About the Author

Stephen L. Nelson, CPA, MBA (finance), MS (taxation), has a simple purpose in life: He wants to help you (and people like you) manage your business finances by using computers. Oh, sure, this personal mandate won’t win him a Nobel Prize or anything, but it’s his own little contribution to the world.

Steve’s experiences mesh nicely with his special purpose. The managing member of a CPA firm in Redmond, Washington, his past business experience includes a stint as an adjunct professor of taxation (S corporations and limited liability companies) at Golden Gate University graduate tax school and a few years working as a senior consultant and CPA with Arthur Andersen & Co. (er, yeah, that Arthur Andersen — but, hey, it was nearly 30 years ago). Steve, whose books have sold more than 5 million copies in English and have been translated into 11 other languages, is also the bestselling author of Quicken For Dummies.


To the entrepreneurs and small business people of the world. You folks create most of the new jobs.

Author’s Acknowledgments

Hey, reader, lots of folks spent lots of time working on this book to make QuickBooks easier for you. You should know who these people are. You may just possibly meet one of them someday at a produce shop, squeezing cantaloupe, eating grapes, and looking for the perfect peach.

First, a huge thanks to the wonderful folks at Intuit who helped me by providing the beta software and other friendly assistance for this and past editions of this book.

Another big thank-you goes to the editorial folks at John Wiley & Sons, Inc., including Charlotte Kughen (project editor), Kathy Simpson (copy editor), and Katie Mohr (associate publisher). Thanks also to David Ringstrom for his technical assistance and superb attention to detail and my work colleague Matt Donohoe, who helped assemble the art for this book. Finally, thanks, too, to the composition staff.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Associate Publisher: Katie Mohr

Project Editor: Charlotte Kughen

Copy Editor: Kathy Simpson

Technical Editor: David Ringstrom

Editorial Assistant: Matthew Lowe

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Project Manager: Magesh Elangovan

Cover Image: © Hero Images/Getty Images