Tower Time


Plastic building blocks, such as Duplo bricks

Wooden block-stacking game

Plastic or paper cups

Cardboard boxes of various sizes

Duct tape, scissors, markers

Crackers, cheese, lunch meat, pickle slices

Sandwich cookies


Clear some space in a room and get stacking! Build a block tower as high as you can before it topples. Can you build a tower as tall as the ceiling? Take turns adding one block at a time until it falls over.

Challenge each other with a wooden stacking game such as Jenga or Ta-Ka-Radi. Make the tallest pyramid possible by stacking up paper or plastic cups. See if you can collapse the pyramid by blowing on the bottom layer.

Build a tower for your daughter’s stuffed animals or dolls to live in. Cut windows and doors out of cardboard boxes, stack them, and hold them together with duct tape. Help your daughter decorate the tower with markers.

Make snack towers by layering crackers, cheese, lunch meat, and pickle slices into a stack. Do the same with a handful of sandwich cookies. Take turns eating the cookie off the top of the stack!


Have you ever climbed a high hill or observation tower, or enjoyed the view from the top of a high-rise building? You can see for a great distance from up there, can’t you? Towers were a great way of defending forts and castles in the past—you could see your enemy coming from far away and be ready to defend yourselves.

In the Bible, Proverbs 18:10 tells us, “The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” God is our protection! He keeps watch over us and gives us safety in a world that is sometimes scary. Thank him for being your “tower” right now.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for loving us so much that you keep watch over us every day. Thank you for being our strong tower. You are mightier than anything that comes our way. Help us to trust you and run to you every time we are worried and afraid. Amen.