
One of the great pleasures of completing a project like this is to be able to thank publicly the many institutions and people who helped along the way. The John Simon Guggenheim Foundation provided the financial support that, combined with a University of Kentucky sabbatical, enabled me to get started. The Rockefeller Foundation funded a month's stay in the incomparably beautiful and uniquely stimulating environment of Bellagio, Italy, a sojourn that allowed me to shape the final chapter and gain interesting feedback from people in numerous fields of intellectual inquiry. Deans Rick Edwards and Steve Hoch of UK's College of Arts and Sciences provided encouragement and funds for research, as did chairs Jeremy Popkin and David Hamilton of the History Department, my professional home for thirty-six years. Bob Flynn, Keely Jones Green, Shelby Lynn Marshall, and Stephanie May assisted with the research.

Many colleagues and friends gave generously of their time and expertise. John Behlolavek, Jerald Combs, William Freehling, Daniel Walker Howe, Howard Jones, Lawrence Kaplan, Warren Kimball, Thomas Knock, Jeffrey Matthews, Robert McMahon, Melvin Small, Mark Stoler, and Randall Woods read individual chapters covering periods of their specialties and offered invaluable suggestions. Andy Fry shared with me his vast knowledge of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century U.S. foreign policy by reading and commenting on the first half of the manuscript. Steve Wrinn, director of the University Press of Kentucky, cast his sharp editorial eye on numerous chapters. Former Transylvania University English professor Charlie Holmes read the entire manuscript, and the comments provided by this non-specialist keenly interested in international relations were very useful. Robert Divine, Walter LaFeber, Fredrik Logevall, and Jeremi Suri evaluated the manuscript for Oxford University Press and sent me detailed commentary and invaluable criticism and suggestions.

The Boone Seminar furnished weekly diversion in the form of highly competitive tennis and spirited trash talk as well as stimulating conversation about world affairs. After more than ten years on this project, I appreciate more than ever the outstanding work being done by my colleagues in the history of U.S. foreign relations. Their productivity made my task daunting. The quality of their work also made it exciting. It was great fun to continue to learn new things after more than forty years in the field.

Vicki Vaughn of the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce, where I spent my last semester, arranged for copying, packing up, and mailing out an early draft to various readers. Patiently and with all good humor, Peter Harris bailed his Luddite father-in-law out of computer foul-ups.

I have had the good fortune with this project to work with the best editors an author could hope for. I was enormously flattered when the late Sheldon Meyer, the dean of history editors, invited me to write this volume. I would like to think that he would be pleased with the result. The late C. Vann Woodward read one chapter and offered warm encouragement. Peter Ginna at Oxford helped plan the book. Series editor David M. Kennedy read chapters promptly and thoroughly. His excitement about the project gave me a huge boost. He offered countless suggestions on style and substance, especially in framing the arguments. Susan Ferber has been a wonderful editor, keenly interested in the project, attentive, helpful in every possible way, a superb critic. India Cooper is simply the best of copy editors—and a delight to work with. Caitlin Craven secured the photographs and permissions. Joellyn Ausanka skillfully managed the production process.

Finally, above all, and for so many reasons, I thank Dottie Leathers, my co-worker of nearly forty years, my wife of thirteen. This book is dedicated to her with all my love.

George C. Herring
Lexington, Kentucky