My appreciation to the hundreds of mothers who e-mailed to me their stories of applying respect to their sons and the incredible effects it had on the spirit of their boys, so much so that the mothers felt strongly about contacting me and telling me about the Respect Effect!
My deep gratefulness to my wife, Sarah, who prayed constantly while I wrote this book that God would use this message to encourage mothers in the same way He had spoken to her heart as well as touch the hearts of boys everywhere.
My thanks to Matt Baugher and his W Publishing Group staff at HarperCollins that served editorially in the final stages of this book. I especially value Matt’s words after he read the manuscript, which I hope will be the experience of every person: “I am pleasantly floored by the power and impact of this manuscript.”
My salute to Kevin Harvey, who did what he does well: rearrange words, sentences, and paragraphs so the pieces of the puzzle fit better together (or should it be “fit together better”?).