear-Bomb-Propelled Space Vehicle. Project Orion, Status Report 13. GAMD-911, 3 August 1959.

Baranger, M. (with work by J C. Stewart). The Calculation of Line Widths. GAMD-927, 13 August 1959.

Case, K.M. Stability of Inviscid Plane Couette Flow. GA-918, 20 August 1959.

GAMD-929. Author, title, date unknown, (concerns 1:130 scale model).

Dyson, F.J. Proposal for an Experiment to Measure the Lifetime of the Neutron. GAMD-957, 25 August 1959.

Berman, H. (with work by S.C. Choy). Double-Skin Corrugation Construction. GAMD-963, 1 September 1959.

Nowak, M.J. Effect of Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity on Shock Structure. GAMD-972, 4 September 1959.

DeWitt, B.S. The Scientific Uses of Large Space Ships. GAMD-965, 14 September 1959.

Vulliet, W.G. Some Limits on the Resolution of an Earth-Surveying Orbital Telescope. .GAMD-986, 14 September 1959.

Case, K.M. Stability of an Idealized Atmosphere. GA-958, 15 September 1959.

Taylor, T.B. Feasibility Study of a Nuclear Pulse Propelled Space Vehicle, Supplement to the Interim Final Report, 1 June 1959 to 15 September 1959. GAMD-980, September 1959.

Treshow, M. Preliminary Parameter Study. GAMD-1036, 18 September 1959.

Li, Ta. Pressure and Pressure Drag Coefficients from Hemispheres at All Speeds. .GAMD-992, 22 September 1959.

Baranger, M. (with work by J C. Stewart). The Photon Absorption Coefficient in the Windows Between Spectral Lines. GAMD-996, 23 September 1959.

Riparbelli, C. Deformation Analysis of a Plate-like Structure Represented as a Grid of Beams. GAMD-998, 24 September 1959.

Dyson, E.J. The Accessibility of the Satellites of the Outer Planets to a High-Thrust Nuclear Spaceship. GAMD-1012, 25 September 1959.

Dyson, F.J. Zeros of the Confluent Hypergeometric Function. GA-999, 15 October 1959.

Astl, J. Multi-ICBM Weapon System. GAMD-1067, 2 November 1959.

Dunne, B.B. Diffraction of a Shock Wave Around a Corner. GAMD-1104, 19 November 1959.

Case, K.M. Edge Effects and the Stability of Plane Couette Flow. CA-994, 19 November 1959.

Case, K.M. Taylor Instability of an Inverted Atmosphere. GA-1009, 20 November 1959.

Kiparbelli, C. Mass and Stiffness Distribution of the Pusher for the 800-Ton Vehicle. .GAMD-1128, 7 December 1959.

Dunne, B.B., Ritter, P.B., and Ames, M.R. (with work by E.A. Day, J. Astl, M.J. Feeney, R.A. Cesena, R.D. Morton, R. Watson, R. Goddard, M. Young, J.W. Morris, R.N. Mouse, L. Dial, W.B. McKinney, J.R. Pope, C.C. Loomis, F.W. Ross, T.B. Taylor). Development of a Meter-Diameter Explosion-Propelled Flying Model. GAMD-1212, 26 January 1960.

Weiss, D. C. (title classified). GAMD-1228, February 1960.

Wild, J.M. General Descriptive Material on Orion. GAMD-1240, February 1960.

Nowak, M.J. The "Simplest" Extensional Vibration of a Circular Disc. GAMD-1230, 8 February 1960.

Ross, F.W. Propulsive System Specific Impulse. GAMD-1293, 8 February 1960.

Vulliet, W.G. Diffraction of Radiation Around an Opaque Disc. GAMD-1256, 18 February 1960.

Riparbelli, C. Influence of the Membrane Effect on the Bending of the Pusher Plate. .GAMD-1260, 22 February 1960

Bell, C.W, and Loomis, C.C. (with work by C. E Sprague). PRESS: Computer Program .in Fortran-II, IBM 704. GAMD-1266, 25 February 1960.

Ross, E.W. Disposable Mass-Equivalent for Fixed Mass. GAMD-1294, 26 February I960.

