The beads were warm and smooth under Libby’s fingers. What would Jesus do? The necklace was just a thing. Yes, her father had left it to her, had wanted her to have it. But did it mean even more to Vanessa? Her father had asked Libby to give mercy and grace to Vanessa and Brent. What exactly did that mean?

Libby studied her sister’s face. Were those tears of pain or of anger?

Vanessa covered her face with her hands. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” Libby asked. “I’m trying to understand.”

“I don’t want your understanding. Or anything else from you. I just want my daddy back!” Vanessa whirled and rushed out of the room.

Tears sprang to Libby’s eyes too. Alec put his arms around her, and she buried her face in his chest. “What should I do?” she choked.

“What do you mean?”

She pulled away and touched the beads. “About this? Should I give it to her?”

“I don’t think I can tell you the right thing to do. What does your heart say?”

“I think Jesus would give it to her.” Her voice broke, and she swallowed hard. “It’s only a thing. I think I may have already gotten out of the necklace what my father hoped I would. But he wore it for over twenty years. I feel close to him when I’m wearing it. It’s all I have of him. So I want to keep it.”

“No one is making you do anything. It’s your choice.”

She studied his kind eyes. “You think I should give it up, don’t you?”

He shook his head. “I think Vanessa is acting like a spoiled brat, and I wouldn’t give in to her. But she’s not my sister. I’m not the one trying to be part of a family the way you are. I don’t know what the right answer is.”

“I don’t either. Vanessa is acting like a brat. But I see her pain too. I think I’m going to have to pray about this and see if God will give me some clear direction.”

“Let’s pray together.” His head touched hers.

She closed her eyes and listened to him pray for wisdom and discernment on how to best handle the family dynamics. No other person had ever prayed with her like this, about concerns that mattered so deeply to her. Her spirit bonded with his as they asked God for help.

“Amen,” she said when he was finished. “Thank you, Alec. You’re a good man.”

He shook his head. “I’ve got lots of faults, believe me.”

“I’m not seeing them,” she said, holding his gaze. “Thank you for caring enough to pray. I don’t know anyone else who would do that.”

His fingers touched her chin and tipped her face up. He leaned forward and his lips touched hers. Warmth spread through her belly and up her neck. His lips were firm and tender. No kiss she’d ever experienced affected her like this one. In his arms she felt safe and treasured. She palmed his face, relishing the feel of the stubble on his cheek. He was all man, yet the tender side of him was so godly, so strong.

She pulled away when Delilah called up the stairs. “Alec, phone call.”

“Sorry,” he said with obvious regret. “I’ll be back.” He went down the stairs.

Libby stared at the door to her father’s inner sanctum. There was no reason not to go inside. Before she could talk herself out of it, she fitted the key into the door and unlocked it. Her hand shook when she twisted the knob, and her knees were weak. She pushed open the door.

There weren’t many windows, so she flipped on the lights to illuminate the dim room. It contained a king-size bed with tan and blue linens. Pillows were heaped at the head of the bed. The walls were painted a creamy tan. The wood floors gleamed. Libby wandered around the room, picking up pictures and examining details. There were many photos of her father with Vanessa and Brent. Also ones of him on a big yacht with his wife.

If only she could have been part of his life. If only there was even one picture of her with her father. Libby turned back toward the door and spied a brown leather Bible on the bed stand. She picked it up and settled on the edge of the bed. The ribbon marked a passage in Hebrews 13. She skimmed it until she saw verse 16 highlighted in yellow.

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

She clutched the beads. God didn’t mean the necklace. She could share other things with Vanessa. But even as she argued with herself, a sick roiling in her belly told her the truth. God had answered Alec’s prayer with a clear message.

The question was whether she could make herself give up something so precious to her.


Debris still littered Oyster Road, and folks were out cleaning their yards. It was going to take a long time before Hope Beach looked like it did before the storm. Mud puddles were everywhere, and gulls swarmed the area, scavenging sea creatures that the waves had left behind. The air reeked of rotting fish and seaweed.

She sniffed the air. “Smells like the sea on a really bad day.”

“Careful.” Alec put out his hand to stop Libby from stepping in front of a kid on a motorbike.

The wind tugged strands of her shiny hair loose from the ponytail. She sure was pretty. He’d lain awake for hours last night reliving that kiss. Their attraction felt God-ordained to him.

He nodded toward a neat white bungalow that had been converted into a small café. “Mindy is usually getting an egg sandwich for her and Horace about now. Let’s see what she has to say about the note in Nicole’s purse.”

They crossed the street to the courtyard. Live oak trees shaded tables draped with red-and-white cloths. Inside, several residents spoke and nodded greetings to them as they threaded their way to where Mindy sat with lunch in one hand and a novel in the other. Her attention was on the book as she absently took a bite of her egg sandwich.

She looked up when Alec cleared his throat. Her gaze went from him to Libby and back again. She finished chewing and swallowed, then dabbed her napkin to her lips. “You looking for Horace? He’s not here.”

“Nope. We wanted to talk to you. Mind if we join you?”

She put down her book with obvious reluctance. “I don’t have long. Horace will be wanting his egg sandwich in another fifteen minutes.”

“This won’t take long.” He pulled out a chair for Libby, then settled into the one beside her. “We want to ask you a few more questions.”

Mindy hunched her shoulders. “I already told you everything I know.”

Alec brought out the note they’d found in Nicole’s purse. “I don’t think so.”

Mindy’s face went white. Her gaze darted from him to the note.

“Why didn’t you tell us you went parasailing with them?”

Mindy bit her lip and looked down at her hands. “It didn’t seem important.”

“Every detail is important. We have to retrace Nicole’s tracks and find out what happened to her,” he said.

Libby leaned forward in her chair. “What did you all talk about?”

Mindy took a sip of her pink lemonade. “Mostly business stuff. She talked to Brent about the sale of the inn.”

Libby shook her head. “By then he would have known I owned the inn, not him. So why would Nicole discuss it with him?”

Mindy looked down at her lap. “He wanted to know if she could talk you into giving up your inheritance. He thought she might have enough influence.”

“What did Nicole say?” Libby asked.

“That no one would be that stupid.”

Knowing Brent the way he did, Alec could only imagine how well that went over. “I’ll bet that ticked Brent off.”

“Yes.” Her admission was barely audible.

So that’s why Brent brushed them off when questioned about the parasailing event. If they knew there’d been an argument, he would draw suspicion.

Mindy glanced at her watch. “I need to get back to work.” She signaled to the server, who brought her the bill and a white lunch sack. She left money on the table and rose. “You aren’t going to tell Horace, are you? He wouldn’t like it if he knew I’d gone out with them. She was a client.”

“If Brent had anything to do with Nicole’s disappearance, it’s going to come out sooner or later,” Alec said. “You should tell him yourself.”

Mindy shook her head violently. “He’d fire me in a heartbeat. I know Brent had nothing to do with it, so I’m safe.” She scooped up the bag and headed out through the dining room and into the courtyard.

Alec sat back in his chair. “I think we’d better talk to your brother. He knows more about this than I thought.”