The market of info-graphic illustration can be an enjoyable and profitable career option for artists who have an innate knack for visually explaining tasks and activities in drawing form. From airline emergency brochures to fitness equipment instructional booklets to furniture assembly inserts, the need for clear and accurate informational art is limitless. There is a huge demand for this type of graphic drawing, and the illustrator who can simplify, clarify, and educate with their art can find a rewarding career in showing others “how-to” do everything and anything.
An offshoot of this market also includes the creation of informational graphic illustrations such as 2-D or 3-D charts, graphs, and diagrams. Those best suited for info-graphic art will have a good understanding of graphic design and are effective visual communicators.
Farewell to a Genius © 2014 Infographic World, Inc. / Justin Beegel
Shucking An Oyster © 2014 Joe McKendry