Day, E.A. A Pressure Pulse Simulator for Thick-Walled Structures. GAMD-1273, 29 February 1960.

Taylor, T.B. Nuclear Pulse-Propelled Vehicles. GAMD-1276, March 1960.

Nowak, M.J. The Equivalent Stiffness of laminated Slabs. GAMD-1267, 7 March 1960.

Dunne, B.B. Jet Formation from Charges with Lined Cylindrical Cavities. CAM D-1313, 7 March 1960.

Brown, H.D., Jr. (with work by J.H. Alexander and C.C. Loomis). BUMP: Computer Program, Differential Equations, IBM 704. GAMD-1292, 8 March 1960.

Riparbelli, C. Response of a Cylindrical Shell to a Symmetrical Impulsive Load. CAM D-1328, 24 March 1960.

Ross, E.W. System Specific Impulse for Staged Vehicles. GAMD-1357, 7 April 1960.

Brown, H.D, Jr. Betelgeuse. GAMD-1393, 12 April 1960.

Nowak, M.J. The Cone of Influence Method for the Wave Equation with Cylindrical Symmetry. GAMD-1389, 27 April 1960.

Treshow, M. Generalized Parameter Study. GAMD-1402, 10 May 1960.

Astl, J. Nuclear-Pulse Propelled Vehicle Launching System. GAMD-1420, 16 May 1960.

Riparbelli, C. Strain Wave Propagation Across the Pusher Plate and the Shock Absorber Attachments. GAMD-1480, June 1960.

Weiss, D.C. Nuclear Pulse Reaction Vehicle Configurations. GAMD-1460, 20 June 1960.

Mautz, C.W. Explosive Charges for Producing Gaseous Jets. GAMD-1474, 22 June 1960.

Vulliet, W.G. Conversion of Plasma Energy into Magnetic-Field Energy. GAMD-1484, 23 June 1960.

David, C.V. Specific Impulse of a Gas Jet Expanding Ideally. GAMD-1488, 27 June 1960.

Project Orion—Interim Summary Report. GAMD-1816, July 1960.

Ross, F.W. Space System Specific Impulse. GA-1538, 22 July 1960.

Nowak, M.J. More on Heat Conduction into the Pusher. GAMD-1540, August 1960.

Weiss, D.C. Orion Charge-Propellant Fire Control, Part I, Deployment Systems. .GAM D-1579, 12 August 1960.

Treshow, M. Integral Toroidal Shock Absorber—Advanced Developments. GAMD-1615, 12 August 1960.

Peery, D.J. Summary Report on Design of 880-Ton Vehicle. GAMD-1632, 24 August 1960

Riparbelli, C. Large Deflection of a Lens-shaped Disc. GAMD-1714, 8 September 1960 (with errata sheet, 27 April 1961).

Berman, H. (with work by C.W. Bell and C. Riparbelli). Two-Dimensional Dynamic Analysis of Frames and Trusses Subjected to Arbitrary Forcing-Function. Part I, Simple Symmetrical Truss. GAMD-1871, 10 October 1960.

Riparbelli, C., and Brown, D. Shells Under Impulsive Loads. GAMD-1732, Part I, 12 October 1960.

Weiss, D.C., and Peery, D.J. Some Mission Capabilities of Minimal Size Rocket-Boosted Orion Vehicles. GAMD-1800, November 1960.

Pearlstine, L.D. (with work by R. Walsh). A Comparison of Two Implicit Finite-Difference Schemes for Heat Diffusion Problems. CAM D-1814, 11 November 1960.

Teichmann, T. Motion of a Spring-Loaded Infinite Rod. GAM D-1801, 15 November 1960.

Riparbelli, C. Parameter Study—Cylinder with Piston. GAMD-1830, 16 November 1960.

Teichmann, T., Day, E.A., Freeman. B.E., and Loomis, C.C. Orion Practicality Demonstration Program. GAMD-1861, 2 December 1960.

Berman, H. (with work by C.W. Bell and C. Riparbelli). Two-Dimensional Dynamic Analysis of Frames and Trusses Subjected to Arbitrary Forcing-Function. Part 2, Simple Symmetrical Frame. GAMD-1871, 8 December 1960.

