

I don’t believe it’s possible to properly thank the many people without whom this book would not have been written. I’ll be forever indebted to the blackjack community as a whole for the support and generosity that it’s given me. Having explored and studied the wealth of information on the subject, I did my best to acknowledge many of the blackjack contributors, past and present, throughout this book. I would also like to recognize the many genuinely nice people I’ve met in casino pits across the country, with some of whom I’ve established authentic friendships.

A huge thank you goes out to Semyon Dukach, who was the first to introduce me to advantage blackjack. It changed my life at the time, and our friendship continues to positively impact me today. You create clarity in the lives of others by articulating the simplicity in seemingly complex situations. The most significant of all of your lessons has been that success isn’t measured only by wins and losses, but by the passion we have in all that we do. I have a tremendous amount of respect for what you did as a player, but I have an even greater reverence for who you are as a person.

To Mike Aponte and all the players I had the pleasure of learning from or playing alongside as teammates, you were all an important part of my journey, and no matter what paths we’ve taken since, I sincerely appreciate the time we shared.

To Richard Werthamer, thank you for taking the time to tediously review my manuscript and point out ways to tighten the text or give thought to a particular idea or message. Your own work on the science of the game far exceeds my comprehension of the subject, so I’ll just take your word for it.

To Anthony Curtis and all of the very talented people at Huntington Press who believed in my work and helped bring it to life, this book is more than just a journey through my blackjack career; it represents my foray into the world of publishing and you helped make that experience a great one. I am incredibly humbled to be represented by such a world-class organization.

To Arnold Snyder, one of the all-time great blackjack players and writers, thank you for your thoughtful care in reviewing and editing my manuscript. Your insight was beyond valuable and I’m so fortunate to have had this opportunity. It has been an honor to collaborate with a true legend. Thank you for all of your hard work.

To my playing partner and great friend, D.A., your commitment to the craft is exceptional and working with you has been an amazing experience. None of this would be possible for me had our paths not crossed on that day back in Boston. You are a true friend and I owe you the greatest debt of gratitude.

I’d also like to acknowledge Joe, my high school English teacher, for his support over the past 20-plus years, and especially in the context of my experience writing this book. To George and Mariette, who encouraged me to put pen to paper and then supported me throughout the process, and to my business partner, Todd, who kindly allowed me to generate alpha outside the office as well as in it, I am grateful beyond words. To my longtime friend and creative writing partner, Cleveland D, the MI Posse may have a new look these days, but it’s still in full effect. To Bob, your ongoing sage advice and loyal friendship are appreciated more than you know. To my wonderfully caring brother, Shaw, thank you for the countless hours you spent practicing with me and expressing enthusiasm for the craft. To the friends and family who have been there for me when I’ve been down to the proverbial felt, you always provide what I need to get back up after being knocked down.

To my dear son, Caden, remember these three truths: you can achieve whatever you want to achieve; you can become whomever you want to become; and I will always love you.

Finally, to Celeste, thank you for encouraging me throughout my playing trips and practices, as well as my marathon writing sessions and the publishing process. Since the beginning you have let me be me.