Chapter Twenty-Four

An hour later, over in his trailer, Seth was in the shower, thinking about Bethany. He wished she didn’t have to leave. She was the sexiest woman he had ever met. The way she made love made him tingle right then as he thought of her. He let himself think about the planes of her stomach, the softness of her skin, and the way she kissed—it was just so good. Seth’s cock hardened, thinking about her.

Bethany finished her work and returned to see Seth. When she walked into the trailer with the familiarity of a lover and found him in the shower, he was holding onto himself. His other arm was braced against the tiles and with his head under the water spray, he didn’t hear her.

Bethany pulled her T-shirt off. She reached into the shower and ran her fingers down his backbone. He spun around in surprise, saw it was Bethany, and his eyes darkened with passion as the water ran down his face.

She looked at his erection and then into his eyes. He stepped toward her just as she stepped to him and their mouths met. She kissed him, her hands going straight down his body to tease his erection. Then she ran them over the backs of his thighs and pressed against him.

Seth smiled against her lips.

“I was just thinking about you and how I wish you didn’t have to leave.”

“I can tell, but I’m not going until tomorrow. I want you so much right now.” She kissed him between phrases.

He held her close. His tongue made little darts into her mouth and against her lips. He unclipped the bra she wore to free her breasts. He moved it aside to suck on one breast as he found the other nipple with his fingertips. His hands were cool from being wet.

Bethany pushed her body against his.

Seth lifted his head. “Make love to me.”

He walked her to the bed and sat her down. He leaned over her and kissed down her stomach. He took hold her bra then, running his fingers down her arms as he slid it off, and dropped it on the floor. He trailed his fingertips along the top of her low-rise jeans from one hipbone to the other.

Bethany closed her eyes in anticipation.

Seth couldn’t wait and unzipped her jeans. He pulled them and her black lace shorts off together.

She opened her eyes as he leaned over her again. When he kissed her, she wrapped her legs around his waist and he thrust into her. She was wet and tight and wanted him. Seth buried himself in her.

Bethany made little sounds of pleasure against his lips and He sighed, leaving his lips against the side of her mouth, pulling back from her only to thrust into her again.

She whispered his name, meeting him thrust for thrust.

“Seth, I want more…and more…”

He moved his cock in and out of her. “You can have as much as you want. I never want to stop. I want to make you sweat and feel me for hours after we have made love. I want it to feel as if I am still inside you. I want the thought of my fingers in you—the thought of my tongue making you come.”

His thrusts were slow now and slid along her bud. He lifted her, moving his hands under her bottom.

She felt his fingertips in the soft insides of her thighs. It was this sensation that made her come. She thrust onto him, moaning and gasping against his face as he moved back to kiss her lips. He lifted his head and put his forehead against hers as his orgasm overtook him.

“Bethany.” He couldn’t say anything else.

They stayed like that for a full minute, breathing against each other. Seth nuzzled into the soft part of her shoulder and then closed his eyes.

He slid his cock gently out of her and lay beside her, tracing her breasts with his fingers and kissing her face.

“I have to admit to wishing you never have to leave. I’ve started to want you around all the time.”

She sighed. “I feel the same about you. It’s not easy to leave, believe me.”

Turning to nestle against the side of his body, she pressed her hips against him. He kissed her and felt her wanting him, wanting more. He wanted to give her more. He trailed his fingers against her inner thighs. He kissed down her stomach. He held her thighs apart and licked her bud until he knew from her breathing, that she was nearly coming again.

He pushed a finger gently into her, while circling her bud with his tongue. As she moaned and moved her hips towards his fingers, Seth felt a wave of love for her. She trusted him, and wanted him. The depth of her pleasure filled him with love. He felt real love—probably for the first time. Bethany came against his lips and fingers.

She reached for his head, guiding him from between her legs to kiss him.

He took her kiss, loving her reaction to him, and what he could do to her.

She held him close.

“Have you had many lovers?” she asked.

The question surprised him. He leaned away from her and looked into her eyes.

“No, why?”

“Because you are so very good at sex. I thought maybe—” She left the sentence unfinished.

Seth grinned with delight. “Thank you. I just enjoy being with you. That’s the way you are too—so good and it drives me nuts. You make me so hard, as if that’s all I am—one big erection.”

Bethany laughed. “That’s funny, but also really great.”

He took a deep breath. He wanted to tell her he had fallen in love with her. She hugged him close.

He hugged her back but his voice betrayed his love. “I have to get going to makeup soon. What will you do today? There’ll be a break about four hours into shooting as we change to the little town set; maybe you can have coffee with me then?”

Bethany nodded. “I will. I’ll come over to the sets as soon as I meet with Jake. We have a new job in London on Friday. The new files were mailed to us. Since we are not leaving today, I said we could read them together and pre-plan.”

Seth stood up and dressed. He watched lovingly as Bethany collected her jeans and then went back to the shower area to find her bra and T-shirt.

They kissed each other as they met again in the little kitchen and Seth made coffee. He put his arm around her and hugged her into his side. She turned and hugged him.

The buggy scheduled to pick Seth up for his scenes arrived. Seth looked at Bethany and his expression was soft.

“See you later then.”

She reached up and kissed him. “See you later.”