Walsh, J.M. (with work by C.W. Mautz). Jets from Steady-State Cavity Collapse. .GAM D-1912, 29 December 1960

Loomis, C.C. The Representation of Fluid Dynamics and Radiation Flow by the SPUTTER Code. GAMD-2264, June 1961

Treshow, M. (title classified). GAMD-1930, January 1961.

Riparbelli, C. Balloon-Type Shock Absorber With Grid. GAMD-1977, January 1961.

David, C.V. Minimum Energy Loss in a Two-Mass Spring System. GAMD-2331, 16 January 1961.

Astl, J. Split-Cylinder Long-Stroke Shock Absorber System. GAMD-1978, February 1961.

Bell. C.W. Dynamic Structural Analysis Frame, IBM 7090 Fortran Computer Program. GAMD-1955, 7 February 1961.

Berman, H. Pulse Shape Effects on Structural Dynamics. GAMD-2030, 14 February 1961.

Berman, H. (with work by C.W. Bell and C. Riparbelli). Two-Dimensional Dynamic Analysis of Frames and Trusses Subjected to Arbitrary Forcing-Function. Part 3, Complex Truss. GAMD-1871, 17 February 1961

Bell, C.W. (with work by D. Weiss). Trip. A Computer Program Written in Fortran-II for the IBM 7090. GAMD-2045, 22 February 1961.

Riparbelli, C. Bending of a Lens-shaped Disc with Discrete Edge Supports. GAMD-2046, 22 February 1961.

Walsh, J.M . On Non-Linear Plane Waves in Metal Plates (Pulse Attenuation and Pulse-Free Surface Interactions). GAMD-2115, March 1961.

Peery, D.J. Orion Design and Optimization Studies. March 1961.

Preisendorfer, R.W. Equations of Motion of Translating Pin-Joined Frames Subject to an Arbitrary Set of External Forces and Internal Restraints. GAMD-2066, 1 March 1961.

Walsh, J.M. On Nonlinear Plane-Waves. in Metal Plates. GAMD-3115, 10 March 1961.

Nowak, M.J. The General Fluid-Dynamics Equations, Particularly Lagrange's Equations. GAMD-2116.3 March 1961.

Lindley, W.B. SC 4020 Plot Subroutine Package for Fortran Codes. GAMD-2127, 22 March 1961.

Tillotson, J.H. A Use for Radioisotopes in Ablation Experiments. GAMD-2117, 6 April 1961.

Nowak, M.J. A Summary Analysis of Ablation by Radiation Diffusion. GAMD-2114, 11 April 1961.

Weiss, D.C. Maneuvering Technique for Changing the Plane of Circular Orbits with Minimum Fuel Expenditure. GA-2194, 13 April 1961.

Mautz, C.W. (with work by H.R. Kratz and J.C. Stewart). Viscous Flow of Ablating Grease Films. GAMD-2237, 17 April 1961.

Walsh, J.M. Dynamic Cavitation Tensile Strengths of Metals. GAMD-2222, 27 April 1961.

Riparbelli, C.A. Pneumatic Shock Absorber for Vehicles Driven by Explosions. 28 April 1961.

Freeman, B.E. Continuous Rezone in the Eulerian Hydrodynamic Formulation and the Moving Coordinate System. GAMD-2228, 1 May 1961.

Teichmann, T. The Behavior of a Thin Viscous Film Under Mechanical Forces and Thermal Forces. GAMD-2257, 8 May 1961.

Tillotson, J.H. An Optimum Shadow Shield. GAMD-2271, 18 May 1961.

Nowak, M.J. Application of the Single-Scattering Approximation for Atmospheric Side-Scattering of Gamma Radiation into a Nuclear Space Vehicle. GA-2285, 29 May 1961.

Nowak. M.J. Some Fundamental Properties of Shock Waves. GAMD-2288, 1 June 1961.

Walsh, J.M. Shock Attenuation for an Arbitrary Impulse. GAMD-2341, 19 June 1961.

