I’m so glad you picked up Without a Trace, book one in the Rock Harbor series! This series holds a special place in my heart. The town of Rock Harbor has become almost as real to me as my own hometown. My sincere hope is that you’ll come to love Bree, Samson, and the rest of the folks as much as I do.

My grandmother used to have a poem she kept in her Bible called “The Hound of Heaven.” I read it so often that I practically memorized it. Through that poem, the idea that Jesus truly seeks us out became so real to me. And so very precious. When I discovered as an adult how amazing trained search-and-rescue dogs are, I knew I had to write about one and use that poetic analogy of the divine Hound of Heaven. Without a Trace and the Rock Harbor series were born out of that desire.

My grandmother was the greatest influence in my life, and I take it as the highest compliment when people tell me I’m very much like her. Writing the Rock Harbor series was like passing on some of the things I learned from her. So, more than any other book I’ve written, Without a Trace is my tribute to her. I hope you enjoy reading the series as much as I enjoyed writing it!

And do email me and let me know what you think. I love to hear from my readers. Email me at and visit my website at

Also, there are more books set in Rock Harbor on their way to you. Watch for my first children’s book, all about my precious granddaughter, Alexa Grace. Her “Punky” book is coming in July 2013—set in Rock Harbor of course! It’s titled The Blessings Jar. And there are more Rock Harbor children’s books in the works. Rock Harbor Search and Rescue releases in April 2013 and Lost and Found will be out in October 2013. They feature Emily, the young girl in Without a Trace. She’s fourteen now and has a search dog of her own.

Happy reading!