Kay Jaybee
Fifteen years ago I read my very first erotic story. From that moment I had a powerful recurring fantasy based entirely on its contents. Each relationship I’ve enjoyed since has had that one sexual expectation wrapped up in it.
Despite my efforts, I continually failed to find anyone with whom I could make my wildest dream come true. Then I met Mark. Once I’d shared my fantasy with him, he quickly became equally obsessed by it. So much so that he made the realization of it a mission for me, a quest that has led to many deliciously dirty encounters.
I investigated every club, dance floor, bar and meeting site possible searching for a woman who could turn our dreams to reality. The fact I eventually found her by accident, sitting at an ordinary table, in an ordinary café, sipping a ridiculously strong Americano, was my first surprise, the first of many.
Her disguise is perfect. She appears to be like every other thirtysomething female: average height, blue jeans, white shirt, black boots and long brown hair. The only clue to her true self is her incredible smile. It is literally dangerous and can alter her dark gray eyes from flirty, to sexy, to downright demonic in an instant.
It was those eyes that made me want to talk to her, for as soon as I spotted them staring at me, the hairs on the back of my neck began to tingle. The overcrowded nature of the café made it easy for me to ask for a seat at her table, but I was amazed at how readily she introduced herself.
I’m not sure why it felt okay to talk to Jo so candidly. It was almost as if her presence had been contrived somehow, for within a remarkably short amount of time we’d moved on from small talk, and it seemed natural for me to tell her about the search that I’d been sent on.
Jo’s face glowed with mischief as she asked me for details of the encounters my pursuit had led me to so far. My gaze darted around the coffeehouse. This was not the sort of conversation that should be overheard, but something about Jo made me want to tell her everything. Luckily, the London fashion of each person being intent only upon him or her self was in evidence, and I felt safe enough to launch into my tale, albeit in hushed tones.
“Mark’s requirements are, on the surface, simple. It doesn’t matter how tall she is, where she’s from, what color her skin, hair, or eyes are, as long as I find a woman he would like, who’s willing to become part of a threesome, and who will do exactly as he says.
“I found the first woman that came close to his specifications in an S/M club. She was of similar height to my own, and her curling blonde hair contrasted nicely with my short black bob. The fact she was a client at that sort of club, and that her face was permanently lowered to the floor, proved she’d fulfill the ‘doing what she was told’ part of the deal.
“She wore only a maroon basque and stockings, no shoes, no collar of ownership, no jewelry, and as befitting her submissive poise, she carried no whip or paddle. Her blue eyes raised a fraction as I approached her, my heart thudding in my ears. She was gorgeously voluptuous, and I couldn’t help but hope she’d be the one.
“The club itself was split into a series of rooms: general meeting places and dance floors, private rooms that were hired out by the hour; a men-only room, and a women-only room. It was into this final room that I asked her to accompany me. She smiled and nodded, but said nothing.
“Dimly lit, the room had rows of cream sofas against its walls, divided from each other with a modicum of discretion, by flimsy muslin curtains. I took her hand, surprised at how cold it was despite the heat of the club, and steered her to a free sofa. The second I asked her to sit down she obeyed. The woman, whose name I never did learn, was already waiting on my every command.
“Sitting astride her lap, our stocking tops rubbing together, I tilted her chin up so I could peer into her eyes. She stared back at my face, and I kissed her.
“The moment our lips met she came to life, giving as enthusiastically as she received. Grasping the laces that fastened the top of her basque, I yanked them loose, spilling her chest free. I held each heavy globe in my palms, squeezing and kneading until I was rewarded by a gentle nuzzling purr.
“Her nipples pushed against my hands. I bent my mouth to them, alternately licking and biting, until my blonde companion began to squirm beneath my weight. I didn’t want her to come yet, and so I released her breast. Sliding to my knees, I rolled each of her stockings down her legs.
“As I worked, I glanced at her face and saw desire mingled with confusion. This was not how things usually went for her. She’d not received a single order since my initial request for her to sit, and her arms hung limply at her sides, uncertain. I continued, and with the stockings gone, began to caress each shapely pale calf in turn.