Wild, J.M. The Production of High Velocity, High Density Plasmas with High Explosives. .GA-2401, 11 July 1961.

Vulliet, W.G. (with work by L.D. Pearlstine). Hydrodynamics in the Interaction of X-Rays and Cold Iron. GAMD-2398, 12 July 1961.

Nowak, M.J. The Simplest Extensional Vibration of a Circular Disc. GA-2443, 27 July 1961.

The Nuclear/Chemical Pulse Reaction Propulsion Project (Project Orion). Summary Report for the Period 16 September 1959 through 30 June 1961. GA-2419, 28 July 1961.

Dunne, B.B. Development of a Meter-Diameter Explosion-Propelled Flying Model. GA-2188, 28 August 1961.

Stewart, J.C., and Pyatt, K.D. Theoretical Study of Optical Properties: Photon Absorption Coefficients, Opacities, and Equations of State of Light Elements, Including the Effect of Lines. Final Report, September 1961, Vol. 1 GA-2528/AFSWC-TR-61-71.

David, C.W. (with work by R.M. Feix and T. Teichniann). Dynamics of a Two-Mass Spring System. GAMD-2596, 29 September 1961.

David, C.V. Toroidal Shock-Absorber Scale-Model Testing (14-in. Pusher Plate). GAMD-2554, 5 October 1961.

Nowak, M.J. On the Conservation of Energy for Finite Difference Approximations. .GAMD-2728, 10 October 1961

Taylor, T.B. Advanced Propulsion Concepts. GA-2592, 24 October 1961.

Case, K.M. Stability of a Flow Against a Plate. GA-2571, 6 November 1961.

Weiss, D.C. Computation Techniques for Fast Transit Earth-Mars Trips. GAMD-2626, 14 November 1961.

Teichniann, T. The Kinematics of a Uniformly Expanding Cone of Particles. GAMD-2637, 20 November 1961.

Vulliet, W.G. Note on Thermal Conductivities at High Temperatures. GAMD-2681, 13 December 1961.

Dunne, B.B., and Nowak, M.J. (with work by E.A. Day and P.B. Ritter). Deformation of Aluminum Discs by Shock Waves from High Explosive Spherical Charges. GAMD-2680, 15 December 1961.

Carlson, K.M. Shapes of High-Altitude Balloons. GAMD-2820, 5 January 1962.

David, C.V. Double-Stage Shock Absorber Configuration (POCO)—Preliminary Study, Double-Spring System Configuration. GAMD-2835, 19 January 1962.

Weiss, D.C Graphical Solution of Earth-Mars Trips. GA-2661, 19 January 1962.

Freeman, B.E. A Numerical Method for the Radiation Transport Equation in Plane Geometry. GAMD-2874, 22 January 1962.

The Nuclear/Chemical Pulse Propulsion Project (Project Orion), Summary Report Supplement for the Period 1 July 1961 through 31 December 1961. GA-2863, date unknown.

Freeman, B.E., Kratz, H.R., Wild, J.M. The Nuclear/Chemical Pulse Reaction Propulsion Project, Quarterly Report, 1 Jan-31 Mar 1962. GACD-3096, March 1962.

Teichniann, T. An Avalanche Model for a Spherical Implosion in a Tenuous Atmosphere. .GAMD-3098, 7 March 1962

Crafton, C.H. (with work by M.J. Nowak). An Array vs. Index IBM Printer Plotter, Fortran Subroutine. GAMD-3011, 9 March 1962.

Blackstock, A.W., Kratz, H.R . and Feenev, M.B. Piezoelectric Gauge for Measuring Rapidly Varying Pressures up to Seven Kilobars. GA-2444, 14 March 1962.

Freeman, B.E. Some Approximations. in the Numerical Treatment of Radiation Transport Through Media with Frequency-Dependent Absorption Coefficients. GAMD-3074, 1 April 1962.

Teichmann, T. (with work by D R. Yates). The Initial Behavior of an Explosion in a Cavity. GAMD-3113, 12 April 1962

Nowak, M.J. Non-Steady Radiation Transport and the Thick-Thin Approximation. .GAMD-3095, 12 April 1962

Ross, F.W. Structural Factors and Optimization of Space Vehicles. GA-1538, Supplement, 7 May 1962.

