Chapter 1: Terrorism—Our Exile
1. Voice of the Martyrs, “Libya: ‘Their God Is My God,’”, April 9, 2015,; Jared Malsin, “ISIS Sets Sights on Europe in Latest Beheading Video,”, February 16, 2015,
2. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, “Statement by the Press Secretary on the Murder of Egyptian Citizens,” February 15, 2015,
3. Mufti A. H. Elias and Mohammad Ali ibn Zubair Ali, “Imam Mahdi (Descendent of Prophet Muhammad PBUH),”, accessed October 20, 2016,
4. Eurostat, “Asylum Statistics,” data extracted on March 2, 2016 and April 20, 2016, page last modified May 11, 2016,
5. “Muslims Immigrants to Europe: ‘May Allah Make Orphans out of Their Children’ ALL SAYS AMEN” [sic], YouTube video, 0:45, footage taken on a refugee train, posted by MegaPhylum, September 10, 2015,
6. Patrick Goodenough, “10,126: Administration Hits Syria Refugee Target; 0.5% Are Christians,” CNS News, August 29, 2016,
7. Jonathan Witt, “Why So Few Syrian Christian Refugees?,” Stream, November 20, 2015,
8. Muhammad Sa’eed Al Qahtani, “Hijrah: Migration for the Cause of Allah,” excerpt from Al Wala’ wa’l Bara, Mission Islam,
9. Quilliam Foundation, “Quilliam Exclusive—Translation and Analysis of Islamic State Document Highlighting Its Strategic Goals in Libya,” Quilliam, February 18, 2015,; Charlie Winter, Libya: The Strategic Gateway for the Islamic State: Translation and Analysis of IS Recruitment Propaganda for Libya, Quilliam Foundation, February 2015,
10. Times of Israel staff, “Breed and Conquer Europe, al-Aqsa Preacher Exhorts Muslims,” Times of Israel, September 19, 2015,; “Top Muslim Imam: Breed with Europeans to Conquer Them!,” YouTube video, 2:39, posted by European American Vanguard, September 19, 2015,
11. Richard Fausset, “SUV Attack Prompts Debate over ‘Terrorism’ and Islam,” Los Angeles Times, March 7, 2006,
12. First Community Church, “Exploring the Myths, Realities and Spiritual Practices of Islam: Fall 2015 Spiritual Searcher Speaker: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf—October 2–4,”,
13. Paula R. Kincaid, “Prayers to Allah Offered at PCUSA’s General Assembly Plenary Session (Updated),” The Layman blog, June 22, 2016,
14. Victor Davis Hanson, Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power (New York: Anchor Books, 2001), 166.
15. Blake Neff, “Historicity and Holy War: Putting the Crusades in Context,” Dartmouth Apologia 6, no. 1 (Fall 2011), Augustine Collective,
16. Robert Louis Wilken, The First Thousand Years: A Global History of Christianity (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012), 307, 308.
17. George Santayana, The Life of Reason, vol. 1, Reason in Common Sense (1905),
Chapter 2: Invasion of Other Gods
1. James Strong, Strong’s Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon (The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible), “Lexicon: Strong’s G572—haplotēs,”; portal at
2. Michael Boehm, “What Is Grave Sucking?,” Youth Apologetics Training, February 13, 2014,
3. David Jackman, The Authentic Church: What Are Our Priorities Before Christ Comes Again? (Fearn, Scotland: Christian Focus, 1998), 62.
4. Brian D. McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2004), 35.
5. Paul F. Knitter, Without Buddha I Could Not Be a Christian (London: Oneworld Publications, 2009), 103.
6. Ibid., 95.
7. Francis A. Schaeffer, The Great Evangelical Disaster (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1984), 141 (emphasis in the original).
Chapter 3: The Barbarian Invasion
1. Compiled from: Von J. Rosenkranz, T. Röthemeier, and A. Wieberneit, “Es War Gruselig, Niemand Hat Uns Geholfen,” Bild, January 6, 2016, (translated by Google); Alison Smale, “As Germany Welcomes Migrants, Sexual Attacks in Cologne Point to a New Reality,” New York Times, January 14, 2016,; BBC, “Germany Shocked by Cologne New Year Gang Assaults on Women,”, January 5, 2016,; Ellie Flynn, “‘I Was Groped Between My Legs’: More Brave Victims from Cologne Sex Assaults Describe Horror as 2000 Strong Mob Attacked,” Sun, January 7, 2016,
2. Scott Greer, “The Migrant Rape Culture the Political Elite Wishes Were Fake,” Daily Caller, January 6, 2016,
3. Shamil Shams, “Opinion: Cologne attacks on Muslims show incompatibility of cultures,”, January 11, 2016,
4. Emma-Kate Symons, “Cologne attacks: ‘This Is Sexual Terrorism Directed Towards Women,’” Women in the World, in association with the New York Times, January 19, 2016,
5. Ibid.
6. Evan Andrews, “8 Reasons Why Rome Fell,”, January 14, 2014,
7. Ibid.
8. Will Durant and Ariel Durant, The Story of Civilization, vol. 3, Caesar and Christ: A History of Roman Civilization and of Christianity from Their Beginnings to A.D. 325 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1944), 366.
