ZACH ADDAMS is a San Francisco queer who has written erotica for the anthologies Love Under Foot, Three-Way and Master, as well as GoodVibes.com and Eros-Zine.com. He wants a girlfriend and a boyfriend but has so far succeeded only in being a total slut.
FELIX D’ANGELO has been writing erotica for years, but only made his first sale to Violet Blue’s Sweet Life 2: Erotic Fantasies for Couples. His work has since appeared on her Open Source Sex podcast and at GoodVibes.com, as well as in Best Bondage Erotica. He says the research for this story was oodles of fun.
JANINE ASHBLESS (janineashbless.blogspot.com) has two collections of erotic fantasy, fairy and paranormal stories, Cruel Enchantment and Dark Enchantment, and three erotic fantasy novels: Divine Torment, Burning Bright and Wild-wood . Her short stories have appeared in anthologies by Black Lace and Cleis.
KAT BLACK is a mild-mannered aspiring romance writer by day, mistress of wicked words by night. She is an enthusiastic newcomer to the steamy world of erotica following the success of her first sexy short story, which won runner-up in the Vulgari Prize for Erotic Fiction 2008.
ANDREA DALES’S (cyvarwydd.com) stories have appeared in a slew of anthologies and magazines. With coauthors, she has sold novels to Virgin Books and even more short stories. She has lived in Wales and based Pencraig on an actual castle that was saved from development by rare bats.
JAN DARBY is a lawyer and a storyteller, writing legal documents by day and lighthearted erotic romance by night. Her short stories have appeared at Ruthiesclub.com and Forthegirls.com and she has also published two novella-length erotic-romance romps.
AMANDA FOX is a wife, mother, fitness fanatic, writer, teacher, artist and hopeful humanitarian. As one half of a vanilla/chocolate love affair that has spanned more than twenty years, her writing focuses mainly on interracial relationships. She’d love you to visit her at Foxtales.ca, Cleansheets or the Erotic Woman.
KAY JAYBEE (kayjaybee.me.uk) wrote the erotic anthology The Collector. A regular contributor to the website oystersandchocolate. com, Kay also has a number of stories published by Cleis Press, Black Lace, Xcite Books, Mammoth Books and Penguin.
D. L. KING is the editor of The Sweetest Kiss and Where the Girls Are, and also publishes the review site, Erotica Revealed. Find her stories in Girl Crazy, Best Women’s Erotica 09 and Best Lesbian Erotica 08 & 2010, among others. She’s published two novels.
JUDE MASON writes in a variety of genres and adores stretching the boundaries. The bulk of her work has been about D/s and femdom, but she enjoyed straying into fetish, pulp fiction, m/m or f/f, and sci-fi, among others. She has work in print, ebook form and audio.
N. T. MORLEY (ntmorley.com) is the author of sixteen published novels of erotic dominance and submission, including The Parlor, The Limousine, The Appointment, The Visitor, The Nightclub, and trilogies The Castle, The Office and The Library. Morley edited a double anthology, MASTER/slave, and has appeared in more than fifty anthologies.
EMILIE PARIS is the author of Valentine. Her short stories have appeared in anthologies including Naughty Stories from A to Z, volumes 1 & 3, in Sweet Life 1 & 2 and Taboo, and on the website goodvibes.com.
DYLAN REED is a bi San Francisco genderqueer with a serious thing for edgy midnight public misbehavior. Though several pseudonymous stories of Dylan’s have hit the net, this is Dylan’s first foray into hot bi cuckolding porn.
Erotica by TERESA NOELLE ROBERTS has appeared in Pleasure Bound, Best Women’s Erotica 2004, 2006 and 2007, Best Lesbian Erotica 2009, Dirty Girls and other titles that make her mother blush. Her erotic paranormal romance Lions’ Pride features a happy nonhuman couple and the hot shapeshifting guy they both love.
THOMAS ROCHE’S (thomasroche.com) erotica has appeared in several hundred websites, magazines and anthologies. Earlier books include three volumes in the Noirotica series of erotic crime-noir, four anthologies and three collections. A writer of crime, horror, fantasy and science fiction, he is working on a mammoth steampunk murder mystery featuring brain-eating zombies, viruses, rampaging robots and killer mimes.
ALISON TYLER’S twenty-five naughty novels and fifty erotic anthologies have won her the title of “Erotica’s Own Super Woman” (East Bay Literary Examiner). Her most recent collection is Alison’s Wonderland. Find her 24/7 at alisontyler. blogspot.com.
VANESSA VAUGHN’S (VanessaVaughn.com) stories have been included in numerous erotic anthologies from publishers such as Cleis Press, Circlet Press and Ravenous Romance. She believes the best erotica—like the best sex—requires the unexpected, and sometimes even the uncomfortable, to truly satisfy.
ALLISON WONDERLAND (aisforallison.blogspot.com) has contributed to a number of anthologies including Hurts So Good: Unrestrained Erotica, I Do: An Anthology in Support of Marriage Equality and Coming Together: At Last.
KRISTINA WRIGHT’S (kristinawright.com) steamy erotica has appeared in more than seventy anthologies, including Sweet Life: Erotic Fantasies for Couples and three editions of Best Women’s Erotica. She lives in Virginia with her husband and a menagerie of pets and spends a great deal of time writing in coffee shops.