A number of economists who have specialized in Depression studies generously allowed me to abuse their time. Alex Field read an early draft of the book and saved me from a number of errors. I also learned much from interviews and follow up questions with Peter Temin, Barrie Wigmore, Barry Eichengreen, Charles Calomiris, Richard Jensen, and Rob Johnson.
Peter Goldmark and Richard Freeland were unusually close readers, and I profited from multiple suggestions from each. Others who read all or parts of a bulky manuscript and made helpful suggestions include Alan Silberstein, Claude Singer, Jamie Stewart, Chris Reid, Jon Weiner, and Andrew Kerr. Tom Gelinne checked my math throughout. My daughter-in-law, Jenn Morris, helped me recover pricing data from old NBER newsletters. Lisa Mataloni of the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis, a model civil servant, fielded a number of questions on the details of the NIPA accounts.
I have long enjoyed my association with Peter Osnos, both before and after his founding of PublicAffairs. Clive Priddle edited with a light touch and still greatly sharpened the manuscript. Melissa Raymond, the production wizard, turned in another bravura performance. Deborah Heimann was an unobtrusive, but thorough, copy editor. Pete Garceau and Jack Lenzo did the terrific jacket and text design. Jane Robbins Mize researched and assembled the illustrations.
For some years now, I have greatly benefited from the New York Public Library’s MaRLI program that provides access to its own and several other New York academic libraries for independent researchers. It is an essential air supply for writers.
And as always, my love and gratitude to my wife, Beverly, who has seen me through yet another book with her trademark affectionate good humor.