There’s No One Like You


Old magazines

Computer and printer

Scissors and glue sticks

Poster board



Your daughter is a unique masterpiece, created by God. Today you will create your own work of art to celebrate your one-of-a-kind girl!

Use your computer’s word processing software to spell out “All About (your daughter’s name).” Have your daughter choose her favorite font and color for the lettering. Print and cut out the title you’ve made and glue it across the top of the poster board. Page through old magazines or search the internet together to find pictures of your daughter’s interests and favorite things: sports, colors, foods, stores, movies, animals, fashions, etc. Cut out or print the pictures and glue them onto the poster board.

When you’re finished cutting and pasting, use markers to embellish the poster. Write down words that describe the qualities of your daughter’s heart and personality (funny, helpful, generous, friendly, confident, honest, etc.).

Find a place on your daughter’s bedroom door or wall to display the poster, to celebrate what a unique and special girl she is.


Take some time to study the finished poster together. Ask specific questions about the pictures she chose, such as, “What do you like best about that animal?” or “What was your favorite part of that movie?” This is a great opportunity to get to know her better.

Your daughter was created by God and he knows her through and through. The pictures she chose to place on the poster show how she already has talents and interests that make her unique, despite her young age. The qualities of her heart and personality, however, are where the fingerprint of God is especially evident. Read the following verses together:

O LORD, you have searched me and known me!

You know when I sit down and when I rise up;

you discern my thoughts from afar.

You search out my path and my lying down

and are acquainted with all my ways. (Ps. 139:1–3 ESV)

For you formed my inward parts;

you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works;

my soul knows it very well. (vv. 13–14 ESV)


Dear Lord,

No other girl is quite like my daughter. Thank you for creating her and knowing her through and through. I am so grateful that you made her just the way she is. Thank you for what a gift she is to me and our family. Please help her to trust in your amazing love for her, and help me to love her the way you do. Amen!