GAMD-3151. Author, title, date unknown (mid-1962, concerning payload/mission studies).

David, C.V. Shock-Loaded-Plate Attachment Tests. GAMD-3198, 11 June 1962.

Taylor, T.B. Nuclear Propulsion in Space. GA-3218, 12 June 1962.

Dunne, B.B., and Ritter, P.B. Flash-Radiographs of Toroidally Imploded Cylindrical Implosion Charges. GAMD-3284, 26 June 1962.

Proposed Nuclear Experiments. GAMD-3316, 1 August 1962.

Weiss, D.C. A General Discussion of Earth-Mars Interplanetary Round Trips. GA-3184, 13 August 1962.

Nowak, M.J. BAMM—A Fortran IBM-7090 Code for the Calculation of Bending and Membrane Motion. GAMD-3432, 28 August 1962.

Freeman, B.E. Radiation-Transport in Spherically-Symmetric Configurations. GAMD-3488, 4 September 1962.

Kratz, H.R. Measurement of Ablation with Radiation the Dominant Mode of Energy Transfer. GA-3569, October 1962.

Reetz, A. Neutron and Comma-Ray Heating in Iron Slabs. GAMD-3690, 24 October 1962.

Treshow, M. 1962 Parameter Studies. Orion Parameter and Payload Study Based on 200-and 4,000-Ton Reference Design. GAMD-3597, 25 October 1962.

Dunne, B.B. Mass of High Velocity Cases from Toroidal Implosion Charges. GAMD-3629, 31 October 1962.

Nowak, M.J. Comments on the Boundary Conditions at an Ablating Surface. GAMD-3639, 6 November 1962.

Mancini, R.J. Stresses Induced in a Thin-Walled Tube by a Sudden Heat Input at the Inner Surface. GAMD-3605, 9 November 1962.

Vulliet, W.C. The Kinetics of Vaporization Below the Critical Point. GA-3633, 14 December 1962.

Walsh, J.T. GAMD-3881. Title unknown. January 1963.

Treshow, M. Vehicle Parameters as Influenced by Unloading of Fuel and Payload. .CAM D-3776, January 1963.

Teichmann, T. Orion Fuel Requirements. GAMD-4068, 19 February 1963.

Riparbelli, C. Deformation Analysis of a Plate-like Structure Represented as a Grid of Beams. Addendum to GAMD-998, 26 February 1963.

Davis, C.G. A Numerical Calculation of a Nuclear Explosion at High Altitude. GAMD-4301, 1963

Overmyer, R.F., Hopkins, G.R., and Willis, D.E. Radiation Effects Experiments on Instrumentation: Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Concept. GAMD-4832, 14 May 1963.

Stahl, R.H. (with work by M.R. Ames, M.B. Feeney, and W. Simmons). A Condenser Probe for Ablation Measurements. GAMD-4255, 15 May 1963.

Mooney, W.E. Orion Martian Excursion. GA-P-359-1, 24 June 1963.

General Atomic Briefing Charts for the Pre-Beginning Meeting, June 27, 1963. Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Preliminary Study, to be conducted by General Atomic for the Future Projects Office, Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA. CA-C-395, 25 June 1963.

Amtmann, H.H. Preliminary Data on a Complete Life Support System for a Manned Space Vehicle. GAMD-4507, 23 July 1963.

Mooney, W.E. Study of the Effects of Using Lunar or Planetary Material for Propellant. .GA-0223, August 1963.

Amtmann, H.H. Global and Spatial Information System, Part I, Basics of Sensors. .GAMD-4066, August 1963.

Weiss, D.C. Arrested Rendezvous, a New Concept. GA-3725A, 20 August 1963.

Weiss, D.C. Comments on Use of Lunar or Planetary Material for Orion Propellant. GA-P-363-1, 21 August 1963.

Mooney, W.E. Orion Personnel Accommodations. CA-P-363-2, 3 September 1963.

Mooney, W.E., Nance, J.C., Pyatt, K.D., Shipps, P.R., and Weiss, D.C. Mid-Contract Status Presentation on the Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Preliminary Study. GACD-4593, 25 September 1963.

