The success of Awakened is due in large part to our amazing fans—thank you for always supporting Sal, Joe, Q, and myself. You truly are the best fans in the world. Huge thanks to my tireless, talented, charming friend and coauthor, Darren Wearmouth. Thanks to David Pomerico from Harper Voyager, Lisa Sharkey and the entire team from HarperCollins, and Karen Davies and the team from Harper360 for being the best in the business. Thanks to Susan, Carsen, Joseph, Nicole, and Chá—my fantastic colleagues and friends—for helping make all this creativity possible. Thanks to Jack Rovner and Dexter Scott from Vector Management, Nick Nuciforo and Brandi Bowles from UTA, Danny Passman from GTRB, Phil Sarna and Mitch Pearlstein from PSBM, and Elena Stokes and the team from Wunderkind PR. Our team is truly the best!
Mom and Dad (and my entire family)—love you all. Thanks for always being so supportive. Jiggy—sorry for chapter 1. Spear—you’re to blame for all this.
—James S. Murray
I’m proud of how this book turned out after James’s and my long hours of riffing, writing, editing, and shots of Jameson. He’s a great guy to work with and I deeply value our partnership. I’d also like to thank three other people. First, Paul Lucas from Janklow & Nesbit, who works tirelessly on my behalf. Second, David Pomerico from Harper Voyager. I’ve already said in the Awakened acknowledgments what David brings to the party, but his patience and understanding are also two admirable traits he possesses. Third, a person who shall remain nameless but who provided a constant source of motivation. Lastly, and most importantly, a huge thanks to you for reading The Brink.
—Darren Wearmouth