Car keys
Are you ready to invite your daughter into your work world? Make sure she has everything necessary, such as a hard hat, safety goggles, or security pass if your workplace requires it. Check with your supervisor for prior approval of her visit. Team up to pack your lunches (or at least a snack) and head to work!
Walk your daughter through a regular day at your place of business. Do you punch a time clock? Log into a computer system? Fill out a daily report? Show her your individual workspace and all of your equipment and supplies. Introduce her to your supervisor and co-workers too. Give her a tour of the facility so she can see the places like the file room, warehouse, and lunchroom. Share something with her that she can keep, such as a company calendar, business card, or an item printed with the company logo. Take a break and enjoy your snack or lunch together. Have her take a picture of you in your work area so she can visualize you during the day when you’re apart.
Sometimes work is, well, work! But it is also a gift from God because it is one of the ways he provides for our needs. If daddies didn’t go to work it would be hard to buy groceries or gas for the car. Let your daughter “interview” you with the following questions:
What are some of the most fun parts of your job?
Which parts of your job are the most challenging?
Did you have to go to school or train for your type of work?
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
What was the first job you ever had?
No matter what job we have, God wants us to work hard with a willing attitude. That’s because our real boss is God, and we should do our work to please him more than anybody else.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Col. 3:23–24)
Thank you for giving Dad a job that provides for our family. Please help him work with a cheerful heart and a helpful attitude toward the people he works with. Please increase his talents and give him a good reputation for being a faithful worker. Thank you for the work you have planned for each of us in the future. You are so good! Amen!