Teichmann, T. The Maximum Attainable Specific Impulse of Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Engines. GAMD-4733, 31 October 1963.

Amtmann, H.H., and Day, E.A. Experimental Techniques and Development Tasks for the Development of Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Engines. Final Report. GAMD-4740, November 1963.

Reed, L.L. Half Function, a Technique for Storing Two Floating-Point Numbers in a 36-Bit Computer Word. GA-4805, December 1963.

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Project (Project Orion) Technical Summary Report,. RTD-TDR-63-3006 (1963-1964). GA-4205: Vol. 1, Reference Vehicle Design Study. (October 1963); Vol. 2, Interaction Effects. (March 1964); Vol. 3, Pulse Systems. (March 1964); Vol. 4, Experimental Structural Response. (July 1963).

Vulliet, W.G. The Temperature Calculation of a Thin, Finite Slab from Measurement of Its Bremsstrahlung Radiation. GAMD-4898, 9 January 1964.

Nuclear Pulse Vehicle Study, Condensed Summary Report. GA-4891, 14 January 1964.

Final Presentation on Nuclear-Pulse Vehicle Study. GACD-4914, 15 January 1964.

Nuclear Pulse Vehicle Program Status, Presentation to the USAF, Washington, D.C., 27 February 1964. GA-C-565-1.

Pyatt, K.D. MOTET: A Computer Program to Solve the Time-Dependent Hydrodynamic Equations in Two Dimensions with Radiation Flow. (GA number unknown), March 1964.

Sager, P.H. Early System Applications of Nuclear Pulse Propulsion. GA-5140, Preliminary Draft, 1 April 1964.

Teichmann, T. The Performance Limits of Nuclear Pulse Propelled Rockets: I. GAMD-5152, 7 April 1964

Nance, J.C., and Taylor, T.B. Proposed FY-1965 Orion Work Program Description. Draft I by Nance, Draft II by Taylor. GA-C-622, 21 April 1964.

Poll, R.A. Transient Radiation Effects in an Orion Pressure Transducer and a Time-of-Arrival Probe. GA-3696, 24 April 1964.

Amtmann, H.H. Cost Details for a Ground Oriented Development Plan for NPP System. .GAMD-4953, 5 May 1964.

Ground-Oriented Development Plan for a Nuclear Pulse Propulsion System. GAMD-5020, author, date unknown.

Gerber, M.J., and Sager, P.H. HAYO: A Computer Program for Sizing a Nuclear-Pulse Space Vehicle System. GAMD-5267, 8 May 1964.

Arguments for a Research Program in Support of a Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Nuclear Test Program. GA-C-669, 2 June 1964.

Teichmann, T. The Lateral Deformation of a Pressurized Torus. GAMD-5347, 3 June 1964

Amtmann, H.H., and Day, E.A. (with work by E.J. Wittenkeller). Preliminary Investigation of a Repetitive-HE-Pulse Test Facility. GAMD-5351, 4 June 1964. With Appendix by O. Boden, Comments and Observations on Mechanism for Repetitive HE Pulse Test Facility,. 18 June 1964.

Boden, O.W, and Macken, T. Review of Materials and Fabrication Problems for Intermediate Platform and Second-Stage Piston Tube. GAMD-5408, 17 June 1964.

Hamrick, J.R., and Sager, P.H. Masjet: An IBM 7044 Program for Flight Performance of a Propulsion System with Jettisoning of Mass at Discrete Intervals. GAMD-5221, July 1964.

Freeman, B.E., and Lindley, W.B. DIANE. Computer Program (Photon Absorption Coefficient Subroutine). GAMD-5501, 1964 (date unknown).

Walsh, R.T. The Diaphanous-II System: Computer Program (Opacity Subroutine for SPUTTER Code). GAMD-5549, August 1964.

Proposed Test Program for the Dynamic Response of a Very Light, High-Capacity Gas-Filled Toroidal Shock Absorber System When Driven by High Explosive Impulsive Loads. GACP 42-283S, 31 August 1964.

