Tickets to a theme park or amusement park
Sunscreen, walking shoes
Water bottles
Car keys
Prepare for your trip to the theme park by pre-purchasing tickets and making your travel arrangements. Keep the weather forecast in mind, as well as any special park events you may want to experience such as fireworks displays or concerts.
Travel to a theme park and grab a park map. Have your daughter point out any rides or attractions that she’s excited about. Have an unforgettable day together!
Each park has its own personality, as it orients all of the attractions around a certain theme. Whether it’s the down-home Americana of Silver Dollar City, the lovely princesses of Disney, or the oceans of SeaWorld, every park allows its visitors to step into another world for a day.
What is the theme that’s running through each day of your life? Are you living out a theme of achieving financial success, finding popularity with your friends, or serving in every way possible in your church? If someone had to describe your number one passion, what would they say?
The theme that God had in mind for us when we were created was to “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matt. 6:33). When we put our passion for God above everything else, he takes care of our other concerns. We also have this amazing promise: “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4 ESV).
Ask each other the following questions:
What do I want more than anything else?
What do I complain about the most when I don’t get it?
Which dream or possession would be the hardest to give up?
What gets most of my attention and energy in a day?
Answering these questions may give you clues about identifying your greatest passions. Challenge each other to love the One who gives his gifts and dreams to us more than we love those blessings themselves.
Thank you for caring about our dreams. Work in our hearts so that our passion is to love you more than anything else. Teach us how to seek your kingdom and your righteousness, and to delight ourselves in you. Help us to love you more than anything this world can offer. Thank you for giving us a hope and a future. Amen!