43. Poster and Limited-Edition Print Art

The poster and limited-edition print artist is perhaps the most independent of all illustrators and is in complete control of the subject matter chosen to illustrate, how it is published, and where it is sold. The illustrator personally finances the publication of prints (unless their work is picked up and published by a licensing company). Though sales of limited-edition posters and prints are driven by consumer demand, as is all commercial art, the topics for prints are as varied as the special interests of the artists themselves. The limited edition print market is a nice way to supplement the income of the illustrator who also has a hand in other markets.

Cooperstown Chamber Music Festival © 2005 Milton Glaser

Cooperstown Chamber Music Festival © 2004 Milton Glaser

Henry David Thoreau’s Concord Massachusetts © 2014 John Roman

Bigfoot © 2014 Santiago Uceda