Many thanks:
To my father, whose memory keeps me always striving to fight the good fight.
To Jonathan Merritt, for getting this book on track for me. At a time when pretty much all I could do was stare at the computer, he came along to save me.
To Thom Hartmann, for explaining so much of the world to me.
To Eleanor LeCain, for expert help and education.
To Ellis Levine, for consistent wisdom and good counsel.
To Mickey Maudlin, for putting up with me and encouraging me at the same time. A fiercely wonderful editor. Also, to Anna Paustenbach, Lisa Zuniga, Laina Adler, Courtney Nobile, Jenn Jensen, and Yvonne Chan at HarperOne.
To my daughter India, for being the most fabulous child a mother could ever hope for.
To Matthew Albracht, Steve Woods, and my brother Peter Williamson, all of whom added to my understanding of the issues discussed in this book.
To Wendy Zahler, Gina DeVee, Laurie DiBenidetto, Frances Fisher, David Kessler, Victoria Pearman, Alana Stewart, Tammy Vogsland, Paulette Cole, Kirsten Powers, Bruce Bierman, and Bill Seward for the many kindnesses shown.
As always, to the many friends both old and new whom I have met along the way. To readers and audience members . . . friends and teachers all. No words can adequately express my gratitude and love. You have given me such a beautiful life.