Chapter Twenty-Nine
Before Bethany left the set, she glanced back at Seth—just the once—and saw him walking purposefully toward the next scene location. She asked the runner to hold off driving away, walked out of earshot, took out her cell phone, and called Jake.
“Hi, Jake. What’s happening?”
“Brandt feels we should stay. Things have to be a little more professional though. He doesn’t know about you and Seth. I think if he did, we would have been pulled out to London and the other team would come down here to sort out Seth’s stalker.”
Bethany frowned. “I really doubt it’s a stalker.”
Jake sighed. “Why’s that? The person knows about you and Seth. How could they unless they were watching him closely?”
Maybe Jake was right and Seth was in danger. “I think I’ll go and watch Seth, rather than come back to the trailer. I still have the note with me. We need to do something to get this person out in the open. Right now, I am their target and I can handle that. I’ll think of a strategy to get them to show themselves.”
Jake took a deep breath. He let it out and said, “You be careful. In fact, do nothing until I’m with you. I’ll come over right now.”
Bethany answered, “I’ll be at the castle set.” Then she hung up.
She let the buggy driver know she would no longer need a ride and followed a few extras going back to the set. A small group of them stopped by the row of technical equipment and chairs. The director, was there talking with Seth.
Bethany watched the way he stood, moved, and gestured. She sighed with pleasure.
Seth glanced around him before he went onto the castle walkway and saw Bethany. He broke into a smile. His expression was laden with such emotion the director noticed and followed his gaze. Bethany gazed back at him tenderly.
* * * *
Niall was hovering around in the background. He would be the actual person falling from a great height after one of the movie characters ran along the ramparts and fell. The action had been blue screened the day before but needed more shots. Niall was sorry it wouldn’t be Seth he replaced in a fall from the ramparts because then he would have more contact with him.
He saw Seth’s smile and the woman looking back at him as if she were innocent and loving. It made him ill. He turned away, wondering how he could show Seth the woman was unfaithful.
Right now, work had to go on and everyone had taken up their places.
There were a few half hour scenes shot. Then, as the final call came to break and reassemble for a different scene, Niall walked from around the lumps of scenery, which hid him from view so that he was not in the camera’s scope as they filmed. He looked for Bethany.
What he saw amazed him. She stood close to the man he had seen her with in the canteen marquee. They were talking and smiling. Niall stopped walking and looked around for Seth. He couldn’t see the actor because Seth was down below the shoulder line of the other actors on his piece of fake castle operated by hydraulics. Niall watched as the man with Bethany suddenly turned, and walked off. He was soon lost in the crowd of extras who were finished for the day.
Niall saw Seth walk swiftly to Bethany and touch her arm. He didn’t need to do anything else to show Niall that this woman meant a lot to him.
Niall sighed, turned away with a heavy heart. Maybe he should tell Seth about the woman—just come out with it, or maybe he would casually drop around to the actor’s trailer and tell him. Seth would know who Niall was. They just weren’t friends. Niall knew he couldn’t cope with friendship given his love for the man.
Niall wandered away to talk with another stunt person. They were doing a tandem jump the next day.