“My tits were beginning to feel tight within my satin bra, and I paused to unhook its clasp, watching with satisfaction as my temporary lover sighed longingly at their appearance. In need of some stimulation myself, I granted her permission to touch me. Soon my tits were being treated to an expert range of soft strokes, heavy nips with dazzling teeth, and teasing fingertips. Swiftly I found myself on the edge of orgasm, and robbed of the willpower to command her to stop.
“After that, my plans to make love to her gently, to discover as much about her talents as possible, were forgotten. We were merely a heady mixture of arms, legs, breasts, and illicit imaginings. She tasted of peaches, and I could have eaten from her all night, but I had a mission to complete. Once we had stilled, I held her close, and explained about my quest. I told her how I thought she’d be perfect for Mark and me. She listened quietly, then turned to me, and uttered the longest sentence of our evening together: ‘I don’t do men.’
“I couldn’t believe it. I’m usually so attuned to that sort of thing. I guess I’d been blown away by my attraction to her. Mark would be disappointed, and I knew I would suffer a few strokes of his belt for my failure, but in truth, I never mind that.”
I paused. Jo’s eyes had blazed whilst I spoke, but now they simmered with amusement at my mistake. “She sounded lovely.”
“She was, but not for Mark, and so I carried on looking.”
“Tell me.”
“The next time I came close was with a girl called Liz I’d encountered via a ‘Threesomes Fun’ website. I exchanged many emails with her before arranging to meet properly. Wisely, Liz wanted to know pretty much everything about Mark and…”
Jo broke through my story, “What is he like anyway? What does he look like?”
I smiled at her eager interest, “Mark is totally gorgeous. He’s thirty-eight years old, about five feet eight, with short, brown, gray-flecked hair. His eyes are a deep dark hazel, and somehow incredibly honest, with lashes that would be the envy of anyone. They seem to make him appear at once vulnerable and powerful.”
“I’m intrigued.” Jo lifted the corner of her mouth into another devastating grin. “So, what happened with Liz?”
“I emailed her, describing Mark and myself. I told her I was bi, but that Mark was straight with a massive lesbian fantasy fixation, which I alone couldn’t fulfill, but, was more than happy to make a reality for him.
“In return, Liz told me she was a petite five feet, with long ginger hair and green eyes. She was also bisexual, and enjoyed submission.
“I had high hopes when she agreed to meet for a drink, and was not disappointed when I first caught sight of her perched on a bar stool sipping a glass of wine.
“Watching her for a while before I approached, I wondered how long it would be before I managed to get her out of her black trousers and the fitting green top, which clearly revealed she wore no bra beneath. Her hair was…”
Jo reached out and placed a firm hand over my wrist, sending an unexpected shock wave of passion down my body. “Forget all that meeting and greeting bit. What was she like to fuck? You did fuck her, didn’t you?”
“I accompanied Liz to her small cluttered flat, but I was already having nagging doubts about her suitability. She had an unexpectedly whiny accent that I knew would drive Mark mad. But Liz was very attractive, and I was well up for sex. Anyway, successful or not, Mark would want a full report of my afternoon’s research.
“We hadn’t been through the door for more than a few seconds when Liz was pulling at my jacket, and my purple T-shirt was being yanked over my head. I don’t think anyone has ever undressed me with such speed. Then she stepped back and appraised me. I could feel her piercing eyes devouring every inch of my flesh as I goose-pimpled with cold.
“Clicking on her stereo, Liz began to sway in time to the music, and then began to strip. It was obviously not the first time she’d done it, and I couldn’t help but be impressed as she moved sensuously to the music, her cute plaits swinging provocatively as she eased off each garment.
“The slow beat of the music increased as the tracks changed, and Liz virtually ripped off her knickers to the faster tempo. My blood hammered in my veins as we stood, only a meter away from each other, totally naked, savoring the buildup of tension before we acted.
“I’d had certain ideas of how to play this encounter prior to my arrival, but now decided to go with the flow, to see what Liz would do.
