1337 Edward III claims the throne of France
1340 French navy defeated at Sluys
1346 The English defeat the French at Crécy
1347 Calais falls to the English
1350 Death of Philip VI of France and succession of John II
1356 The Black Prince defeats and captures John II at Poitiers
1360 The Treaty of Brétigny—Aquitaine surrendered to the English
1364 Death of John II of France and succession of Charles V
1369 Charles V ‘confiscates’ Aquitaine—hostilities recommence
1372 Poitiers and La Rochelle admit French troops
1373 John of Gaunt leads his great chevauchée from Calais to Bordeaux
1376 Death of the Black Prince
1377 Death of Edward III and succession of Richard II
1380 Death of Charles V of France and succession of Charles VI
1381 Peasants’ Revolt in England
1383 Expedition of the Bishop of Norwich to Flanders
1386 The French prepare to invade England but then abandon the plan
1389 Truce of Leulinghen between French and English
1399 Deposition of Richard II and succession of Henry IV
1407 Murder of the Duke of Orleans by agents of John, Duke of Burgundy
1412 The Duke of Clarence leads a chevauchée from Normandy to Bordeaux
1413 Death of Henry IV and succession of Henry V
1415 Henry V invades France, captures Harfleur and wins the battle of Agincourt
1417 Henry V begins the conquest of Normandy
1419 Rouen falls to the English. John, Duke of Burgundy is murdered by Armagnacs. Alliance between Burgundians and English
1420 Treaty of Troyes; Charles VI recognizes Henry V as heir to the French throne and Regent of France. The English occupy Paris
1421 Duke of Clarence defeated and killed by the Armagnacs at Baugé
1422 Deaths of Henry V and Charles VI. Henry VI of England recognized as King of France north of the Loire while only France south of the Loire recognizes Charles VII
1423 The Earl of Salisbury defeats the Dauphinists at Cravant
1424 The Regent Bedford defeats the French at Verneuil
1428 The Earl of Salisbury begins the siege of Orleans
1429 Sir John Fastolf defeats the Dauphinists at the ‘Battle of the Herrings’. Joan of Arc relieves Orleans and defeats Fastolf and Lord Talbot at Patay. Charles VII crowned at Rheims, but Joan fails to recapture Paris
1430 Capture of Joan of Arc
1431 Burning of Joan of Arc. Coronation of Henry VI at Paris
1435 Death of the Regent Bedford. Treaty of Arras between Charles VII and the Burgundians who abandon the English alliance
1436 Charles VII recaptures Paris
1441 Fall of Pontoise to the French—the last English stronghold in the Ile de France
1444 Truce of Tours between French and English
1448 The English surrender Maine to the French
1449 Charles VII invades Normandy and takes Rouen
1450 English defeated at Formigny. All Normandy falls to the French
1451 Charles VII conquers Guyenne
1452 At the invitation of the Guyennois, Lord Talbot reoccupies Bordeaux
1453 English defeated at Castillon and finally lose Bordeaux