Nance, J.C., Shipps, P.R., Anitinann, H.H., Day, E.A., David, C.V., Macken, T., Mooney, W., Pyatt, K.D, Sager, P.H., Stewart, G.W., Teichmann, T., Treshow, M., Weiss, D.C., Wikner, N.E., Ehricke, K.A., and Brown, B. Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study. GA-5009, 19 September 1964. Vol. 1: Summary Report; Vol. 2: Vehicle System Performance and Costs; Vol. 3: Conceptual Vehicle Designs and Operational Systems.

David, C.V., and Day, E.A. Repetitive Strong Shock Generation and Proposed Flexible Shock-Absorber System. GA-5685, 29 September 1964.

Nance, J.C. Nuclear Pulse Propulsion. GAMD-5572, 5 October 1964.

Macken, T. Compatibility and Characteristics of Launch Vehicle for Nuclear-Pulse-Propulsion Systems. GAMD-5834, 15 October 1964.

Teichmann, T. The Angular Effects Due to Asymmetric Placement of Axial Symmetric Explosives. GAMD-5823, 26 October 1964.

Ames, M.R., and Muhl, W.O. Transient Overload of Tektronix Oscilloscope. GAMD-5852, November 1964

Macken, T. (with work by A. Steeger). Preliminary Analysis of Meteoroid Protection for the 10-M Diameter Orion Engine. GAMD-5833, 12 November 1964.

David, C.V., and Hager, E.R. Double-Stage Shock-Absorber Investigation. GAMD-5911, December 1964.

David, C.V., et al. Nuclear-Pulse-Propulsion-Module Characteristics as Predicted for Operation. in the Early 1980's. GAMD-5934, 5 December 1964.

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Project (Project Orion). Technical Summary Report, I July 1963-30June 1964. WL-TDR-64-93; GA-5386, 15 December 1964. Vol. 1 Summary Report; Vol. 2: Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Vol. 3: Engine Design, Analysis, and Development Techniques; Vol. 4: Engineering Experimental Tests.

David, C.V. Axial and Lateral Rigidity of Pressurized Toroidal Filament Structures .GAMD-6061, January 1965.

David. C.V., Doering, D.A., and Leghorn, J.G. (with work by C.R. Dismukes, K.D. Pyatt, and S.J. Sand). Nuclear-Pulse-Propulsion (Orion) Engine Optimization. .GAMD-6044, 8 February 1965. Includes Appendix A: List of Input Parameters; .Appendix B: List of Output Parameters;. Appendix C: Key-Punch Form;. Appendix D: OROP Program Listing;. Appendix E: OROPLE Program Listing.

Structural Analysis of Torus Spring Assembly. Author unknown. GAMD-5148, March 1965.

Triplett, J.R., et al. SPUTTER—A General Purpose One-Dimensional Radiation and.

Fluid Mechanics Computer Program, Part 1. GA-4820, 1 March 1965.

Potential Military Applications. Author unknown. GA-C-962 (Formerly GA-0-321). 1 March 1965.

ORION Space Propulsion: Technical Status and Mission Potential. Author unknown. GA-C-944, 1 March 1965

Shipps, F.R. Manned Planetary Exploration Capability Using Nuclear Pulse Propulsion.

GA-6224, 19 March 1965 Monthly Progress Report—February 1965. Project Orion—Nuclear Pulse Propulsion.

Concept. GA-C-983, 19 March 1965.

David, C.V. Nuclear Pulse Propulsion (ORION) 1965 Engineering Status. GA-6280, April 1965.

David, C.V. Stability Study of Nuclear Pulse Propulsion (Orion) Engine System. GAMD-6213, 30 April 1965

Day, E.A., and Nance, J. C. Nuclear Pulse Propulsion (Orion) Technical Status Summary and Ground Development Plan. GA-6307, 1 May 1965..

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Project (Project Orion) Final Report, 1 July 1964-1 March 1965. GA-6261, July 1965 (AFWLTR 65-45).

Ehricke, K.A. Nuclear-Pulse Space-Vehicle Study, Vol. 4: Mission Velocity Requirements and System Comparisons (with Supplement). CA-5009, 28 February 1966.