9. Edward McNall Burns, Western Civilizations: Their History and Their Culture (New York: Norton, 1968), 237.
10. Salvian, The Writings of Salvian, the Presbyter, Fathers of the Church Patristic Series, trans. Jeremiah F. O’Sullivan (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University Press, 1947), 193–94, 222.
11. Niall Ferguson, “Complexity and Collapse: Empires on the Edge of Chaos,” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2010,
12. Zosimus, New History, bk. 5 (London: Green and Chaplin, 1814),
13. Bradford Richardson, “LGBT Activists Blame Christians for Orlando Attack,” Washington Times, June 13, 2016,
14. Editorial Board, “The Corrosive Politics That Threaten L.G.B.T. Americans,” New York Times, June 15, 2016,
15. William Watkinson, “ISIS Extremists Execute a Gay Man by Throwing Him off a Building, Say Activists,” International Business Times, July 23, 2016,
Chapter 4: The City of Man and the City of God
1. Michael Burger, ed., Sources for the History of Western Civilization, vol. 1, From Antiquity to the Mid-Eighteenth Century, 2nd ed. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015), 239.
Chapter 5: Choices That Change History
1. Rachel Cooke, “Living with Anxiety: Britain’s Silent Epidemic,” Guardian (UK), September 14, 2013,
2. Will Hutton, “Only Fundamental Social Change Can Defeat the Anxiety Epidemic,” Guardian (UK), May 7, 2016,
Chapter 6: A Dividing Wall of Enmity
1. The Venerable Bede, On Genesis, trans. Calvin B. Kendall (Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2008), 140.
2. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, ed., The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (Grand Rapids: MI, Eerdmans, 1986), 4:546.
Chapter 7: Confusion and Collapse
1. Louise Mensch, “Exclusive: France ‘Suppressed Reports of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan Massacre,” Heat Street, July 15, 2016,
2. Jonah Bennett, “French Prime Minister on Nice Terror Attack: ‘France Is Going to Have to Live with Terrorism,’” Daily Caller, July 15, 2016,
3. Rory Mulholland, “Normandy Jihadists Smiled at Nuns as They Slaughtered Priest,” Telegraph, July 30, 2016,
4. Fr. Mark A. Pilon, “Religious Blindness—and its Consequences—for Europe,” The Catholic Thing (blog), July 27, 2016,
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
Chapter 8: The Pattern of Babylon
1. Shelby Grad and David Colker, “Nancy Reagan Turned to Astrology in White House to Protect Her Husband,” Los Angeles Times, March 6, 2016,
2. Soeren Kern, “Meet the First Muslim Mayor of London,” Gatestone Institute International Policy Council, May 8, 2016,
3. Raheem Kassam and Oliver Lanes, “London’s Iconic Red Buses to Declare ‘Glory to Allah,’”, May 2016,
Chapter 9: The Clash of Cultures
1. Lawrence Wright, The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (New York: Vintage, 2007), 36.
2. Drew Desilver, “World’s Muslim Population More Widespread than You Might Think,” Pew Research, June 7, 2013,
Chapter 10: Warning Signs of Impending Judgment
1. P. Jooste, “An Audience with the Queen,”,; the author has paraphrased some dialogue for the sake of clarity.
2. Mark Woods, “Scotland’s Great Reformer: Who was John Knox?,”, April 6, 2016,
3. John Witte and Frank S. Alexander, The Teachings of Modern Protestantism on Law, Politics, and Human Nature (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), 246.
4. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Détente, Democracy, and Dictatorship, 3rd ed. (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2009), 87.
5. Scott Hennen, Grass Roots: A Commonsense Action Agenda for America (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011), 302.
6. Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs, “U.S. Departments of Justice and Education Release Joint Guidance to Help Schools Ensure the Civil Rights of Transgender Students,” news release, May 13, 2016,
Chapter 11: The Hope for a New Reformation
1. Glenn Sunshine, “Chiune Sugihara (1900-1986),” BreakPoint (blog), February 18, 2013,
2. Martin Luther King Jr., “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop,” Mason Temple (Church of God in Christ Headquarters), Memphis, Tennessee, April 3, 1968,, (minor changes in punctuation made by the author).
3. Thomas Jefferson, “Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists: The Final Letter, as Sent,” Library of Congress,
4. Megan Hart, “Spring Lake’s Christ Community Church Removes Cross, Changes Name to C3Exchange,” Muskegon Chronicle, June 23, 2010,
5. Michelle D. Anderson, “Spring Lake Church Plans to Reinstall Controversial Cross Removed in 2010,”, January 23, 2013,
Chapter 12: Finding Our Way Home
1. Hollie McKay, “Confessions of a Captured ISIS Fighter,”, July 13, 2016,
2. Ann O’Neill, “The Reinvention of Ted Turner,” CNN, November 17, 2013,
3. Harry Vom Bruch, “Vital Truth Illustration,” Grace and Truth: A Bible Study Magazine for Earnest Men and Women Everywhere, January 1932–December 1932, (Some quotes altered for clarity.)