Your Daughter’s World


Decorative gift for your daughter’s room

Mini-picnic, such as fruit and crackers


Dads, prepare to enter a strange and unfamiliar world—your daughter’s room! Ask your daughter to prepare for your visit ahead of time. She can arrange all of the stuffed animals and dolls she’d like you to meet, and gather together the most recent drawings or crafts she’s made. Perhaps she has a scrapbook, photo album, or school yearbook she’d like to look through with you. Make sure she has a favorite collection ready to show off, whether it’s glass figurines, china dolls, hats, or a sticker album.

When she’s ready for your visit, arrive at her bedroom door with a wrapped gift and snacks in hand. Knock politely and allow her to show you in! Sit on the floor and enjoy the window into her world. Ask questions about her toys, such as where she received them and what she likes about them. Take time to admire her artwork—be specific about what catches your eye in each one. If she has pictures of friends, take time to learn their names and hear her stories about them. Ooh and aah over her collections. Brainstorm about how you could add to her collection in the near future.

When your daughter has shared all of her special treasures with you, thank her for letting you visit. Enjoy your snack together and present her with the gift for her room.


Romans 15:7 tells us that just like Christ has made us welcome, we should welcome one another into our lives. Today your daughter invited you into her room. She showed you her prized possessions—the things that reflect her unique personality and interests. Christ has also made us welcome. He made a way for us to have a home in heaven with him forever. Whenever you share your home or belongings with others, you are loving as Christ loves.


Dear Lord,

Thank you for making us welcome in the family of God. Thank you for the home you are preparing for us in heaven. We understand that you know us inside and out, and that our home in heaven will be perfect for us in every way. Please help us to be openhearted and willing to share our home and what we have with others. Please use our home as a blessing to all who come here. Thank you for my daughter and her willingness to share her room with me today. Help us to love each other as you love us, always. Amen.