“‘On your knees.’ The order sounded strange coming from such a squeaky voice, but the commanding glint in Liz’s eyes was unmistakable, and so I obeyed.
“Seconds later I was on all fours, and a palm was slapping my arse with sharp regularity. I cried out under her smacks as Liz built up a rhythm, turning my buttocks from warm to roasting.
“As I swayed against her attack, a single probing digit began to push against my anus. Gently at first, its intrusive presence grew, and soon Liz was fingering me like a professional.
“Sweat dotted my back as she introduced a second finger, and then a third. My hole puckered and suckled at her digits, making her laugh in delight at how up I was for an arse fuck. Slipping her free hand between my legs, Liz teased my clit, doubling the knots in my stomach as she began to slap my pussy in time to the thrust of her fingers, and I found myself quivering and rocking against her.
“As my climax died away, Liz instructed me to stay exactly where I was. My arms ached, and I longed to collapse onto the floor, but Mark had trained me well over the last few months, and I remained where I was.
“I heard the click of a belt, and recognized it as a strap-on harness even before Liz had wordlessly lined the dildo’s head up against my butt. Without ceremony, she slammed into me, making the walls of my back passage stretch farther, as the fake cock filled me to the hilt.
“Liz was breathing heavily, her chest and pigtails brushing my skin as she leant against my back. Then flicking the switch of a previously hidden remote, she made the dildo shoot into life. Massive vibrations ripped through us, tipping me into another orgasm and electrifying Liz’s pussy, until her shrill yelps echoed in my ears.
“I did collapse then, trapped between her lightweight frame and the thinly carpeted floor.”
“How did she take not being chosen?” Jo asked.
“She was disappointed, but Mark would have hated her voice, and to be honest, it got on my nerves a bit too. Also, despite her claims to the contrary, she was too openly dominant. Anyone who joins Mark has to keep that side of herself firmly under control, and I don’t think Liz could have managed that. Shame really, she was pretty, and we had a brilliant fuck.”
“You don’t regret the encounter then?” Jo’s smile became ever more suggestive.
“Not at all.” I looked at my new companion, trying to gauge her reaction to everything I’d said. “Who could possibly regret an excellent piece of arse work?”
“Well I couldn’t, that’s for sure!” Jo laughed as she increased the pressure on my wrist. “May I ask some questions?”
“Of course.” Without thinking what I was doing, I flipped my hand around so she could hold it properly, and experienced a second arousing twitch between my legs.
“What exactly does Mark want to do with the girl you find for him?”
“I honestly don’t know. All he’s told me is that once my search is completed I’ll find out; until then I’m as much in the dark as the person I’m hunting for, apart from the part of the dream that was originally mine of course.”
“I see. I guess you aren’t going to tell me what that is?”
Jo nodded conspiratorially, “So, what sort of sex is Mark into?”
“Dirty, rough, dominant bondage.”
“Interesting.” Again, one corner of Jo’s mouth rose in an evil beam. “I can’t wait to meet him.”
I didn’t respond for a moment. My throat had gone very dry at the thought of having this woman holding me, kissing me, screwing me. Just the touch of her was making my knickers wet. “You want to meet him?”
“You think you could be the third person?” I couldn’t keep the hope out of my voice.
“Don’t you?” Her voice was steady and calm, and her eyes twinkled as they gazed into mine. I simply nodded. No other reply was necessary. I didn’t even, as Mark would say, “need to test-drive her” to make sure he’d like her. I just knew he would.
I picked up my mobile and sent Mark a text: I’ve found her.
Seconds later he replied, Bring her to me at 7pm tonight.
I hadn’t heard anything else from my lover before I arrived outside his home a little before seven. The palms of my hands were damp with perspiration, and I wiped them against the back of the short denim skirt Mark likes me to wear, which only just covers my black stocking tops.
Before I see Mark, I always feel slightly unsettled. He is such a controlling force in my life; my heart rate seems to double at just the sight of his glass front door. As I waited for Jo my apprehension grew. What if I’d got it wrong, and Mark didn’t like her?
