City Point Va. Aug. 16th 1864.
Hon. E. B. Washburn,
Dear Sir:
Your letter asking for Autographs to send to Mrs. Adams, the wife of our Minister to England, was duly received. She had also sent to Mr. Dana for the same thing and his requisition, he being with me at the time, was at once filled. I have directed Col. Bowers to send with this a few of the original dispatches telegraphed from here. They have all been hastily written and not with the expectation of ever being seen afterwards but will, I suppose, answer as well as any thing els, or as if they had been written specially for the purpose of sending.
We are progressing here slowly. The weather has been intolerably warm, so much so that marching troops is nearly death.
I state to all Citizens who visit me that all we want now to insure an early restoration of the Union is a determined unity of sentiment North. The rebels have now in their ranks their last man. The little boys and old men are guarding prisoners, guarding rail-road bridges and forming a good part of their garrisons for intrenched positions. A man lost by them can not be replaced. They have robbed the cradle and the grave equally to get their present force. Besides what they lose in frequent skirmishes and battles they are now loosing from desertions and other causes at least one regiment per day. With this drain upon them the end is visible if we will but be true to ourselves. Their only hope now is in a divided North. This might give them reinforcements from Tenn. Ky. Maryland and Mo. whilst it would weaken us. With the draft quietly enforced the enemy would become dispondent and would make but little resistence.
I have no doubt but the enemy are exceedingly anxious to hold out until after the Presidential election. They have many hopes from its effects. They hope a counter revolution. They hope the election of the peace candidate. In fact, like McCawber, they hope something to turn up.
Our peace friends, if they expect peace from separation, are much mistaken. It would be but the begining of war with thousands of Northern men joining the South because of our disgrace allowing separation. To have peace “on any terms” the South would demand the restoration of their slaves already freed. They would demand indemnity for losses sustained, and they would demand a treaty which would make the North slave hunters for the South. They would demand pay or the restoration of every slave escaping to the North.
Your Truly