“Calling all teenagers (and their exasperated parents)! If you’ve been putting off calling Procrastinators Anonymous to find study strategies that work for you, this is the book for you. If you spend hours ‘studying’ without seeing your grades improve, this is the book for you. If you are starting to realize that acting too cool for school isn’t cool at all, this is the book for you. In short, if you are a teenager who wants to do better in school while gaining a sense of self (and maybe even a social life) this is the book for you.”

Ginger Fay, President, Fay College Counseling, LLC

“Anne Crossman demystifies studying, proving that academic success isn’t magic.… Her book is accessible and helpful for ALL students, particularly those transitioning to high school. Parents, teachers,
and counselors who want to help their kids succeed would also do well to read it.”

Brian Cooper, Director of Educational Programs,
Duke University Talent Identification Program

“As a school counselor and former college admissions director, I have run across many smart students who were not successful because they didn’t know how to study. Study Smart, Study Less is custom made for these kids. What makes this book different is that it helps students identify their study style and teaches them how to maximize their strengths. Anne Crossman has given new hope to students who want to improve their study skills and boost their academic performance.”

Gordon E. Stanley, PhD, Director of Counseling, Marist School