A few minutes later Jo emerged from a taxi, her slim legs also clad in stockings, and a short flared black skirt covering her tight arse. Her chest peeked suggestively out from a low-cut white blouse, and she wore knee-length black boots. Jo glowed with excitement, and suddenly I wondered why I’d been so concerned.
“Shall we?” I pointed to the hallway that led into the block of flats.
“Let’s.” Jo grasped my hand, and I experienced the same surge of warmth and hunger as I had in the café.
Mark’s face was a picture as he opened the door, and I could tell that, on first impressions at least, Jo had met his criteria.
I studied Jo closely as she examined my partner. Desire flushed her face as Mark led us into his bedroom, and I heard her gasp as she saw the incongruous four-poster that dominated the space.
Mark sat in a leather chair he’d purposefully placed opposite the end of the bed. I could see the outline of his dick cramped against his jeans, and knew from the heaving of his chest that he was struggling to keep control of himself, now he was finally in the situation he’d dreamt of for so long.
Pointing to me he said, “Take her blouse off.”
I trembled as I opened Jo’s shirt, revealing a very sexy black bra which complemented her lightly tanned complexion perfectly.
“Now her skirt.”
Again I obeyed.
“And her knickers, but leave her boots and stockings on.”
I was temporarily surprised at how cliché his requests were, but as I stepped back and stared at her, I realized it was exactly how it should be. Jo looked incredible.
I’d guessed what was going to be asked of me next, and was already halfway to complying as Mark gestured to the bag of restraints he kept by the bed. “Her wrists.”
Jo obligingly stretched her arms out for me to tie to the bedposts, allowing herself to be secured and made vulnerable.
“Gag her.”
I fished around in the bag and produced two gags, one ball and one metal clamp. I brandished them in front of Mark questioningly.
“The ball.”
I was relieved on Jo’s behalf that he’d chosen the marginally more comfortable restraint, and applied the sphere between Jo’s teeth, fastening the strap so it trapped her hair beneath its strong elastic.
“Take off her bra and suck her tits.”
I didn’t need to be told twice. Her breasts were as beautiful as I’d imagined, creamily smooth, with large nut brown areolas that felt pleasingly rough beneath my tongue.
I glanced up at Jo’s face as I worked across her with increasingly hard kisses. She was staring at Mark, her eyes darting with want, her teeth clamping down against the gag to deflect the sensations I was creating, which the involuntary twitches in her legs told me were growing fast.
As I sucked, I began to wish Mark would make me take my top off, for my breasts were swelling and my nipples felt taut and constrained. No such instruction was forthcoming however, and I carried on with my task, painfully aware of my own arousal, as Jo’s legs trembled, and her feet fidgeted against the plushly carpeted floor.
Mark’s gruff voice bounced off the walls: “Stop what you’re doing and tie her legs; she can’t be trusted to keep still.”
I reluctantly pulled away, noting the flash of loss that crossed Jo’s face, before I widened her legs and attached her ankles to the bed frame with short buckled straps.
My lover’s hand began to caress his cock as he observed the stranger before him, spread-eagled and completely within our power.
“Eat her.”
I knelt, sweeping my tongue over her erect clit, feeling the vibrations of a muffled sigh as Jo bit into the rubber mask. Increasing my speed, I enjoyed the ripples of her approaching climax as they ran across her stomach.
“No one is to come.” Mark’s voice was harsh and tight, and I knew he was commanding his own body as much as ours.
I slowed my pace, circling my tongue around her pussy, rather than over her nub. Small specks of dribble were gathering at the corner of her lips. I longed to lick them away, to take off the gag and hear the noises she was making, but that was not my decision to make.
“Leave her.”
It was a wrench to move away from the wonderful taste and aroma of Jo’s sticky sex, but I did as I was told, and went to Mark’s side.
Despite the tears of frustration that dotted at their corners, Jo’s bright eyes shone, and I could see how much she was enjoying herself.
Mark hoisted me onto his lap and ripped my shirt open, dragging my tits over the top of my bra. He yanked at my right nipple, making me yelp as he stretched it as far as it would go, before mercifully letting go and attacking my left side.
