Page 82, Labor Laws: “Checklist for Hiring Employees” (Rogue Farm Corps) in Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) Farm Internship Curriculum and Handbook. Powell, Tom, Maud Powell, and Michael Moss. 2010.
Page 104, How to Market/Four Ps: Perreault, William D., Joseph P. Cannon, and E. Jerome McCarthy. Basic Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach. 19th ed. McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.
Page 105, How to Market/SIVA: Chekitan, S. Dev and Don E. Schultz. “In the Mix: A Customer-Focused Approach Can Bring the Current Marketing Mix into the 21st Century.” Marketing Management 14 (no. 1, 2005): 16–22.
Page 128, Sell It: Keys to Success: Stephenson, James. Ultimate Small Business Marketing Guide. Entrepreneur Press, 2007.
Page 172, quote: Coleman, Eliot. The New Organic Grower: A Master’s Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener. 2nd ed. Chelsea Green, 1995.
Page 174, Planning and Intervention Practices for Ecologically-Based Pest Management: Madgoff, Fred, and Harold Van Es. Building Soils for Better Crops, 3rd ed. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, 2009.
Pages 178 and 183, The Nitrogen Cycle adapted from Agricultural Ecosystem Management, Course 3 in the National Continuing Education Program (USDA SARE); and C. Johnson, G. Albrecht, Q. Ketterings, J. Beckman, and K. Stockin. Nitrogen Basics—The Nitrogen Cycle, Cornell University Cooperative Extension, 2005.
Pages 181 and 203, Key Practices in Sustainable Agriculture: The ecosystem concepts and biogeochemical cycles in this section are adapted from Agricultural Ecosystem Management, Course 3 in the National Continuing Education Program, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). By permission.