His dick rubbed against my skirt’s waistband, and I longed to hold it in my hand or take it into my mouth. Instead, he told me to stand and strip, which I did, very quickly.
I stole a glance at Jo as I stood naked, and was relieved to see lustful approval in her expression. Mark turned me to face him, knelt me down, and shoved his thick shaft into my mouth.
I relished Mark’s salty sweet taste as I rolled him around my tongue, fully aware of the effect our show would be having on Jo, helpless and desperate for more stimulation. Mark removed his navy polo shirt, and I trailed my hands over his torso, making him moan softly.
He gently eased me away then, twisting me so that I was sideways to Jo, then he took off his trousers and boxers and, stunningly naked, slipped on a condom, before lifting me in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pushed his cock into me.
I held on to Mark’s neck, plastering his face with savage kisses, while he observed Jo watching us. Her eyes reflected frustration, but she didn’t turn them away from the spectacle we were creating for her, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by her self-control. I wondered if I’d have been tugging at my bonds by now if the roles had been reversed.
As Mark continued to plunge into me, I could feel my stomach fill with the first flutters of climax and was amazed when he let me come around his cock, and more amazed still when he cradled me lovingly as I came down from my temporary high.
He carried me to his chair, sat me down, and wiped stray hairs from my forehead. Once I’d caught my breath he said, “Undo her gag now. Kiss her better. Have a little fun, baby.”
I moved fast, stunned by Mark’s unprecedented sharing. Undoing the strap that held the ball gag, I gave Jo a second to maneuver her stiff jaw before launching onto her with a battery of greedy kisses, which she returned with a desperate joyful fervor.
Before she could find her voice, I slid a hand between her thighs and captured her groin. Encouraged by the gasp she uttered into my mouth, I cupped a breast with my other hand, tightening my fingers around her nipple. Distracted from my kisses, Jo’s mouth fell open, and she began to pant with pleasure.
Mark came closer to us, his face flushed red, his skin darkening into blotches beneath his light chest hairs. “I think it’s high time you lived out your teenage fantasy, don’t you?”
My body, still high from the climax he’d unexpectedly allowed me to have, rushed with heady anticipation, as the image from the book I’d read so long ago entered my head.
Untying Jo, Mark led her from the bed to the middle of the floor. Grabbing a handful of her hair, he ordered her to her knees and elbows. Then he nodded to me, and I positioned myself above Jo. Straddling my legs over her thighs, I rested on my hands and knees over her luscious body, so that our pussies were lined up next to each other.
“Hell, you girls are just so beautiful!” Mark murmured as he towered over us. “You are such bad girls, my naughty bad girls.” He carried on muttering his appreciation, till at last he rammed his dick between my legs, filling me for a blissful second before pulling out, leaving me woefully, deliciously empty, while he dived into Jo’s waiting cunt.
I’m not sure which of us was groaning and mewling the loudest as Mark’s sharp thrusts built in tempo, as he alternated between our bodies at a staggering pace. Balancing my weight carefully, I placed a hand beneath Jo’s body and found her clit. Immediately, I was rewarded with a low moan of longing as I stroked it with the tip of one finger. Jo began to yelp and quake, her arms shaking with the effort of supporting our combined weight. Mark lunged into me for the final time, his cock pumping out spunk in a hot wave of ultimate satisfaction.
The second he was done, Mark pushed Jo and me to the floor. Rolling us over, he placed his large hands between our legs, kneading and stroking until we both spasmed again in mutual, overwhelming, mind-blowing pleasure.
Waking the next morning, tangled in the four-poster’s crisp white sheets, I was momentarily puzzled to find three hands across my naked body, until I remembered I’d crashed into bed last night with the two sexiest people I’d ever met. Fresh desire flooded through me as I reflected on the evening before, and the final wonderful fulfillment of my doubled-up threesome fantasy.
I reached out my hands and began to circle stealthy fingers over their sleeping chests, one smooth and silky, the other downed with fine curling hairs….